Agenda item

6/2021/0342 - Use of lake for recreational activities (outdoor swimming) and retrospective siting of shipping container to provide changing room facilities - Swineham Farm Bestwall Road Wareham BH20 4JD - Elizabeth Adams ( deferred at the 22 Feb 2023 Committee to allow notice to be served on a landowner)

Use of lake for recreational activities (outdoor swimming) and retrospective siting of shipping container to provide changing room facilities.


With the aid of a visual presentation, the Case Officer explained the planning application to Members. Details including photographs of site access and proposed design of changing rooms were provided. Members were informed that following the receipt of bird survey details Natural England were satisfied that the site would not have any negative impacts on protected species. The Case Officer also informed members that woodland management had been included to improve the area for nature. An amended condition was proposed to require the provision of temporary toilet facilities during the swimming sessions. The Officer’s recommendation was to approve.



Public Participation

Mr Patterson spoke in objection to the application. He believed that use of the small private road serving the site was not acceptable nor suitable. He also discussed biodiversity as well as the environmental consequences and flooding risks. Mr Patterson also raised his concerns regarding light pollution. He hoped members would refuse the application.


The applicant spoke in favour of the application. Ms Weeks informed members that traffic would be restricted due to the restricted number of swimmers. She informed members that the site was only open twice a week and would only be open during the summer months, therefore, there would be no light pollution. The applicant discussed the water quality and informed members that there were no risks. Ms Weeks reinforced that bird species would not be impacted and told members that she’d be happy using a portable toilet again. She hoped members would approve permission in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.


Mr Pratten spoke in favour of the application. He believed that the use of the site had no adverse impacts on biodiversity and enhanced appreciation of nature. He also praised the health benefits that the site would have on residents both physically and mentally. Mr Pratten informed members that swimmers were mindful of nature and showed a greater interest. He supported the officer’s recommendation to approve.


Members’ questions and comments

·       Professional swimming lake which would be a good benefit to the local area.

·       Responsibility of maintenance for road surfacing and parking clarified.

·       Clarification regarding species of bird on the lake.

·       Controlled management of swimmers and ecological structure.

·       Additional condition for temporary period of 5 years starting from the date of decision proposed to enable the impacts on biodiversity to be monitored.

·       Comments regarding biodiversity, the character of the AONB and Greenbelt openness. 

Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to approve the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett and seconded by Cllr Robin Cook subject to updated condition 10 in the officers report and the additional condition for the use permitted to be for a temporary period of 5 years starting from the date of the decision with the use to be discontinued and any associated paraphernalia removed from the land on or before 6 April 2028.


Decision: To approve the officer’s recommendation to grant subject to amended and additional conditions.


In accordance with Procedural Rule 8.1 the committee voted to extend the duration of the meeting.



Supporting documents: