Agenda item

P/2022/00536- Land at Lower Blandford Road, Shaftesbury Dorset

Erection of upto 7 dwellings with associated highway and drainage infrastructure and landscaping (outline application to determine access only).


With the aid of a visual presentation, the Case Officer explained the planning application to members. Details including photographs of site access, proposed designs, site location and surrounding settlement boundaries was discussed. The Case Officer discussed visibility splays and provided information regarding the belt of trees adjacent to the site. Members were informed that the applicant had responded significantly to officer concerns and had reduced the number of dwellings. The Case Officer discussed the Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan and the protection of trees. The presentation also included details of the public right of way. The officer’s recommendation was to grant.


Steve Savage, Transport Development Manager, informed members that the site was considered acceptable in terms of layout and design. Members were informed that the crossing would be subject to agreement and gave details regarding speed surveys carried out in 2019 which showed the site to be a low traffic generator. The Transport Development Manager also discussed no segregated footways on Blandford Road. Highways supported the proposed application.


Public Participation

The agent spoke in favour of the application. He discussed the location of the site being entirely on the settlement boundary of Shaftesbury. He informed members that the applicant had responded to previous concerns and had reduced the original number of dwellings proposed. Mr Foster felt that the development supported the local need and felt the harm didn’t outweigh the benefits.


Ms Hunt spoke in objection to the application. She felt that the proposal had a negative impact on the entrance to Shaftesbury and created severally high traffic movements. Ms Hunt informed members that the approval of the site would join town and countryside together. She also discussed the elevation of the site being intrusive to neighbours. In addition to this, wildlife corridor damage and environmental losses.


Both Town Councils and the Local Ward Member objected to the proposed development. They felt as though it would cause a significant amount of harm to the buffer between the town and villages. Destruction to good established trees, wildlife and impacts on biodiversity was also discussed. Members were informed that the elevation of the site would impact visual harm and would result in a loss of privacy. They felt as though Shaftsbury did not need any further developments and did not believe that the site entrance was acceptable, due to being near a busy roundabout. The Ward Member also highlighted concerns regarding refuse vehicles not being able to safely access the site. They also requested for further surveys to be carried out as they did not feel the current ones reflected the real traffic movements of the site. Cllr Somper felt as though the increased traffic and pedestrian crossings would create danger for residents when crossing an even busier road. They hoped members would reject the proposal.


Members questions and comments

·       Confirmation on an uncontrolled crossing

·       Clarification on the use of the public rights of way

·       IOWA Policy clarification and the weight that they attach.

·       Members also questioned the housing supply delivery.

·       Shaftesbury has had a lot of developments already.

·       Members felt that the site was sensitive and important.

·       Adverse impacts on the area.

·       Doesn’t contribute to affordable housing.

·       Members felt the site was an important buffer zone between town and village.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to refuse the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Tim Cook and seconded by Cllr Belinda Ridout.


Decision: To overturn the officer’s recommendation to approve and refuse planning permission as the proposal would encroach on the green area between Shaftesbury and Cann and cause adverse visual harm to the character of the Important Treed Area, specifically the setting of the protected trees and the experience from the public rights of way network, which would be contrary to Policy SFGI1 of the Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan and policy 4 of the North Dorset Local Plan, First Revision.  These adverse impacts significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits derived from the development.


Supporting documents: