Development of a cafe, workshop and a new vehicular access and road (to replace the existing vehicular access).
Mr Hunt addressed
the committee and explained that the garden centre had grown, offering
customers full range of garden products and employed 70 full time and part time
staff. However, it needed to grow further in order to thrive and be on par with
completion. The applicant loved what he did however it was a harsh environment
to thrive, let alone grow further. He
discussed the need for small, traditional businesses and stated that it was a
vocal point for the area. He was happy to accept conditions which would have
helped to secure their future. Mr Hunt also explained that additional planting
would have been carried out if approved.
Cllr Hurst
addressed the committee and spoke in support. She stated the need for a
community facility and supported the economic development of the area. Other
similar businesses have café areas; therefore, this proposal was worthy of
approval. It was a well screened site and would have been beautified with
planting in its environment. Cllr Hurst felt that it was in the public interest
and the benefits outweighed the harm.
The Local Ward
member spoke in support and praised the applicant. She expressed that there was
currently no meeting place for residents and the proposal offered further
employment opportunities. There were numerous petitions to support and
considered it to be important to allow for businesses to have a level playing
field. There were no highways concerns nor where their negative amenity issues.
The scale and design were appropriate, and it accorded with sections 4, 7,
11,20, 23,24 and 25 of local plan. Cllr Pothecary hoped the committee would
support a growing business.
questions and comments
Having had the
opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of
all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the
written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to
overturn the officer’s recommendation and GRANT planning permission, was
proposed by Cllr Les Fry, and seconded by Cllr Sherry Jespersen.
Decision: To
overturn the officer’s recommendation and grant permission and delegate to the
head of planning for the following reasons:
Supporting documents: