Agenda item

School Admissions Arrangements and Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-2025

To consider a report by the School Place Sufficiency Manager.



The School Admissions Manager introduced the School Admissions Arrangements and Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-25. They were a group of statutory documents that were needed for allocating school places.


Members asked questions related to catchment areas, school transport, and reducing numbers of pupils at school. The School Admissions Manager advised members that:

·         There were no plans to make changes to school catchment areas.

·         There were consultations when there was a proposal to change a catchment area.

·         The Portfolio Holder speaks to local members when there were significant consultations on schools.

·         There needed to be a consultation if academies wanted to change their admission numbers.

·         The Local Authority may submit an objection during a consultation.


Members also made the following comments:

·         Children going to schools where they were not entitled to free school transport could lead to a financial burden on the family.

·         The Armed Forces Policy was welcomed due to the number of armed forces families living in Dorset.

·         All Dorset schools should be rated good or outstanding.


Proposed by Cllr Ezzard, seconded by Cllr Lugg.



That the following policies that make up the School Admissions Arrangements and Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-25 be recommended to Cabinet for approval:


1.         Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Timetable 2024-2025

2.         Primary Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-2025

3.         Secondary Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-2025

4.         In Year Co-ordinated Scheme 2024-2025

5.         Admissions Arrangements for Community & Voluntary Controlled Schools 2024-2025.

6.         Admissions to Maintained Nursery Units Policy 2024-2025

7.         Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2024-2025

8.         Guidance on Placement Outside of Normal/Chronological Age Group 2024-2025

9.         Armed Forces Policy 2024-2025



Supporting documents: