Outline Application for mixed use development comprising up to 141 dwellings (Use Class C3) and 60 bed care home (Use Class C2), with up to 340 sqm associated leisure floorspace comprising gym, swimming pool / spa (Sui Generis); up to 1,186 sqm office /light industrial floorspace (Use Class E(g)); up to 328 sqm restaurant floorspace (Class E(b)); with associated car parking, public open space, public realm, cliff stabilisation & sea defence works, with vehicular and pedestrian access from Newtons Road & associated infrastructure - some matters reserved (appearance & landscaping)
The Lead Project Officer presented the application for a mixed-use development inlcuding of 141 dwellings and a 60-bed care home.
Members were shown a map outlining the site location within Weymouth and the boundaries of the application site. The Lead Project Officer explained the history of the site and that most of the site was located within Flood Zone 1, however small portions of the site were in Flood Zones 2 and 3. There were also heritage constraints with the site, due to it being partly located within the Weymouth Town Conservation Area.
Members were shown various photographs of the site from different points, as well as photos of the site in its previous usage for the MOD and QinetiQ. The planning history of the site was also provided along with visualisations of the 2016 proposal, which had been approved previously.
The Lead Project Officer explained the details of the application and provided illustrative plans of the proposed development, showing the density of the development and the proposed height and scale.
A viability assessment had been submitted as part of the application, which determined that the scheme was only viable as a 100% open market development with an off-site affordable housing contribution of £48,000. It was considered that there were other benefits of this development that outweighed the lack of full affordable housing contributions.
The Lead Project Officer summarised the key issues with the application and noted that the World Heritage Trust had withdrawn their objection, the level of traffic and noise was not considered to be harmful and although there would be an impact on visual amenity, this was balanced against the benefits of the development.
Public representation was received from the applicant, Mr Dean and their agent, Mr Tarzey, who spoke in support of the application. Cllr Sutton, the Ward Member, also spoke and expressed concern over the lack of affordable housing contribution and suggested conditions to improve residential amenity.
The Transport Development Liaison Manager addressed the committee in regard to highways and parking issues. It was explained that the development was considered to be acceptable in terms parking provision and that traffic levels were predicted to be lower under this proposal than the previous proposal in 2016 or the previous usage of the site by the MOD and QinetiQ.
In response to questions from members the Lead Project Officer provided the following responses:
· A viability review at a later date wasn’t considered to be appropriate, and the level of financial contribution would be tied down in the Section 106 agreement.
· Flood modelling had been completed as a part of the application to determine the effects of wave overtopping on the site and the Environment Agency had no objections subject to conditions.
· Cliff stabilising protective works had been included as a condition to address any concerns over coastal erosion.
Members were in agreement that there were no issues with the development being proposed.
Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Cocking.
Decision: That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement and the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.
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