Erection of 30 dwellings, associated highways works, landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure.
The Case Officer provided members with the following update:
With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and
aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the
proposal and relevant planning policies to members, as well as noting that the
location had been altered from the first submission and there had been a
reduction in scale due to the view in and out of the site. Photographs of the
proposed floor plans, elevations and illustrative Landscape Plans were shown,
as well as photographs of the site which identified the principal view of the
proposal from the village. The presentation also included details of the site
being situated on a gradient and identified the issues regarding this, the
proposed pedestrian access as well as identifying affordable housing units. The
Case Officer identified the conservation area and the AONB, highlighting an
open area within the site and strategic planting which would’ve created a
buffer. Members were provided with details of the proposed local materials and
the officer presentation identified the nearby neighbouring property and
discussed the impacts. The officer’s recommendation was to grant subject to
conditions and S106 obligations set out in the report.
Public Participation
Mr Hoskinson made a representation, informing the members
that he was the planning director for Wyatt Homes. He was proud of the high
quality and well-designed homes as well as the inclusion of community halls,
allotments and highways improvements. Noting that it had been sensitively
designed to protect the setting and be in keeping with the character and
appearance of the area. Mr Hoskinson highlighted that if approved, phase 4
would have contributed to the housing land supply as well as the creation for local
employment. In his representation, he highlighted the highway improvements of
the scheme which would have aimed to reduce traffic movements and that the
proposed new homes would have been energy and water efficient. Mr Hoskinson
hoped members would support the officer recommendation.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the
application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the
officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they
had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed
by Cllr Belinda Ridout, and seconded by Cllr Rory Major.
Decision: To grant the officer’s recommendation for
In accordance with Procedural Rule 8.1 the committee voted
to extend the duration of the meeting.
Supporting documents: