Agenda item

New Premises Licence Application for Moors Valley Country Park, Ashley Heath

An application has been made for a new premises licence at Moors Valley Country Park and Forest, Ashley Heath. The application has been advertised in accordance with regulations and has attracted relevant representations.  A Licensing Sub Committee must consider the application and representations at a public hearing.


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report and informed that the applicant was no longer seeking a licence for recorded music. The Licensing Authority through the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) had put forward suggested conditions to which the Applicant had agreed. Some of the conditions overlapped with the conditions proposed by the Environmental Health Team apart from the requirement to provide a telephone contact to residents and businesses. The applicant agreed that they were happy with the conditions.


Mr Nick Wardell, the applicant’s District Recreation Manager addressed the Sub-Committee. Moors Valley Country Park had hosted an outdoor photographic exhibition and art festivals over the last few years, which was a great way for people to connect with nature. He wanted to provide small seasonal family focused events per year. The applicant’s events partner had considerable experience running illuminated trails in sensitive locations and the details and event documents had been shared with the (SAG). For each planned event, event specific documents would be provided to the Safety Advisory Group six weeks before each event. The only planned event this year was at Halloween for 10 days which would start at 4pm each day with last entry at 9pm and would involve a light trail with actors to provide an immersive experience for families. The event would be tightly controlled with ticketed entry and he was expecting no more than 2000 people to attend each event. He did not expect the event to impact the road network and the audience profile was low risk with hot chocolate being the most popular drink at other similar events and mulled wine and beer would also be offered. He had applied for a year-round licence to give the option to hold future events such as to show the Gruffalo film at Gruffalo Fun Days and to extend the Halloween event to 12 days.


Ms Taylor, Forestry England responded to questions that an independent ecologist had been commissioned to report on and make recommendations into the impact on wildlife of the event. Mr Bell, Forestry England added that visitors would need to purchase a ticket which included a reserved parking space, and all parking was on site and the applicant would discourage parking elsewhere.


Ms Dunn raised concerned about the 364 day a year licence and the outdoor cinema. She informed that there was only one entry to the site which would cause increased congestion and reduce access for emergency vehicles and local people who need to use medical services. She felt it was irresponsible to sell alcohol at the event that people would drive to, which could lead to anti-social behaviour and aggressive driving.


Ms Lee referred to the Council’s climate and ecological emergency declaration. She raised concerns regarding public nuisance which included damage to the environment, the impact on wildlife as the RSPB and other organisations had objected and dark skies and the Cranborne Chase national landscape. She also covered concerns regarding potential for antisocial behaviour, increased risk of forest fire with her property adjoining the forest, the outdoor cinema being audible to residents and that once the licence was granted, there would be alcohol outlets throughout the forest all year. 




Decision: To grant a Premises Licence with the usual mandatory conditions, conditions agreed between the Applicant and the Safety Advisory Group as amended by the Licensing Sub-Committee as set out below, to permit the following:


Films (indoors and outdoors)

Monday-Sunday 1000 to 2300 hours (except for Christmas Day)


Sale of alcohol on the premises:

Monday-Sunday 1000 to 2255 hours (except for Christmas Day)



Conditions agreed between the Applicant and the Safety Advisory Group as amended by the Licensing Sub-Committee


1.    Events will not exceed a capacity of 4999. All events will be ticketed.


2.    The named DPS or their nominated personal licence holder will be on site for each event day to oversee alcohol sales from all units.


3.    All staff will be easily identifiable by means of unform.


4.    Key Management and visitor facing staff will be radio holders for communication purposes and in the event of an emergency.


5.    No child under the age of 16 will be permitted access to the premises without a parent/guardian.


6.    An Event Management Plan (EMP) will be produced for submission to Dorset Council at least six weeks prior to each and any event. The EMP will include (but not limited to)


·       Event Days and Times, including any planned displays or sub-events.


·       A detailed Site Plan, which will include all temporary food and drink units, any special displays, the location of any pyrotechnics, all temporary structures, any stages and any water hazards. Any Safety Information signage that is placed for visitors throughout the premises where required e.g. uneven surfaces, non permitted items, emergency exit routes, will be detailed on the Site Plan.


·       Counter Terrorism Risk Assessment following guidance from Protect UK.


·       Number and Capacity Plan. The plan will include the number of tickets to be sold and whether any will be available on the Gate. There will be a Risk assessment within the plan to determine whether ticketed timeslots will be applied to manage on-site capacity figures and to minimize wait times at the on-site public facilities e.g. toilets, car parking, food and drink units. The protocol for ejecting people from the site.


·       Traffic Management Plan, which will include, but not be limited to, car park management arrangements, staffing and security. A signage plan. A risk assessment will be included, detailing the contingency plans for any problems that could occur on the approach roads.


·       Stewarding and Security Plan, the plan will include; the numbers of stewards and SIA trained security staff that will be available at the event; where and when ticket and ID verification checks will take place and which exits and entrances will be staffed by Stewards and/or SIA trained staff. Incident Log, Drug Security, plan for protests.


·       First Aid provision, including the location of the medical treatment centre and the staffing of first aiders or paramedics.


·       Toilet Facilities. Numbers and locations of all toilets must be given with details of the specific provisions for disabled toilets.


·       Fire Risk Assessment


·       Noise Management Plan (NMP) which will include details of any sound system to be used, locations and orientations of speaker displays or other noise sources, details of any monitoring that will be carried out, including the locations where this will occur, and details of any DB levels that will be used as guidance for the prevention of public nuisance.


·       Lighting Plan which will include a protocol for any power failure on site: details of Emergency lighting will be installed throughout the event site and details of the lighting of all pathways and/or routes across the site that the public will take. Appendix 3 LA Representation Page 42.


·       Children on Site Plan which will include; A Challenge 25 Policy which will be in operation at all alcohol points of sale and enforced by trained staff. Details of how and when age verification checks will be done. Protocols for dealing with lost children and a protocol for reporting any safeguarding issues.


·       Local Communication Plan, which will include which local residents should be advised of the event and details of how they will be advised. It will also include contact numbers that will be manned and available for both the public and the Responsible Authorities.


·       Litter Plan which will include the measures in place for keeping the site free of litter and the arrangements for the disposal of rubbish. It will also include any clear up plans for the surrounding environment.


7.    The following Record Logs will be completed during the event and available for inspection by an authorised officer on request.


·       Refusals Log, to include details of anyone refused entry to the site or refused alcohol at any bar.


·       Complaints Log, to record any complaints received from either site visitors or residents who are affected by the event. The log will include details of any actions taken and details of any follow up to the complaint.


·       Incidents Log, which will include, but not be limited to, any incidents where SIA security are deployed, any incidents of lost children.


·       First Aid Log for all accidents, injuries and illnesses dealt with by the First Aid providers.


8.    A direct telephone number for the manager at the premises and/or for the event shall be publicly available at all times the premises is open.  This telephone number shall be made available to all residents and businesses in the vicinity.  All events shall be advertised on the premises licence holder’s website.



Supporting documents: