Erect 12 No. dwellings, form vehicular access from Motcombe Road and carry out other associated works.
With the aid of a
visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer
identified the site which was situated with an existing residential development
and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members.
Photographs of the proposed site layout plan, distant views towards the site
location and initial and amended street scenes were also included. The
landscape scheme was also discussed, and members were informed that there were
no issues regarding design and appearance. The Case Officer’s presentation also
highlighted parking which was considered acceptable by highways. The
recommendation was to grant subject to conditions and completion of section 106
agreement or refuse if the development failed to secure obligations by 24th
April 2024 or such extended time as agreed by Head of Planning.
Residents of
Motcombe spoke in objection to the application. They highlighted their concerns
regarding pedestrian safety as Motcombe was surrounded by narrow country roads
which weren’t safe to walk. The development of more houses would add to road
traffic due to additional residents and construction workers. Flooding and
sewage were also another concern for residents. They felt as though this had
been ignored and were not satisfied by the planning officer’s response. The
management of the attenuation pond and an increase in surface water flooding
due to climate change were also a cause of discussion. Residents explained that
flooding was already an issue due to other developments and an additional would
be unforgiveable. In addition to this, residents also raised concerns regarding
the proposed materials. They did not feel as though they were in keeping with
the area and were disappointed that there was no inclusion of solar panels or
electrical charging points. On balance, residents felt that another development
would impact privacy of neighbouring properties, additional road users would
impact the climate and an increasing danger for road users. They also did not
feel as though there was a sufficient drainage strategy, and the development
would impact the character of the area. They hoped members would refuse the
officer’s recommendation.
The agent spoke in
support of the application. He commended the quality of the officer’s report
and presentation. Mr Miell informed members that the site was intended to be a
high-quality residential development. He highlighted to members that the economy
had changed and there had been a gap within the housing market, therefore the
proposal was not viable to include affordable housing. Mr Miell discussed the
housing mix and the character of the development. The site was not within the
flood zone and was supported by drainage strategy. He hoped members would
support the officer’s recommendation.
Cllr Dunlop spoke
in objection to the application. He referred to the neighbourhood plan and had
concerns regarding the deliverability of the proposal. He did not feel as
though residents’ sewage and flooding concerns had been addressed and felt as
though there would be significant damage to properties from overlooking and
flooding. Cllr Dunlop reiterated concerns regarding road safety. He had noted
the objections from residents and did not have confidence in the proposal and
could not identify any public benefits.
questions and comments
· Clarification
regarding safety of road users and nutrient neutrality.
· Confirmation
on proposed materials for the road surface and surface water drainage.
· Queried
flooding assessments and drainage strategies.
· Clarification
on the location of attenuation pond.
· Concerns
regarding an increase in flooding.
· Members
did not feel as though the design and materials were in keeping with the area.
· Lack
of affordable housing
Having had the
opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of
all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the
written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to REFUSE
the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as
recommended, was proposed by Cllr Les Fry, and seconded by Cllr David Taylor.
Decision: To refuse the application for reasons of
inappropriate design (cladding materials and layout) and landscape, being too
formalised, linear and urban in character which was
not appropriate to an edge of village setting, and that insufficient details of
the surface water drainage have been submitted to satisfy concerns that the
development could lead to unacceptable impacts by exacerbating surface
water/sewage in the locality.
Supporting documents: