Agenda item

Our Future Council Business Case and Transformation Plan

To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation.


(a)       Cabinet endorsed the overall vision and design of Our Future Council operating model and transformation programme as detailed in the business case at Appendix A of the report to 28 January 2025.


(b)       That the proposed costs, savings and implementation plans based on scenario 4 as set out in sections 4 and 5 of the report and in more detail in the business case at Appendix A, sections 4 and 5, be approved.


(c)        That Cabinet notes that this business case was based on the proposal to transform the organisation, implement a new operating model, and increase productivity through the greater use of technology. The proposal identified an estimated potential investment of £48.33M over the period 2025-28, which would release cumulative staff savings of £77.4M over the period 2025-30.


(d)       That Cabinet notes that the Our Future Council programme would continue to be refined as we moved into the implementation phase, but to fund the business case Cabinet agreed to:


(i)    Earmark a further £13M in addition to the £12M already committed to the capital programme for the Enterprise Resource Planning system. This would fund the potential investment in technology and process change – noting that individual funding decisions in excess of the key decision threshold would be subject to individual business cases to be brought before Cabinet for approval.


(ii)   That Cabinet approve the estimated redundancy costs of £9.5M over the programme, be initially funded from reserves, noting that the reserves would need to be replenished through budget savings over subsequent years.


(iii) That Cabinet approve the need for investment in internal and external additional capacity to implement the project, to be reviewed on an annual basis, with year one of the capacity to be funded through the approved transformation reserve of £3M and the flexible use of capital receipts.


(iv)   That political oversight be provided by the Members transformation steering group.


(v)    That the recommendations from the Joint Overview Committee, set out in section 6 of the report, be noted and the Dorset Council Transformation Plan 2025-29, be approved, as attached at Appendix B as the framework for supporting, governing and delivering change across the council.


Reason for the decision


The proposals outlined in the “Our Future Council Business Case and Transformation Plan” report to Cabinet of 28 January 2025 lay the groundwork for a comprehensive programme of transformation and improvement, enabling Dorset Council to achieve its priorities within a sustainable medium-term financial strategy. The ambition and commitment o improvement and delivery as part of “Our Future Council” initiative aligned with the Council Plan priorities and our new operating model section.


Cllr B Wilson, Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation introduced a report that set out accelerated efforts to develop a comprehensive business case for transformation. He highlighted that the business case aimed to deliver sustainable improvements in customer services, process management, and digital and technology requirements.  This was to ensure the council operated efficiently and effectively despite the challenging financial forecast detailed in the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP). 


In response to questions, the Cabinet Member, Cllr Wilson acknowledged that the pre-front door and an improved customer service model was essential so an additional workstream had been added to give specific attention to this area of work and to any decision made around communities and partnerships. The Corporate Director Transformation, Customer and Cultural Services confirmed that the first workshop had been held to develop the framework and progress how services would be co-produced with communities and the voluntary sector.


In respect of 3rd party spend, the Executive Director, Corporate Development welcomed the comments around contract management, procurement and potential work for scrutiny committee.


Responding to concerns regarding consultation with UNISON, the Chief Executive advised that there was good engagement with unions, but the process had been rapid.  He further advised that senior management were holding several webinars to ensure that all employees were being fully informed of the process for transformation.


There were no additional comments from Cabinet Members.


It was proposed by Cllr B Wilson seconded by Cllr S Robinson




(a)       Cabinet endorsed the overall vision and design of Our Future Council operating model and transformation programme as detailed in the business case at Appendix A of the report to 28 January 2025.


(b)       That the proposed costs, savings and implementation plans based on scenario 4 as set out in sections 4 and 5 of the report and in more detail in the business case at Appendix A, sections 4 and 5, be approved.


(c)        That Cabinet notes that this business case was based on the proposal to transform the organisation, implement a new operating model, and increase productivity through the greater use of technology. The proposal identified an estimated potential investment of £48.33M over the period 2025-28, which would release cumulative staff savings of £77.4M over the period 2025-30.


(d)       That Cabinet notes that the Our Future Council programme would continue to be refined as we moved into the implementation phase, but to fund the business case Cabinet agreed to:


(i)    Earmark a further £13M in addition to the £12M already committed to the capital programme for the Enterprise Resource Planning system. This would fund the potential investment in technology and process change – noting that individual funding decisions in excess of the key decision threshold would be subject to individual business cases to be brought before Cabinet for approval.


(ii)   That Cabinet approve the estimated redundancy costs of £9.5M over the programme, be initially funded from reserves, noting that the reserves would need to be replenished through budget savings over subsequent years.


(iii) That Cabinet approve the need for investment in internal and external additional capacity to implement the project, to be reviewed on an annual basis, with year one of the capacity to be funded through the approved transformation reserve of £3M and the flexible use of capital receipts.


(iv)   That political oversight be provided by the Members transformation steering group.


(v)    That the recommendations from the Joint Overview Committee, set out in section 6 of the report, be noted and the Dorset Council Transformation Plan 2025-29, be approved, as attached at Appendix B as the framework for supporting, governing and delivering change across the council.


Reason for the decision


The proposals outlined in the “Our Future Council Business Case and Transformation Plan” report to Cabinet of 28 January 2025 lay the groundwork for a comprehensive programme of transformation and improvement, enabling Dorset Council to achieve its priorities within a sustainable medium-term financial strategy. The ambition and commitment o improvement and delivery as part of “Our Future Council” initiative aligned with the Council Plan priorities and our new operating model section.

Supporting documents: