Residential development comprising 7 new dwellings with ancillary car parking. (With variation of Condition Nos. 2, 9, 10 and 12 of Planning Permission No. P/VOC/2022/05646 to substitute approved plans for a revised layout, house and garage designs, and surface water drainage).
With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and
aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the
proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Photographs of the
elevations, indicative street scenes and site photographs were shown. Members
were given details of the drainage strategy and were provided with a ground
coverage comparison of a previously approved scheme with current scheme. The
Case Officer informed members that the proposal was situated on an allocated site
which was previously granted and complied with policy. Reference was made to
policy CHASE7, part e; the implementation of a sustainable drainage solution
that protects features and species of nature conservation interest, protects
housing on the site from flooding and ensures that there is no increased risk
of flooding to other land or buildings. The location was considered to be
sustainable, and the proposal was acceptable in its design and general visual
impact and there would not have been any significant harm to the landscape
character of the AONB or on neighbouring residential amenity. The officer’s
recommendation was to grant subject to conditions.
Public Participation
Mr McLean made a public objection as a neighbour who lived
adjacent to the site. In his representation, he discussed the differentiation
between surface and groundwater flooding as well as the impacts on the site. Mr
McLean also discussed roadways and highlighted the history of the site. Noting
that it had previously been refused due to flooding. He felt that the proposal
contradicted advice which had previously been and urged members to refuse.
The agent thanked the committee for the opportunity to speak
in support of the proposal. He noted that the proposed amendments resulted in a
potential increase which varied across the units. There had been no change
regarding the boundary treatments or impacts to neighbouring properties. Mr
Moir also highlighted the surface water strategy and noted that there had been
no objections raised by the flood authority. The proposal accorded with the
NPPF and Local Plan, if approved it would not have caused harm to the character
and appearance of area. He hoped the committee would support the officer’s
Cllr Mereweather strongly challenged the officer’s
recommendation. He did not feel as though the proposal complied with national
policies and highlighted the distinction between ground water and surface water
flooding. Cllr Mereweather informed the committee that a report had been
commissioned from groundwater specialists and the results had been shared with
the case officer and applicant. Identifying that there was a very high risk for
the two properties. He did not feel as though the case officer acknowledged the
reality of ground water flooding and that the NPPF guidance on managing
flooding had been ignored, specifically paragraphs 116, 177 and 159 where it
commented on an increase flood risk. Cllr Mereweather urged the committee to
refuse or condition the proposal appropriately.
The Local Ward member reiterated the comments raised by
concerned residents. Cllr P Brown highlighted the differences between ground
water and surface water flooding, he felt that the application was dangerous
and increased risk. The Local Ward member noted the applicant’s solution
however he was concerned regarding the increase in surface water run off
outside the development. Therefore, he encouraged the committee to consider the
interest of existing and future residents. He urged the committee to turn down
the proposal.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the
application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the
officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they
had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr
Sherry Jespersen, and seconded by Cllr Belinda Ridout.
Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for
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