Agenda item

Dorset and BCP joint Local Transport Plan 4 development

To consider a report of the Strategic and Policy Team Manager.


The committee received and considered a report of the Strategic and Policy Team Manager which provided an overview of the preparations for the new joint Dorset Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) with Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP Council) and set out the joint approach to developing the new plan and the key milestones through to planned adoption in spring 2025.  The committee was invited to consider the report and provide comments on the planned approach.


The Strategic and Policy Team Manager gave a presentation to provide an overview of the key issues.  He also noted wording to be added to the end of recommendation 2 as set out in the report as follows: “…and Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment.”


Councillors considered the issues arising from the report and during discussion, points were raised in the following areas:


·       Support was expressed across the committee for the plans for the new Local Transport Plan including the move to vision-led planning to improve the lives of people and close links and alignment with the emerging local plan

·       The importance of considering where development including housing was put, was noted

·       A suggestion was made that meetings of the Joint Governance Board be conducted openly and that councillors were able to attend to listen to discussion and ask questions.  It was noted that this could be considered

·       The importance of communication and engagement was considered in terms of addressing the challenges faced and changing behaviours.  A communications and engagement strategy was to be developed and these issues discussed with the public and stakeholders

·       The Climate Executive Advisory Panel was to be convened to include discussion in these areas

·       The timescale for receiving awaited guidance from government in this area, was discussed and the potential impact this could have on the timetable for the adoption of the plan.  In the meantime, work was being undertaken including data gathering to assess priorities

·       Issues around the Bus Service Improvement Plan were considered, including discussions taking place with local MPs, and work in this area continued, although it was noted this was separate to the LTP process.  A bus user and stakeholders’ group was in place which councillors could feed comments into

·       The alignment of public transport timetables was being considered

·       The need to work closely with planning and housing was recognised in terms of transport planning and the need to consider the promotion of schemes such as community car schemes to get people to essential services.  It was acknowledged that the emerging local plan and LTP needed to be fully integrated

·       The different needs and challenges of the Dorset Council and BCP Council areas were recognised and it was noted that there would be two separate implementation plans

·       A point was noted that safe transport for women and girls was a principle that should run though development of the plan

·       The approach to collecting evidence and data in the development of the plan was discussed

·       The engagement list would be reviewed and developed.


The Chairman read out the recommendation including the addition of the wording ‘“…and Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment’ to the end of recommendation 2.  In addition, the Chairman noted that a recommendation would be included that meetings of the Joint Governance Board be conducted openly and that councillors were able to attend meetings to listen to the discussion and ask questions.


It was proposed by S Jespersen seconded by V Pothecary.


Recommendation to Cabinet


1.    That Cabinet considers the report and notes the comments of the Place and Resources Overview Committee on the approach for the development of the new joint LTP4 as set out in the minute extract of the meeting.


2.    That responsibility for the development of the new joint LTP4 is delegated to the Corporate Director Economic Growth and Infrastructure and Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment.

3.    That the meetings of the Joint Governance Board be conducted openly and that councillors are able to attend meetings to listen to the discussion and ask questions.

Supporting documents: