Agenda item

Cost of Living Challenge Update

To consider a report by the Business Partner – Communities and Partnerships.



The Cabinet Member for Customer, Culture, and Community Engagement introduced the report. He outlined the 14 projects being progressed through the Cost of Living fund, and that the projects aimed at filling gaps where there was no longer government support. He highlighted that there was an £0.5m underspend which could be transferred into the next financial year, and there was a risk that 3 unapproved projects not proceeding.


The Business Partner for Communities and Partnerships gave a breakdown of the spend and progress of each project, emphasising the need for regular reviews to monitor the progress of projects. Some projects, particularly cost of living caseworkers at Citizens Advice, and emergency and affordable food security, had no spend yet and it was anticipated that this would happen by Quarter 4. The Business Partner outlined the recommendations to the committee.


The Committee asked questions and discussed the report. During the discussion, the following points were raised:


·         The uptake for cost-of-living support has been positive, but the specific data will be provided by the Department for Work and Pensions at the end of the financial year. The data would be available to the committee in the next update report.

·         A member appreciated the flexibility to respond to emerging trends in take up of the support.

·         There was a targeted grant programme for food security starting in November. The allocation of funding from this grant would be based on the number of people supported by the food back or social supermarket.

·         There were efforts to restart community lunch clubs in partnership with Age UK. Members were asked to contact the Business Partner if there was a need for a community lunch club or one that has ceased to exist in their ward.

·         The committee requested that the local Ward Members are kept updated on the projects in their wards, as well as ensuring that Town and Parish Councils are updated.

·         A member sought assurance on how it was ensured that schemes were spread across Dorset. In response to this the Business Partner assured that the team knew Dorset well and they receive knowledge from members, officers, and the voluntary sector. It was known where the areas of deprivation were. It has taken longer to start projects in rural areas which was why initial progress in Weymouth was quicker.

·         The £50k investment in Lendology CIC was clarified. Members would receive a briefing on this topic with further information.

·         A member asked about the cost effectiveness of the projects, suggesting that Citizens Advice was the most cost effective. The Cabinet Member felt that the value residents received from the cost-of-living support was immeasurable.

·         A member noted difficulties for charities in supporting ongoing projects, particularly community transport, due to insurance issues. The Business Partner highlighted that the Community Transport team had a small grant scheme which may help with these issues.

·         A member raised a concern about core funding for community projects, where grants do not cover their core funding. The Business Partner stated that there was an Organisation and Revenue Support Fund which could assist with core funding. Groups could apply for this fund every 2 years. Children’s Services provided a Youth Fund for youth organisations to receive core funding. There was assurance that these funds did not overlap and double-fund groups.


The Committee emphasised the need to ensure that there was equal access for schemes across Dorset and that it can help all Dorset residents.


The Committee noted that:


(a)  Government has recently announced that extension of the Household Support Fund to 2025/26.


(b)  £1.5m of the Cost of Living fund had been committed so far and that no further commitments were intended to be made at this stage whilst the impact of the Household Support Funding was assessed. If necessary, the balance of the £0.5m cost of living fund can be transferred into next financial year.



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