Development of up to 80 residential dwellings, together with open space, allotments and enhanced drainage features (outline application to determine access only).
The Lead Project
Officer presented the application for the outline permission for up to 80
dwellings. Members were shown the location of the application site within Broadmayne and it was noted that the site fell outside of
the Defined Development Boundary. The site was made up of 30% Grade 2 and 70%
Grade 3a agricultural land, which was classified as very good and good.
The Lead Project
Officer showed photographs of the site and the surrounding area and explained
that the south of the site was affected by surface water flooding. The
application included a 45% contribution to affordable housing, which had been
increased from 35% and 80 dwellings, which had been reduced from 90. It was
also noted that the applicant had the intention of providing an affordable
housing contribution of 100%, however this had not been secured.
Members were
informed of the planning benefits of the application, which included 80 new
dwellings, 45% of which would be affordable, the SANG and biodiversity
benefits. There had been 144 public objections to the application and common
objections included, the impact on the AONB, the impact on the character of the
area and the scale and density of the development.
The Lead Project
Officer noted that because Dorset Council could demonstrate a five-year housing
land supply, full weight ought to be given to the Local Plan and due to the
application site falling outside of the Defined Development Boundary and the
loss of agricultural land the application was in conflict with policy SUS2 in
the Local Policy Plan.
representations were received from Mr. Mason, Mr. Eason, Mr. Cady, Mr. Stubbing
and Cllr Diamond in opposition to the application. Their concerns included, the
large scale of the development, which would increase the population of Broadmayne by around 10% and the lack of services to
support this population increase. The development falling outside of the
Defined Development Boundary and the significant local opposition were also
Mr. Stone a
representative of the applicant, Mr. Jones and Cllr Carr-Jones spoke in support
of the application. They noted that there was a need for affordable housing
within Dorset and this scheme would deliver a range of different types of
In response to
questions from members the Lead Project Officer answered with the following:
· The
applicant is only able to commit to providing a 45% contribution to affordable
housing but have the intention of providing 100% subject to funding.
· Allocation
of the affordable housing would follow the standard procedure.
Several members
felt that the application was in contradiction to local policies and should be
refused on those grounds.
Proposed by Cllr
Worth and seconded by Cllr Cocking.
Proposal to refuse
permission for the application failed.
Other members felt
that this application provided a positive contribution to much needed housing
in the area and the 45% contribution would benefit the local housing market.
Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Wheller.
Decision: That the
application be deferred to a subsequent meeting for members to consider the
wording of planning conditions given that the committee were minded to approve
the application subject to the completion of a legal agreement and suitably
worded planning conditions.
Supporting documents: