Agenda item

P/OUT/2022/04113 - Land off Blackfield Lane, West Moors, Ferndown, BH22 0NH

Outline application for erection of a church & care home with associated parking & an area for biodiversity enhancement (all matters reserved except access and scale)


The Case Officer reminded members of the application before them and noted some of the key information which was shown in the officer’s presentation at the previous committee. This included details such as the application site in relation to the settlement boundary as well as highlighting the Local Plan Policy. All matters were reserved except for access and scale. The Case Officer also provided the following updates since the committee report on Wednesday 13th March 2024:


·       Update to the housing land supply.

·       Extension of time agreed to 1st May 2024 which was required due to the committee’s decision of deferral.

·       References to use class D1 had changed to refer to F1, in connection with public work or religious instruction as set out on March 13th Committee report.

·       References to close care had been changed to nursing care.

·       References to church/community hall had been changed to church in response to public representations.

·       Comments received from Adult Social Care Team added to section 9.7 of the report.

·       Reference to the Dorset Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment which had been added to section 15.6 of the report.

·       Summary of comments received from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service were added to section 9.7 of the report.

·       Summary of local representatives received prior to the previous committee meeting by Monday 15th April 2024 had been added to section 9.4 of the report.

·       Origin Transport Consultant post committee added to the list of local resident reports submitted under section 9.5 of the report.



The following conditions had also been added as set out below.


·       Renewable energy and water efficiency condition added.

·       The number of bedrooms conditioned to 60 and the number of storeys limited to 2 stories high. The reason for this was to protect the character of the area and prevent over development of the site. 

·       Grampian condition was required for the removal of the utility pole at Station Road junction.

·       Removal of permitted development rights for F1 use class added.

·       Condition 15 LEMP – had been amended with the addition required in relation to Dorset Heathland fires.


The Case Officer discussed the site visit which had been carried out on Wednesday 17th April between 2:30-4pm. Highlighting that member had now viewed the site and the junction and had looked at alternative routes. The officer also discussed the comments which had been received post committee in relation to development from local residents, the summary of these comments could be found in section 9.5 of the report and full comments were available online. In summary, the officer’s recommendation had not changed, therefore, the recommendation was to grant permission subject to conditions listed in the officer’s report and the updated conditions.


Public Participation

Representations made by the public for this item were heard at the previous committee meeting which was held on Wednesday 13th March 2024.


Members questions and comments

·       Clarification on the differences between a care home and a nursing home as well as clarity on the intended use of the proposed church.

·       Entitlement to approve part of the proposal and assess them as separate applications.

·       Members referred to the site visit which was undertaken on Wednesday 17th April 2024 and raised concerns regarding visibility splays on the junction. Cllr Bartlett asked the Highways Officer to confirm the timeframe of the data. 

·       Possibility for the implementation of pedestrian crossings.

·       Confirmation on traffic flow of the proposal, the traffic analysis, and the collision data.

·       Members felt that the site visit undertaken was useful and very informative.

·       Concerns were raised regarding the roads surrounding the site and referred to collision explorer.

·       Members referred to slide 21 of the officer’s presentation and requested further confirmation regarding heathland fires, evacuation plans and the ecological management plan of the site.

·       Unsatisfactory junctions and road width.

·       Clarification provided in relation to the history of flooding on the proposed site.

·       Clarification of the maintenance of the ditches on site and the history of flooding in relation to slide 37 of the officer’s presentation.

·       Members were not convinced that the church was the best use of land and did not feel as though the speakers from the previous committee highlighted need for the church use.

·       Concerns regarding the type of care to be provided.

·       Clarification sought regarding noise impact.

·       Clarification sought regarding heathland mitigation.

·       A motion to split the decision and approve the care home in line with the officer’s recommendation and refuse the officer’s recommendation to grant the Church, was proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett, and seconded by Cllr Robin Cook, subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report and updated conditions set out by the planning officer. The proposal fell at the vote and was therefore not carried.

·       A motion to approve the officer’s recommendation to grant planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Toni Coombs, and seconded by Cllr Shane Bartlett. The proposal fell at the vote and was therefore not carried.



Proposed by Cllr Shane Bartlett, seconded by Cllr Robin Cook.

Decision: That in accordance with procedural rule 19.5 a recorded vote was taken.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion

to overturn and REFUSE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr David Tooke, and seconded by Cllr Mike Dyer.


Those in favour of the proposal: Cllrs David Tooke, Mike Dyer, and David Morgan.

Those against the proposal: Cllrs Shane Bartlett and Robin Cook

Those who abstained: Cllr Barry Goringe, Cllr Alex Brenton


Decision: To overturn and REFUSE the officer’s recommendation for APPROVAL for the following reasons:


·       Highways - The increased use of the existing junction of The Avenue with Station Road by traffic movements associated with the proposed development would, by virtue of the limited visibility to the north for vehicles using the junction, would have been likely to prejudice the free flow of traffic and conditions of general safety and was considered to have an unacceptable impact on highway safety, contrary to paragraph 115 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2023.

·       Traffic Noise - The proposed development would have detracted from the living conditions of those nearby with specific reference to noise and disturbance, particularly in relation to Sunday early morning services at the proposed church. As such there would have been conflict with Policy HE2 of the East Dorset Core Strategy and paragraph 191 (a) of the NPPF 2023 in so far that it seeks to prevent development that would have an undesirable impact through noise and disturbance.

·       Heathlands - Whilst mitigation is proposed on site, based on the information that was provided, it could not have been safely concluded that the scheme with the proposed mitigation measures secured would have avoided an adverse effect on the adjoining internationally designated sites. As such, the proposal was contrary to policy ME1 of the East Dorset Core Strategy and paragraphs 186 to 188 of the NPPF 2023.

·       Efficient use of land - In the absence of evidence of need for the church, the proposed development did not make efficient use of land, contrary to paragraph 128 of the NPPF 2023.


Supporting documents: