Agenda item

New Premises Licence for We Out Here Festival

To consider a new premises licence for We Out Here Festival.


The Senior Licensing Officer presented the report for a new premises licence We Out Here, Wimborne St Giles, Dorset. Environmental Health and Dorset Police had requested a number of conditions to be added to the licence which the applicant had agreed.


The conditions included the change of hours of the sale of alcohol to the following times Wednesday 14:00-23:00, Thursday 11:00-03:00, Friday 11:00-04:00, Saturday 11:00-04:00, Sunday 11:00-03:00, Alcohol on Friday and Saturday to be 04:00 and 05:00 hours for 2024 and beyond with prior written permission from Dorset police, now agreed.


All parties were given the opportunity to ask questions of the Senior Licensing Officer.


The applicants were given the opportunity to state their case. The solicitor for the applicant presented his observations of the report and covered the key points such as, there were no other Responsible Authorities objecting to the application, the road would be slowed from a 60 to a 30 Mph speed limit for public safety, and it is a well-planned event, which would focus on jazz and world music.


There had been pre-application consultation with all authorities, dialogue and discussion with the safety advisory group, and an experienced sound consultant employed to manage and assess noise levels. Any concerns about noise will be investigated, with a helpline and state of the art facilities. Challenge 25 will be enforced; staff will undergo training and the event will provide a cultural benefit.


Councillors asked the applicant questions regarding the difficulty of finding the festival and that signposting, and advertisement was needed. The background and effectiveness of the traffic management plan, setting a date for the debrief, days that the festival will operate, clarification of the term family event, keeping families safe, supporting families with the helpline, supply of water and the security of the site were discussed.   


There was an adjournment for 5 minutes.


Mr Lithgow made a representation as he lived near the site, and stated he would likely hear noises but was confident that the applicant employed experienced staff. He supported the dark sky designation but felt that the event would have a small impact on the area.


Mr Burden from the Cranborne Chase AONB group, informed the Sub-Committee of the potential impacts on the AONB such as, noise, light creating a sky glow effect, additional visitors, and the disturbance to tranquillity.


He highlighted the Council’s duty under section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to have regard to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the AONB’s natural beauty when exercising or performing any of its functions.


In response to Mr Burden’s comments, the solicitor asked for it to be recorded that they will continue to engage fully and comprehensively with the Cranborne Chase AONB Group.


All parties were given the opportunity to sum up their case prior to the sub-licensing committee adjourning to make their decision.

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