Agenda item

P/RES/2022/06180- Common Mead Lane, Gillingham

Erect 80 No. dwellings, carry out works to form associated infrastructure and public open space. (Reserved matters application to determine appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No. P/OUT/2021/04019); and discharge Condition Nos. 7 (Arboricultural Method Statement) and 18 (Electric Vehicle Charging Scheme) of Outline Planning Permission No. P/OUT/2021/04019.


The Case Officer gave an update as follows:

·       Dorset Council Highway Engineer was satisfied that amended plans had addressed concerns.

·       The applicant wanted it made known that 5 units within the scheme would be fully wheelchair accessible. Also, that they were prepared to undertake further tree planting in the northern field.

·       Additional condition proposed to remove permitted development rights for the insertion of new first floor windows in the northern gables of Plots 1 and 7, in the interests of adjoining amenity.

·       A typo in the report related to the wildlife corridor, which should have read 7m in width, rather than 9m.


With the aid of a visual presentation, The Case Officer showed members aerial photographs and a map of the site. In addition to this, details were also provided regarding site access, changes in design of dwellings, as well as the proposed location and design of affordable housing units. Members were informed that additional planting had been reconsidered by the Applicant and that more plantations would be on site. The Case Officer’s presentation also provided artist impressions of the street scene elevations and provided members with further information regarding the SUDS basin and the management of it. Further details about wildlife corridors and distribution of house types across the site were discussed. The officer’s recommendation was to grant.


Public Participation

The agent spoke in favour of the application. Mr Cross informed members that a lot of work had gone into the development and assured them that the development would be completed to a high standard. He discussed the inclusion of affordable housing on the site as well as the benefits of the public open space. Mr Cross had worked with Gillingham Town Council and local primary schools to discuss the educational purposes of biodiversity which would be created from the public open space. He asked officers to accept and approve the officer’s recommendation.


Mr Briggs spoke in objection of the development. He believed that it was a sensitive site and residents did not deem it acceptable. He felt that the site didn’t meet the character of the area and were concerned about road width for emergency vehicle use. Mr Briggs was pleased about the inclusion of wildlife corridors but did not feel it was good enough. He urged members to refuse the application. However, he made note that if members did grant, residents would hope that further conditions could be added, especially regarding working hours and wildlife corridor maintenance.


Members questions and comments

·       Members asked for points of clarification on tree planting conditions set out in the officer’s report.

·       Clarification regarding allocated parking for affordable housing and whether the road was sufficient for on street parking and passing of emergency and refuse vehicles.

·       Members questioned as to whether there had been any negotiations with Gillingham Town Council regarding allotments on North facing field.

·       Condition the inclusion of accessibility in affordable housing for disabled residents. Prior to any development above slab level, a scheme indicating the location of 5 wheelchair accessible dwellings (to include at least one of the affordable units) shall be submitted to and agreed by the Local Planning Authority.  The agreed scheme shall be implemented before the development is brought into use.

·       Members had hoped for more use of renewables and needed points of clarification regarding Low carbon gas boilers.

·       Members requested an amendment to Landscaping condition 6. The hard, soft and Masterplan landscaping works detailed on approved drawings must be carried out in full during the first planting season (November to March) following commencement of the development or within a timescale to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The soft landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the agreed details and any trees or plants which, within a period of 10 years from the completion of the development, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. 

·       Members felt that the applicant had done a reasonable job and that it was a good use of materials and design. They also believed that the setting on the conservation area had been mitigated the best that it could.

·       Members were pleased with the inclusion of bird boxes.

·       Boundary treatment of wildlife area.

·       Condition for sustainable development and water efficiency. Therefore, the development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until a water efficiency calculation in accordance with the Government's National Calculation Methodology for assessing water efficiency in new dwellings has been undertaken which demonstrates that no more than 110 litres of water per person per day shall be consumed within the development, and this calculation has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority; all measures necessary to meet the agreed waste water efficiency.

·       Condition to protect amenity and the character of the area. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no additional windows or other openings permitted by Class A of Schedule 2 Part 1 of the 2015 Order shall be inserted at first floor level in the northeast elevations of Plots 1 and 7 hereby approved.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to approve the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Jon Andrews, and seconded by Cllr Carole Jones. Subject to the amended conditions 6 and 7. As well as the added conditions of water efficiency, protection of the character of the area and accessibility for disabled people. 


Decision: To grant subject to conditions.


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