An application has been made to review the premises licence for the bar currently known as Rocky’s in Queen Street, Gillingham. The application has been out to public consultation and has attracted relevant representations. A Licensing Sub-Committee must consider the application and representations at a public hearing.
The Senior
Licensing Officer introduced the report. Which was a hearing to consider an
application brought by the current ward member in Gillingham on behalf of the
residents. When the review was made, the licence was held by the Carter Group
but during the course of the review the licence was transferred to Scott Rock.
Mr Rock had been running the premises for a number of years. There had been
complaints from residents to licensing on and off for a number of years some
being noise related. Residents were then asked to contact Environmental
Protection (EP) and the review application form had been offered but nothing
had come in until now. It was confirmed that the licence had been a 24-hour
licence since 2006.
Cllr Rideout
informed the Sub-Committee that she had been contacted by the residents of
Queen Street. As the residents had been impacted by issues such as, antisocial
behaviour shouting, vomiting, and urinating on a regular basis and security was
the main concern. Rocky’s bar was located on a quiet residential street, a
bar/restaurant had always been there and was the only premises that opened late
night hours. The residents did not want
the bar to be closed and recognised that it was an important venue which gave
young people a place to socialise. She covered the history of the bar and added
that communication had broken down with residents. Since 2021, there had been
an escalation of antisocial behaviour and residents had logged numerous
incidents with EP and the Police. She went through various incidences that had
taken place in 2023 and 2024 which related to drunk customers coming out of the
Premises and being violent and disorderly in the street immediately in front of
the Premises.
Cllr Rideout
explained that customers spilled out onto Queen Street to drink and smoke from
late evening into the early hours of the morning, residents had witnessed loud,
abusive, and violent behaviour with the Police being called on several
occasions. Residents had witnessed the front entrance to the Premises being
left unattended by security staff during a violent incident on the street
outside the Premises. She concluded that residents needed security to be
improved and stricter conditions to ensure that customer behaviour was
monitored and addressed. She wanted the Sub-Committee to reconsider the hours
during which permitted activities took place, the security arrangements and
reducing the noise. She added that it was an untenable situation which had led
to intimidation, anxiety, and isolation of residents in their own homes.
Cllr Rideout
responded to questions from the Sub-Committee. She informed that a closing time
of 2 am on the weekend would be suitable and two door supervisors were needed
on the front entrance to the premises at the weekend and one at the door to the
rear of the garden, which would shut by 10 pm and after would be used as a
smoking area with strict controls on numbers of people.
The Sub-Committee
heard from Ms Collins who had submitted a statement with the review
application. She stated that the noise monitoring forms had been completed but
some residents had felt there was no point in continuing submitting forms when
nothing had changed. Since August 2021 the premises had operated new opening
hours closing on Friday and Saturdays at 2 or 3 am and 4 am on New Year’s Eve
which resembled night club hours and was unsuitable for the area. She confirmed
that continuous contact with EP, and the Anti-social Behaviour Team had been
made and noise monitoring logs were recorded. She highlighted that the main
issue was Fridays and Saturdays and suggested that a 1 am closing time would be
preferred. She raised concerns regarding the noise that could be heard along
Queen Street, people acting in a disorderly manner, rubbish being left in the
area, urinating and vomiting.
Mr Barrington
addressed the Sub-Committee as he submitted a statement with the application
for the review. His family had lived in Queen Street for many years and
occasionally had experienced issues during the carnival and at Christmas. Since
2021, the change of operating hours had caused noise and anti-social behaviour
on Friday and Saturdays in the early hours of the morning. As a result, he was
unable to use his garden at weekends due to noise from the beer garden, and
waves of sound as the beer garden door opened and closed. He added that he was
kept awake on Good Friday this year until 3 am. He confirmed the noise
monitoring sheets had been submitted, and meetings had been held with Mr Rock
to resolve issues, where suggestions had been made but nothing had changed. He
requested that at least two professional door staff at the front entrance from
11pm, no entry after 11pm, for events to not be held every weekend, for
external noise monitoring equipment to monitor the sound and for the premises
to close at 1 am.
Ms Barrington
addressed the Sub-Committee as she had submitted a representation in support of
the review. She raised concerns that she was being kept awake in the early
hours of the morning on Friday and Saturday most weekends, due to noise and
anti-social behaviour from patrons of the premises. She often heard people
shouting, arguing, and fighting outside their window and she could not use her
garden due to the noise. Her property was attached to the premises so could
hear the noise. On the 4th of June she was kept awake until 2.10 am due to
people congregating at the front of the premises. Her and her partner had to
get up early for their jobs and being kept awake was affecting their quality of
life. She informed that the door staff were sometimes at the door, but they did
not control the customers properly. At weekends, she believed that a member of
staff should monitor customers using the rear garden area and that it should
close at 10 pm.
Mr Rock spoke on
behalf of the Premises Licence Holder and informed that he had voluntarily
closed the garden and door staff were there to protect customers and needed to
manage their time effectively. He had tried closing after 11 pm but had
problems and made the decision to open after 11. He had tried to address issues
from residents but had a business to run and he would be unable to operate a
bar with two door supervisors in the rear garden and two on the front door. He
said he would close the garden at 10 pm but still allow people to smoke. He
preferred that people smoked out the back instead of at the front of the
premises as he thought it would cause less problems. He was willing to have a
member of staff on the door to the garden to control the numbers and noise
levels but did not think they needed to be SIA registered. He did not own the
building so it would be difficult to install another set of doors to the garden
area. But could move the speakers to reduce the noise to the garden area. He
agreed to set up quarterly meetings for residents to raise any issues and to
provide residents with a direct telephone number and an email address. He had
also created a more detailed log to record any complaints or incidents.
All parties were
given the opportunity to sum up and have their say.
To amend the hours that licensable activities
can take place at the Premises to:
Sale of Alcohol (on and off), performance of
a play, exhibition of films, indoor sporting event, performance of live and
recorded music and performance of dance.
Sunday to Thursday 10:00 to midnight
Friday and Saturday 10:00 to 2:00 hours
New Year’s Eve
and carnival day 10:00 to 03:00 hours
Late Night Refreshment
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 to midnight
Friday and Saturday 23:00 to 2:00 hours
New Year’s Eve and carnival day 23:00 to
03:00 hours
To amend Condition 1 on the Premises Licence
to read:
The Premises Licence Holder must assess the
requirement for SIA door staff for each event taking into account the numbers
attending and the nature of the entertainment taking place. This assessment
must be in writing and kept for 6 months on the licensed premises and made
available for inspection by a Licensing Officer, or Police Officer.
At least one member of SIA registered door staff
shall be on duty at the front door to the Premises from 22:00 hours to the time
that the Premises close on Christmas Eve, New
Year’s Eve, carnival day, Bank Holidays and every Friday and Saturday between 1
June and 14 September.
And to add the following conditions to the
Premises Licence:
There shall be no entry or re-entry to the
Premises after 23:00 hours daily, except for members of staff or the manager of
the Premises.
The rear garden area shall close at 22:00
hours daily except for the use of the area for up to six customers at any one
time to smoke. One member of staff shall be on duty at the door to the rear
garden area from 22:00 hours to the time that the Premises close.
No drinks shall be taken into the rear garden
area after 22:00 hours daily.
The manager of the Premises shall arrange for
meetings to be held with the residents on a quarterly basis.
A direct telephone number (with answer
machine facility) and email address for the manager of the Premises shall be
made publicly available for residents to report issues.
A CCTV system shall be installed at the
Premises covering the rear garden area and the entrance to the Premises on
Queen Street. The CCTV system shall be maintained in working condition and
record the Premises 24 hours every day. Recordings to be retained for a minimum
of 28 days and be made available to the Police or officers of the Council upon
request and be of evidential quality.
The equipment MUST have a suitable export
method i.e. CD/DVD/USB facility so that the Police and officers of the Council
can make an evidential copy of the data they require. This data should be in
the native file format to ensure that no image quality is lost when making the
copy. If this format is nonstandard (i.e. manufacturers proprietary), then the
licence holder shall within 14 days of being requested supply the replay
software to ensure that the video on the CD can be replayed by the Police and officers
of the Council on a standard computer. Copies MUST be made available to the
Police and officers of the Council upon request.
Staff working at the Premises will be trained
in the use of the equipment and a log will be kept to verify this. Cameras on
the entrances must capture full frame shots of the heads and shoulders of ALL
people entering the Premises, i.e. capable of identification.
There shall be signs displayed in the
customer area to advise that CCTV is in operation.
Should the CCTV become non-functional this
will be reported immediately to the Licensing Authority.
The Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that
the area immediately to the front of the Premises is swept every day at the
close of business to remove litter or waste.
Supporting documents: