Demolition of dwelling and erection of four dwellings.
With the aid of a
visual presentation including plans and photographs, the Case Officer
identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning
considerations to members with reference to relevant Development Plan policies
and government guidance. Photographs of the site and its context were shown.
The Case Officer informed members that the site was within character areas
identified by the Purbeck District Townscape Character Appraisal Supplementary
Planning Document and the Swanage Local Plan.
The site also lay within the Dorset Heathland and Poole Harbour
recreation zones but could rely upon mitigation provided by Supplementary
Planning Documents to avoid harm to these protected sites. Members were
provided with information on the site’s planning history, particularly
highlighting a previous appeal decision and previous planning applications
which had been refused. The officer’s presentation identified the relationship
with adjoining properties, proposed mitigation to prevent overlooking and
identified that some overshadowing of neighbouring properties to the north
would arise. Members were informed of the work that the applicant had done in
response to previous concerns regarding the scale and materials of the
proposal. Street scene plans were provided to illustrate how the development
would relate to neighbouring buildings. Members were informed of the intentions
for access to be provided from an unadopted road to the west and proposed
conditions to secure parking areas. The officer’s recommendation was to grant
planning permission subject to conditions.
Mr J Cain spoke in
objection to the application on behalf of the owners of the Grey House (25/27
De Moulham Road). He noted that the proposal had gradually reduced in size
however, he considered the three-storey proposal would cause harm and represent
an overbearing development. He identified harm to the wider setting and AONB
and referred to the officer’s report which stated that the development was
bulky in scale. He considered it would be inconsistent to judge the proposal
anything but overbearing and was concerned that it was situated on a higher
site. Mr Cain urged members to consider Purbeck Local Plan and Swanage Local
Plan policies, NPPF guidance, and consider the long-term impacts that granting
permission would have on the character of the area.
Mr A Davies spoke
on behalf of the applicant. He highlighted to members the work that the
applicant had done to respond to previous concerns and objections, there would
be no overlooking to ‘Oceana’, and no habitable windows faced either neighbour.
He commented that the Town Council had not objected to an earlier application
for redevelopment on this site. He identified that the photographs in the
officer’s presentation demonstrated a visual gap and contended that there was
room for development on the site which would integrate into the street scene.
Mr Davies referenced the AONB and informed members that the proposal
contributed to the Purbeck housing supply. He hoped members would support the
officer’s recommendation for approval.
The Local Ward
Member addressed the committee and discussed the proposal before members. He
considered the various applications had steadily changed from bad to
undesirable. Cllr Trite felt that it
would pose a threat to neighbouring properties due to the severity of
overlooking. He also considered that building up to the boundary with number 25
would result in a loss of amenity to neighbours from overlooking and loss of
sunlight, noting that the ground floor of no. 25 De Moulham Road was below the
height of its side garden. He opined
that the height, scale and design wasn’t in keeping with the area as number 23
is on the brow of a hill and the new building will appear over prominent from
the seaside, Peveril Point and elsewhere. He believed that it represented over
development and was against local public interest. He referenced the earlier
appeal decision and the main issues identified by the inspector at appeal and
considered that the application still failed to meet policy requirements, was
against the public interest, and hoped members would refuse the application.
questions and comments
Clarification regarding the finished floor
levels and site access.
· Members
were pleased that the applicant had responded to previous concerns raised.
· Members
felt that the design was more appropriate and noted that there was no harm
considered to the AONB or character of the area.
· Clarification
regarding potential brick/stone banding on the north elevation
· Clarification
regarding roof lights.
Having had the
opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of
all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the
written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to approve
the officer’s recommendation to grant planning permission as recommended, was
proposed by Cllr Mike Dyer, and seconded by Cllr Barry Goringe subject to
conditions set out in the officer’s report and an amendment to the materials
condition to add in a requirement for details of a brick/stone band on the
northernmost unit to be submitted for agreement and an additional condition to
secure the second floor rooflights in the northern-most and southern-most units
to be obscure glazed and fixed shut.
Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for approval subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report and an amendment to the materials condition to add in a requirement for details of a brick/stone band on the northernmost unit to be submitted for agreement and an additional condition to secure the second floor rooflights in the northern-most and southern-most units to be obscure glazed and fixed shut.
Supporting documents: