Agenda item

P/FUL/2023/00350- 124 Ringwood Road, Longham, BH22 9AW

Change of use from existing Car Showroom building (sui generis) to Bakery (use class E), with external alterations including addition of air conditioning/extraction.


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and  photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Details of the history of the site, impacts on nearby listed buildings and neighbouring amenities were discussed as well as noise mitigation through attenuation barriers and waste collection. Illustrations of the existing site and proposed designs were included.


Members were also informed of concerns raised by objectors including those relating to highway safety, but were advised there were no objections from the Highways Team in terms of safety and the proposal complied with parking requirements. The Case officer explained that the application was supported by a noise report which evidenced that conditions could be used to control noise levels of plant. She also explained how conditions had been identified to limit harm to the amenity of residents of the adjoining dementia care home from the proposed use. The Case officer concluded that subject to conditions the proposal was not anticipated to be harmful to the amenity of nearby residents, or visual impacts on the area. The recommendation was to grant subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report.



Public Participation

Ms Willis spoke on behalf of residents. She considered that the development was intended to serve motorists and did not maintain the character of the area. It didn’t enhance the setting or village assets and didn’t meet the needs of residents. She explained that residents were concerned about the impacts on historic building and the green belt. Ms Willis highlighted that there are existing eating establishments in the area and residents were concerned that the site would be used by workers in larger vehicles. Objectors did not feel that there was sufficient parking however, they welcomed the operating hours proposed.


The agent spoke in support of the application. He thanked the officer for their thorough report and presentation. Mr Sutton highlighted to members the company pledge and that there had been no objections from statutory consultees. He noted that the site was within the green belt but discussed job creation and contributions to local communities. The agent felt that the site was a sustainable development and hoped members would support the officer’s recommendation.


Cllr Hanson Graham spoke on behalf of residents. He informed members that 48 residents had complained about the proposal. He discussed that the site had been empty for a long time and if approved it would negatively impact residents. Cllr Hanson Graham also discussed the highways implications and the proposed operating hours. He also expressed concerns regarding potential for anti-social behaviour.


The local ward member spoke in objection to the application. Cllr Robinson felt as though the proposal wasn’t in keeping with the area and highlighted to members that the site location was surrounded by historic buildings and was adjacent to a residential care home. The local ward member also discussed concerns relating to traffic and vehicles parking illegally. She strongly objected to the application.



Members questions and comments

·       Clarification regarding public objections in the officer’s report and residential properties within proximity to the site.

·       Confirmation on location of air conditioning units and delivery access.

·       Concerns regarding an increase in traffic and large vehicle usage.

·       Insufficient vehicle parking.

·       Infrastructure to ensure safety of customers using the site.

·       Clarification on additional parking to the rear.

·       Confirmation that the acoustic barrier details should be secured to ensure that it would be sufficient to mitigate impacts.

·       Clarification regarding current use of the site.

·       Concerns raised relating to the impact on the residential care home and residents.

·       Tree plantation and landscaping opportunities, especially on the boundary with the care home.

·       Clarification that EV charging points were not proposed.

·       Endorsed concerns relating to the character of the area and the green belt from residents.

·       Amendment to conditions 7 and 9 of the officer’s report and amendment to landscaping conditions.

·       The need for a condition to prevent vehicular access outside of operating hours.



Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett, and seconded by Cllr Alex Brenton.


Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for approval subject to amendments to conditions 5, 7, 9  and an additional condition to secure barriers.



Supporting documents: