Agenda item

Application P/MPO/2023/03270 Phases 2-4 Curtis Fields Land south of Chickerell Road Weymouth DT4 0TR

Modify section 106 agreement dated 17 August 2016 - Relating to Phases 2-4 at Curtis Fields (WP/14/00777/OUT) - to modify a portion of the affordable housing requirements from 30% to 26.24% following receipt of independent viability report (revised description).


(The committee report for this item from the 18 April 2024 meeting has been added as an appendix).  


The Lead Project Officer introduced the application and explained that it was coming to the committee after being deferred at a previous meeting to allow negotiations with the applicant to take place. The details of the application were summarised, with the main issue being the reduction in affordable housing provision from 30% to 26.24%.


It was explained that the applicant contended that due to abnormal and unforeseen costs associated with the development they were unable to meet the affordable housing contribution. Following an independent report from the District Valuer it was concluded that a contribution of 26.24% would allow the developer to make a profit of 17.5%, which was considered within the reasonable range of 15% - 20%.


Public representation was received from Cllr Sutton, who spoke in objection to the application, noting that there was not a significant difference between the two figures and emphasised the importance of the 18 affordable homes that would be lost, should the application be approved.


Cllr Northam also spoke, as a representative of Weymouth Town Council. He felt that it was wrong that the developers’ profits were protected in this phase of the development, while they were still able to make profit from the other phases. He also noted that the District Valuer had stated in their report that it was surprising that the applicant did not foresee the abnormal costs that arose, causing the reduction in affordable housing.


Cllr Northam and Cllr Wheller left the meeting at 10:24.


In response to a question from one member the Lead Project Officer explained that the NPPF didn’t exist in its current form when the original application was made and the applicant was able to contest viability now.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, several members expressed concerns over the loss of affordable housing and did not come to the same conclusions that had been expressed within the report. Members were also concerned that approval of this application would set a precedent for reducing affordable housing provision going forward and were reluctant to do this.


The Lead Project Officer reiterated that the applicant had originally sought to reduce affordable housing provision and financial contributions to 0, however following the report from the District Valuer, had come to an agreement to provide the full financial contributions and 26.24% affordable housing provision. 


The Committee adjourned from 10:50 – 11:02 to allow officers to find out further information to assist members.



In response to one member’s question, the Development Management Area Manager explained that they did not know the number of affordable houses that could still be provided, if the scheme were to be based on achieving a 15% profit rather than the 17.5% that was calculated in the District Valuers report.


It was considered, that having regard to policy HOUS1, part iii in the Weymouth and Portland Local Plan and based on the information provided by the applicant, that it had not been proven that the development was economically unviable, while providing the 30% affordable housing contribution.


Proposed by Cllr O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Bawden.


Decision: That the application be refused.


Cllr Northam and Cllr Wheller returned to the meeting at 11:09.

Supporting documents: