Convert existing building into dwelling house.
With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and
aerial photographs, the Planning Officer identified the site and explained the
proposal and relevant planning policies to members. The proposal was to convert
a disused former stable block to a 4-bedroom dwelling.
Members were informed that objections had been received from
Holt Parish Council regarding impacts on the Green Belt. Photographs of the
site and the existing and proposed plans were shown. The Planning Officer
outlined the relevant planning constraints including the position within the
Green Belt and outside the settlement boundary. The Area of Great Landscape
Value was also identified. There was a correction in the officer report in
which it had stated that there were no windows in the northwest elevation, as
it was identified that there was one small window proposed and rooflights. The
majority of the rear and west elevations were blank to maintain the
relationship between the dwelling and the land beyond. Members were also shown
images of the existing outbuilding and were informed that the proposed changes
would have enhanced the setting of the area. In consultation with the highways
team, it was identified that one single dwelling would not resultin
a material increase in traffic movements compared to the lawful use. Regarding
sustainability, air source heat pumps were proposed with a condition for noise
mitigation. The principle of development was acceptable, and highways was also
acceptable subject to conditions. A tree protection condition was proposed.
Although the unsustainable location was contrary to policy KS2 and the proposal
represented an isolated dwelling in the countryside it could benefit from the
exceptions at paragraph 84 of the NPPF. The recommendation was to grant subject
to conditions set out in section 18 of the report.
Public Participation
The agent spoke in support of the application. She referred
to the Local Plan which was largely silent of the matter of conversion of rural
buildings, so turned to national planning policy for guidance. The NPPF was
clear that existing buildings within the Green Belt could have been converted
provided that they were of permanent and substantial construction. A structural
engineer was consulted early on, and it was confirmed to be the case that the
building was suitable for conversion. The design was of a light touch to
acknowledge the former use of the building by retaining the style of the
openings and work as much as possible and practical with the existing features
of the building. The bedrooms had external shutters emulating the existing
style of the barn doors and the open plan kitchen which would have allowed the
living space to benefit from the attractive outlook over the paddock.
Ms Travers stated that there was no material increase in
height, width or depth to the building so that the openness and spaciousness of
the Green Belt was preserved. The agent noted that they were proposing to clad
the existing white painted concrete walls in a timber larch. This was to give
the building a softer appearance in its landscape setting, particularly in
relation to any views towards or from Horton Tower. There was no need for the
removal of any trees or hedging on the site. Additional hedging was proposed to
help soften boundaries and boost biodiversity. Ms Travers noted comments raised
in the representations and highlighted services including water and waste
collection. It was a modest proposal that was designed to settle quietly into a
well screened site, the principle was in line with current planning policies.
The agent requested the committee to support.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the
application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the
officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they
had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed
by Cllr Toni Coombs, and seconded by Cllr Andy Skeats.
Decision: To grant planning permission for approval
with the informative note to recommend blinds or similar be fitted to
Supporting documents: