Agenda item

Application P/LBC/2024/02588 8 Custom House, Custom House Quay, Weymouth, DT4 8BE

External works for a painted mural on building's east elevation to commemorate the RNLI's 200th Anniversary.


The Development Management Team Leader presented both applications P/LBC/2024/02588 and P/ADV/2024/02643, as they were both relating to the same building on Custom House Quay in Weymouth. It was explained that the applications were for listed building consent and advertisement consent, for a painted mural on the external wall to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the RNLI.


The location of the application site within Weymouth was shown on a map and the end wall where the proposed mural would be located was highlighted. Photographs of the front and side of the grade II listed building were provided, showing the significance of the building in contributing to the overall character of the area. It was noted that there were a number of designated and non-designated heritage assets in the surrounding area.


The existing and proposed elevations of the side of the building were shown, providing the scale and design of the proposed mural and how it would impact the current look of the building. The Development Management Team Leader explained that in its current state the mural was considered too overbearing in terms of scale, colour, finish and design to be considered acceptable, as the impact on the Weymouth Town Centre Conservation Area (not being preserved or enhanced) and the overall character of the area would be too significant.


Photographs of other murals in the surrounding area were also provided, with special attention being brought to one of a similar scale on a building nearby, however the design was more subtle and it was not painted onto a listed building.


It was explained that in its current form, the applications for both the Listed Building Consent and Advertisement Consent were considered unacceptable due to the size and design of the mural and the impact on the listed building and character of the area.


Public representation was received from Mr Miell and Mr Stonham, who both spoke in support of the application as representatives of the RNLI. They explained the positive impact that the mural would have on raising awareness for the RNLI and increasing donations to the charity. They also spoke about the large amount of public support for the mural and the positive feedback they had had from members of the public.


In response to questions from members, the Development Management Team Leader stated that the mural is considered unacceptable in its current form and conditioning the lifespan of the mural would not change the recommendation. Also, should the committee be minded to approve the application, then they would be able to condition a maintenance schedule, to ensure the murals upkeep.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, several members expressed support for the mural and gave the view that the mural caused less than significant harm to the area, whilst acknowledging the mural would also help to support the RNLI. It was also expressed that Weymouth Town Council were in support of the application and there was not an objection from the Conservation Officer.


The meeting adjourned at 10:47 – 10:59 to allow officers to draft conditions for the approval of the application.


Members were presented with the list of draft conditions that would be added should they vote to grant the application.


It was considered that the public benefits of supporting the RNLI, as a national life saving charity, outweighed the less than substantial harm that would be caused to the character of the area and the listed building.


Proposed by Cllr Wheller and seconded by Cllr Kimber.


Decision: That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the conditions as set out in the appendix to these minutes.

Supporting documents: