Agenda item

P/RES/2024/01209 - 97 and 99 High Street, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 4AT

Reserved matters application seeking consent for Appearance, Scale and Landscaping in respect to approved outline application P/OUT/2021/04873 (Access and Layout to demolish a pair of semi-detached bungalows and replace with 5 x 3 bedroom dwellinghouses).



  • There was an additional plan Drawing No. DD06B Proposed floor & roof plans houses 3-5 that had not been published within the officer’s report.


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the proposed street scenes highlighted the existing buildings and details of the refused dwellings were discussed. Images of the proposed elevations, roof plans and an artist impression of the proposal were also included within the presentation. Details of the proposed landscaping as well as the impact on the character and appearance of the area and setting of the listed Holly Cottage were outlined. As well as highlighting the impact on the living conditions of occupants adjacent to the proposal, members were informed of the site history, that the principle of development had been approved in outline and that there was no harm to the adjacent heritage assets. There was no adverse impact on the character and appearance of the immediate area and the scale of the dwelling was now deemed acceptable having been reduced following the refusal of a previous application.


In addition to this the Case Officer also provided members with submitted images of the proposed elevations, floor and roof plans. The officer’s recommendation was to grant planning permission for both applications subject to conditions set out in the officer’s report.



Public Participation

The planning agent addressed the committee and introduced himself as a representative on behalf of the applicant. Mr McKeon explained the history of the proposal which had previously been refused due the impact on the nearby listed building. The proposal had been revised and the proposed street scenes had reduced in scale. He highlighted that there had been an increase in spacing between the properties, there was no harm to the heritage asset and the units had reduced in scale. The strategic positioning of the bedroom window would have not created harm or overlooking. The agent extended their thanks to the officers and expressed their opinion that the best possible scheme had been presented to members. To conclude, Mr McKeon suggested that the proposal built upon positive aspects of the previous application and in principle, it was an attractive and good scheme which included good parking provision which contributed to the character and appearance of the High Street.



Members questions and comments

  • Clarification regarding the history of the development.
  • Clarification regarding the scale of the development and the proposed floor space.
  • Biodiversity mitigation
  • Noise attenuation and boundaries to protect the amenity of neighbours.
  • Confirmation of the landscaping scheme.
  • Members noted the objections raised from the Parish Council and their comments regarding the scale of the development not being in keeping with the area.
  • Consideration of solar panels.
  • Reduction in the height of the proposal.
  • Clarification regarding the proposed road surfacing materials for noise mitigation.
  • Referred to the need for an additional condition to remove permitted development rights for extensions above ground floor level for the proposed dwellings.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Spencer Flower, and seconded by Cllr Andy Skeats, subject to the additional condition of permitted development rights above ground floor level as well as conditions set out in the officer’s report.


Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for approval subject to the additional condition to remove permitted development rights for extensions above ground floor level as well as the conditions set out in the officer’s report.


Supporting documents: