Agenda item

P/FUL/2022/04653- Pier View Flats, Seymer Road, Swanage, BH19 2AQ

Bin store within the curtilage of Royal Victoria & Pier View Apartments.


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Details of the proposed elevations, site location and existing bin storage facilities were included. Members were informed that the site was within the settlement boundary as well as the curtilage of grade 2 listed buildings within the Swanage conservation area and the Dorset AONB. Impacts on the heritage assets and neighbouring amenities were also discussed. The recommendation was to grant subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report.


Public Participation

Mr Joy thanked members for undertaking site visits. He felt as though the proposal was a health and safety risk to residents and would have detrimental impacts on the listed buildings. He set out his concerns about the location of the proposal and the impacts that the exposed bins would have on neighbouring properties. Mr Joy understood the need but did not feel the proposal was acceptable as all properties would have exposed bins and they would be completely visible. He also raised concerns about privacy as he felt the proposal would be highly damaging and would result in a loss of privacy and amenity for residents of Peter’s Hole. In addition to this, the spoke of the wide metal gates which was also considered as an intrusion. Mr Joy felt that there were substantial risks to environmental health and referred to section 16 of the NPPF. He felt further discussions with the applicant were needed and therefore, urged members to refuse.


The Local Ward member, Councillor Trite, also addressed the committee. He asked councils to carefully consider the views of residents. Cllr Trite noted the minor amendments to the proposal but did not feel that there was anything of significance. The Local Ward member felt that the exposed bin store would be an additional nuisance and it would detract from the views of the listed buildings. He considered that there were more suitable areas within the curtilage which wouldn’t have such adverse impacts. Cllr Trite emphasised section 16 of the NPPF and urged the committee to refuse.



Members questions and comments

·       Questions relating to the size of the bin store not meeting the local need and not being future proof.

·       Significant impact on the setting of the listed buildings.

·       Members judged that the site visit was very informative and thanked the planning officers but still had concerns regarding the proposal.

·       Members did not feel as though the bin store location was suitable and considered it would have visual impacts, causing harm to the conservation area.

·       Clarification was sought regarding distance from bin store to properties and environmental health requirements.

·       Concerns were raised about impacts from smell, flies, vermin and noise.

·       Confirmation of conditions set out in the officer’s report.

·       Noted issues regarding overlooking.

·       Members did not feel as though the bin store conformed with Dorset Council’s waste policy requirements.

·       Less than substantial harm to heritage assets was not judged to be outweighed by public benefit.



Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to REFUSE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett, and seconded by Cllr Robin Cook.


Decision: To refuse the officer’s recommendation for approval.

Refuse for the following reasons:

1. The proposed bin store by reason of its open nature, elevated design and close proximity to the residential dwelling known as Peter’s Hole would result in demonstrable harm to neighbouring amenity by reason of overlooking, noise associated with rubbish deposits and collection and odours, contrary to policy D of the Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 and paragraph 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


2. The bin store, by reason of its scale, location, open design which will allow views of the bins from the public footpath and associated odours would result in less than substantial harm to the setting of Grade II listed Pier View Flats, Royal Victoria Hotel and Peter’s Hole. The harm is not outweighed by the public benefits of accessible bin store provision; the store has insufficient capacity for the identified waste storage needs of the units it is intended to serve. The proposal is contrary to policy LHH of the Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 and section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2023).


Supporting documents: