Agenda item

Application No 1/D/11/002012 - South West Quadrant, St Michael's Trading Estate, Bridport

Develop land by the erection of 83 dwellings (48 houses and 35 apartments), new and refurbished commercial floor space, associated car parking and new vehicular and pedestrian accesses following demolition of some commercial units. Make repairs to flood wall immediately west of 'Tower Building'. Appearance and landscaping reserved for further approval. (Further revised scheme).


An Appendix – July 2017 Report has been attached to this item for information only.


Cllr Clayton left the Council Chamber at 10:17.


With the aid of a visual presentation the Lead Project Officer presented the planning application to members. The location of the site within Bridport was outlined to members, as well as an ariel view of St Michaels Trading Estate. The Lead Project Officer detailed the location of the nearby listed buildings and heritage assets.


Photographs of the site were displayed, including photos of the non-designated heritage assets that were located within the application boundaries and of other buildings within the site, which showed the size and scale of the existing buildings. The Lead Project Officer explained that there was a variety of light industrial commercial units operating within the site, including a record shop and café.


It was explained that there was a range of housing proposed on this development ranging from 1-bedroom flats to 4-bedroom houses and that the affordable housing mix had been reduced since the last application, following a viability assessment submitted by the applicant. The Lead Project Officer noted that although the affordable housing mix had been reduced, this was outweighed by a number of considerations including the fact that the development would still contribute to the need for housing within Bridport and would develop a brownfield site.


The key planning issues were summarised by the Lead Project Officer, who noted the benefits of increased housing, open space and improved employment spaces, which would create more jobs for the local area.  The proposal was not considered to harm the AONB or cause harm to the Bridport Conservation Area.


Public representation was received from the applicant Mr Ridley, who emphasised the importance of developing a sustainable brownfield site and the economic benefits that this application would provide for the local economy in Bridport.


In response to questions from members the Lead Project Officer stated the following:

·       The estimated net number of jobs that would be created from this development was around 100, based on improving the commercial spaces.

·       There had been extensive negotiations around this application regarding affordable housing and the independent District Valuer Service had determined that the amount of affordable housing agreed at the previous committee was no longer viable.

·       The figures in the report about the need for housing in Bridport are from February 2023 and show a high need for both 1 and 2 bedroom homes.


Several members recognised the important contribution that this development would make in providing more homes in Bridport.


Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr O’Leary.

Decision: That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement with the following heads of terms:


1) 14 affordable dwellings (a minimum of 70% social / affordable rent and a maximum of 30% intermediate affordable housing) to be provided in accordance with an agreed Affordable Housing Scheme with the phasing of 1/D/11/002012 and WD/D/16/002852 interlinked via a phasing plan in the Section 106 Agreement based broadly on Phasing Plan Ref. SM1 Rev A received April 2023 and Phasing Breakdown dated June 2022;


2) Agreement and subsequent implementation of an “Employment Buildings Refurbishment Scheme”, (based broadly upon Appendix C Regeneration of Commercial Estate of the Design and Access Statement submitted in support of the application) with the phasing of 1/D/11/002012 and WD/D/16/002852 interlinked via a phasing plan in the Section 106 Agreement based broadly on Phasing Plan Ref. SM1 Rev A received April 2023 and Phasing Breakdown dated June 2022;


And subject to the planning conditions in the appendix to these minutes.



That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out below if the S106 Legal Agreement is not completed by 15th December 2023 (6 months from the date of committee) or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement:


1. In the absence of a satisfactory completed legal agreement to secure affordable housing and an employment buildings refurbishment scheme, the development would be contrary to Policies HOUS1 and BRID5 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan (2015) and Policies H1, H2 and COB4 of the Bridport Neighbourhood Plan.

Supporting documents: