Agenda item

Extra Care Housing Strategy & Accommodation with Support Programme

To consider a report by the Programme Manager – Accommodation with Support.



The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care introduced the report.


The Corporate Director for Adult Commissioning and Improvement and the Corporate Director for Housing gave a presentation on the strategy. The presentation explained what extra care housing was, where it was already located in Dorset, and the need for more extra care housing. The 5 strategic priorities for extra care housing were outlined. There were two sites already identified: Wareham and Bridport, and two further sites would be commissioned, developing at least 240 properties over the next 10 years. The council would procure a partner to enter a strategic partnership to develop the 4 projects.


Members discussed the report and asked questions of the officers. The following points were raised:


·         There would be potential for at least 60 units on each site. There was a need to explore where there was need for affordable to buy and rent.

·         The strategic partnership with a developer would ensure that the council and developer worked together. Rents would be the same as the housing register and there would be no greenbelt development.

·         The 4 sites would be a starting point and there could be more in the future. It would provide some provision in areas which did not have any. It could encourage other developers to run similar schemes.

·         There was a concern about whether assets would remain with Dorset Council or the developer. In response, members were advised that no firm decision had been made on assets, at this stage, but the expectation was that land would transfer to the development partner. The strategic partnership and separate governance arrangements and development agreement for each site would ensure that the council had control over what was delivered on the sites. The developer would bring their own expertise and experience in developing extra care housing sites.

·         There was also a concern that if tenants could purchase the homes then there would be less provision in the future, and it could be passed on to someone who many not need care. There would be restrictions around future use of properties so there was continual use of the extra care element.

·         Leases would state who could live in the properties so that families would sell the property to the right person, or for it to be brought back by the company.


Members explored the option of the council delivering the schemes directly as a local authority, rather than through a developer, which would include advertising new positions and attracting people to new roles at the council. Members were supportive of recommending this as an option for Cabinet to give further consideration, alongside the recommendations in the report. Officers advised that this option would require significant redevelopment of the strategy and the financial implications would need to be fully considered. 


Proposed by Cllr Jon Orrell, seconded by Cllr Jindy Atwal.




That the committee make the following recommendations to Cabinet:


1)    To adopt the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement and Appendices as Dorset Council’s publicly stated strategic direction as part of the suite of Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategies


2)    To approve in principle the use of Dorset Council land assets to deliver these development projects, with the inclusion of specific sites to be agreed by the Executive Lead for the Place Directorate and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration.


3)    To approve public procurement for a Strategic Development Partner as the preferred delivery mechanism, and to approve commencement of this procurement process.


4)    To delegate to the Executive Director for People (Adults) and the Executive Director for Corporate Development, acting jointly:

a.    To agree the terms for the agreement with the Strategic Development Partner,

b.    To award the Strategic Partnership Agreement to the preferred bidder. The final award decision shall be made in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public Health, Environmental Health, Housing, Community Safety and Regulatory Service, and the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care.


5)    To approve that the terms of the property related transactions (whether freehold, leasehold, or contractual dispositions) will be agreed in project-specific development agreements with the selected Strategic Development Partner.


6)    To approve that the decision to complete each development agreement will be taken by the Executive Director for People (Adults and Housing), the Executive Lead for the Place Directorate and the Executive Director for Corporate Development acting jointly.




7)    To investigate and give further consideration to the option of delivering these developments directly.



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