Agenda item

3/19/2077/RM- Land North of Ringwood Road, Alderholt, SP6 3HZ

Reserved matters application pursuant to Outline Planning permission (Allowed at Appeal under application 3/16/1446/OUT) for the approval of the "appearance", "landscaping", "layout" (including internal access road, parking and turning areas) and "scale" for the development of Land North of Ringwood Road for 45 homes, landscaping and associated ancillary works.


The Case Officer gave members an update:

  • The Section 33 legal agreement facilitating Bickton Fish Farm credits to be used in the Dorset Council Area is now complete (dated 3 July ’23)
  • The applicant has included a clause within the Deed of Variation for this application to secure phosphate credits from Bickton Fish Farm as required by the recommendation.
  • A compliance condition for landscape management will be added to the list of conditions:

o   The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted Landscape Ecological Management Plan DD350.R01 REV D dated 31.03.23.

Reason: To protect the landscape character of the area and to mitigate, compensate and enhance/provide net gain for impacts on biodiversity

  • Informative regarding construction hours and bonfires to be added:
    • The Construction Management Plan required by Condition 9 of PA 3/16/1446/OUT shall include the following details:

§  Hours of construction - 08:00 and 18:00 weekdays, 08:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays and no work on Sundays or Public Holidays

§  No bonfires on site at any time

  • Clarifications in the officer report include:
    • 5.1: The site does not just comprise ‘open land’. It includes Hawthorns (a dwelling) and various horticultural/ agricultural buildings.
    • 15.4.10: reference to the design code is incorrect.
    • 15.5.4, 15.5.8, 15.5.9, 15.5.13: to clarify, separate landscaping conditions are not required, approved landscape plans are listed in condition 1 and the landscape management plan condition has been added.  
    • 15.7.2 – refers to a net increase of 44 dwellings – 45 dwellings are proposed but 1 dwelling replaces the existing dwelling associated with the nursery on site.



With the aid of a visual presentation including illustrative plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Members were informed of the history of the site and a table of proposed residential development was presented. Photographs including designs of the elevations and views of the site were included, in addition to this the Case Officer also discussed the inclusion of affordable housing and informed members of the reasons as to why there had been a reduction, which was approved at committee in February 2023.. House types and mix were also a point of discussion, members were informed that there would be a mixture of 1–4-bedroom dwellings.


The Case Officer outlined the refuse storage and collection as well as the proposed site access and drainage strategy. Members were informed that there would be 116 parking spaces, including 14 visitor spaces and additional cycle stores. Details regarding landscaping, boundaries and protection of existing trees and hedging were discussed. The Officer’s presentation also highlighted the proposed public open space across the site and informed members that the LEAP space was considered acceptable. Details of the nutrient neutrality assessment and SANG were also discussed. The officer’s recommendation was to approve.



Public Participation

Mr C Walker spoke in objection of the application. He raised several concerns regarding phosphate mitigation and compared it to noise, smell, and chemical pollution. He did not feel as though the site was acceptable and hoped members would refuse the application.


The agent spoke in support of the application and praised the officer’s report and comprehensive presentation. Mr R Lofthouse discussed the nutrient neutrality assessment as well as the agreed SANG. He also spoke of the housing mix which would be included across the site which he felt made a significant contribution to the local housing need. The agent praised the design as it was appropriate to the character and appearance of the area. Mr R Lofthouse assured members that they were committed to the site and completing the development.


The Parish Council addressed the committee and informed members that they had read the officer’s report thoroughly. Cllr G Logan requested to review a slide from the officer’s presentation and raised concerns regarding the footpath, therefore, she hoped officer’s and members would agree for this not to be built on this site. Cllr G Logan also discussed the existing hedgerow as she was under the impression that it would be retained and enhanced. The Parish Council hoped that the boundary would be enhanced. Officers agreed an amended plan would be submitted to remove the footpath in question.


Members questions and comments

·       Security of the site boundary raised concerns.

·       Relocation of fish from Bickton fish farm.

·       Pleased that the roads can be adopted.

·       Clarification around the reduction of affordable housing.

·       Clarification around communal drying areas in the apartment block.

·       Concerns around additional on street parking and whether the width of roads would be sufficient.

·       Questions regarding management of the attenuation pond.

·       Clarification around cycle and pedestrian site access

·       Members were pleased to see a mixture of housing types, particularly the inclusion of bungalows.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to grant the officer’s recommendation to approve planning permission as recommended with the addition of the amended plans to remove the footpath requested by the Parish Council, was proposed by Cllr Robin Cook, and seconded by Cllr Alex Brenton.


Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report, additional condition and informative presented and the amended plans to exclude the footpath (delegated to officers).

Supporting documents: