Erect 75 No. dwellings, form new vehicular access from New Road, open space, landscaping, ecological mitigation, drainage works and other ancillary works. (Reserved Matters application to determine appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No. 2/2017/1919/OUT).
The Case Officer provided members with the following
With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and
aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the
proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the
affordable housing layout, front elevations and location plan were shown.
Members were informed that there had been objections raised from Dorset AONB
and concerns from landscape officers were addressed. Access had been previously
approved at the outline stage and the Case Officer highlighted the structured
tree planting across perimeters, referencing additional street trees and
hedging on boundaries. The presentation also provided information regarding
flood mitigation and photographs of street scenes and the parking layout as
well as outlining the proposed material schedule and landscaping details. The
officer’s recommendation was to grant planning permission subject to conditions
set out in the officer’s report.
Mr Savage (Transport Development Manager) discussed the site
access which had appropriate visibility splays. He also highlighted footway
connections across the site which linked to traffic calming areas and access to
the school. In addition to this, the Transport Development Manager also
discussed the Highway Improvement Plan which had the intension of amending the
pedestrian cycle route. Members were assured that all access had been approved.
The layout was suitable for adoption and had carefully been considered to
ensure safety for all road users. This was reflected with the vehicular speeds
being kept below 20mph. The site consisted of a traditional layout with
footways on both sides of the road. Mr Savage also set out the number of
parking spaces per household as well as referring to on street parking which
had been checked with refuse and emergency vehicles. On balance, Highways were
content with the layout, and it was suitable for adoption.
Public Participation
Mr Wright made a representation and explained how he had
worked closely with officers to deliver the proposal which would have provided
over 70 high quality homes. He highlighted the inclusion of affordable, shared
ownership and homes to rent which would’ve been spread across the site whilst
being in keeping with the character of the area. There had been no objections
from the council housing officer and the scheme was compliant with standards.
Mr Wright confirmed that he had met with local residents as well as the Parish
Council and respected their concerns which he had responded to. He highlighted
drainage features, additional planting and the inclusion of solar panels and
electric charging for all homes. The agent noted that the highways team
supported the proposal and hoped members would support the officer’s
Cllr Gale addressed the committee and expressed his concerns
regarding the proposal. He did not feel as though the site should have come to
committee this early and was disappointed that there had been no further
ecological surveys conducted since 2012. Cllr Gale also referred to the site
access and hoped members would review before supporting further work.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the
application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the
officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they
had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed
by Cllr Sherry Jespersen, and seconded by Cllr Belinda Rideout.
Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for
Supporting documents: