The installation of a battery energy storage system (BESS), together with associated infrastructure, security fencing, CCTV, cable route, landscaping, on-site Biodiversity Net Gain.
With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and
aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the
proposal and relevant planning policies to members. The proposal was situated
within the identified greenbelt, aimed to enhance the local context while
addressing the established settlement boundary. The integration of Public
Rights of Way ensured accessibility, and the wider context included nearby
facilities such as the crematorium and the Upton residential area, as well as operational
renewable sites within a 4 km radius. A comprehensive review of the Battery
Energy Storage System (BESS) Planning
Database nationally and within Dorset revealed the ongoing landscape of
applications submitted and appeals lodged, giving crucial insights into the
regional development framework. The site plan outlined the integration of
battery energy storage system alongside measures for biodiversity net gain
through thoughtful landscaping initiatives, all presented alongside the summary
of components that form the proposal.
No objections had been raised by third party, highlighting
community support for the initiative. All principal issues had been carefully
considered, including screening for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
and Appropriate Assessment. The
underlying principle of the development aligned with national policies focusing
on sustainability while rigorously evaluating its impact on the greenbelt,
justifying very special circumstances for its implementation. The proposed
elevations included the installation of an acoustic fence to mitigate noise,
with comprehensive documentation addressing key amenity issues, including
assessments regarding the distance to the closest residential properties and
commentary from the environmental health officer detailing noise mitigation
strategies. Efforts towards biodiversity enhancement and showcasing net gain
further bolster the project's environmental credentials. Traffic management had
been meticulously planned, factoring in access lane dynamics and the provision
of passing places to ensure unobstructed access for maintenance vehicles during
construction/operation stages and emergency vehicles in case of emergencies.
Construction logistics also included designated vehicle routes, temporary
signage, and measures to minimize disruption. Consistent with recommendations
from the National Fire Chief Council, provisions for fire safety included the
installation of two hydrants, addressing the water supply for fire fighting
operations and safety needs of adjacent residential properties. Detailed
conditions related to these aspects can be found in the officer report.
The proposed project would have incorporated internal tracks
designed for battery storage maintenance and emergency response, specifically
addressing flood risk and improving drainage for both surface and groundwater
scenarios. The project's drainage strategies are mindful of potential pollution
risks associated with fire incidents and runaway events, particularly
concerning waterways. To mitigate these risks, a trench and attenuation
pond are proposed along the southern
boundary of the site, with each section of the battery units being carefully
bounded to provide additional mitigation to store polluted water in case of
fire fighting operations and fire protection. While the Dorset heathland's
integrity will be preserved, only one tree would have been removed, and a
robust tree protection plan would be implemented. Archaeological assessment had
not identified harm to limited archaeological findings within the area whilst
heritage assessment has identified heritage assets in the area, yet the impact
on the setting of listed buildings was deemed minimal due to established
screening. Engagement with the Southern Gas Network (SGN) confirmed that
potential concerns related to the pressure gas pipeline could be addressed
through proposed conditions. The planning balance, analysed in a comparison
table, supported a favourable development outcome within the green belt,
aligning with paragraph 153 of the National Planning Policy Framework and
demonstrating very special circumstances. The project aimed to import and store
electricity through renewable sources, contributing positively to wider
environmental benefits. Ultimately, the environmental and public advantages
presented by this development outweighed the potential harms, leading to a
conclusion that most concerns were acceptable, some with specified conditions.
It was recognized that any adverse impacts on the green belt
were given substantial weight, with the expectation that only exceptional
circumstances may warrant departure from established guidelines. Regarding
design elements, the proposed elevations for the proposed containers, along
with acoustic fencing, had been strategically considered, ensuring minimal
impact on the nearby settlement boundary. The proposal had been evaluated for
biodiversity enhancements and received no objections from Natural England.
Furthermore, the traffic management plan has been acknowledged as appropriate
and robust, supporting the expected degree of vehicle movement during the
construction period. Specifically, there will be limited two-way HGV movements,
with routing directed away from sensitive areas. To conclude, overall, the
benefit outweighed the harm, therefore the officer recommendation was to grant
subject to conditions at Section 20 of the report.
Public Participation
Ms. Lees presented a compelling case in support of the
proposed planning application, drawing on her extensive farming background to
underscore its significance for the agricultural community. As one of many
struggling farmers in Dorset, she highlighted the necessity for
diversification, noting the rich history of the land in question. Speaking of
the history of the site and existing diversification, initiatives included
woodland schools, a campsite, a fishing lake, and a college for children with
disabilities, promised not only to enhance local facilities but also to create
further employment opportunities. Ms. Lees emphasized that since converting the
farm to organic practices for environmental benefits at the turn of the
millennium, they had embraced a unique situation by being approached for a
solar farm that aligned seamlessly with their ethos. This big diversification
scheme was designed to benefit the community at large, fostering collaboration
and enabling investments that reflected their commitment to sustainable
practices. She urged the committee members to support the officer
recommendation and grant approval for the project, recognizing its potential to
revitalize the local economy and empower the farming sector.
Mr. Thompson endorsed the officers’ support for the
application. He underscored the significance of such infrastructure to ensure
the availability of electricity during periods without solar or wind energy
production, particularly across England. Referring to the Dorset Council's
declarations regarding Climate, Ecological, and Nature Emergencies, he
articulated that the proposed battery storage site could serve as a timely
solution to these pressing challenges, should it be approved. Mr. Thompson
acknowledged the constraints imposed by limited capacity on the electricity
network, which inhibits the advancement of renewable energy projects in the
region. He expressed satisfaction with the applicant's careful site selection,
which considers local impact by situating the facility in a secluded area and
enhancing its screening through additional planting. In response to concerns
raised by the Environmental Health Officer, Mr. Thompson confirmed that
comprehensive noise assessments have been conducted. He assured that noise
emissions will be meticulously controlled, aligning with previously established
agreements to minimize any impact. The proposal also adhered to the latest
guidelines from the National Fire Chiefs Council, involving extensive
consultations with the Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Services. The
design would have featured two emergency access gates, safe turnaround areas
for emergency vehicles, and strategically placed fire hydrants within 90 meters
of both entrances. Furthermore, the inclusion of CCTV would have bolstered site
security, while robust monitoring and control systems would prevent battery
Mr. Thompson expressed confidence that the Planning
Officer's detailed report justified the site’s temporary development within the
Green Belt, meeting the Very Special Circumstances criteria. With no opposition
from statutory consultees or local residents, and a favourable recommendation
from the planning officer, he was enthusiastic about the potential
contributions this proposal could have made towards fulfilling both the
Council's and the Government's renewable energy targets.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the
application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the
officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they
had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT as recommended, was proposed by Cllr David
Northam, and seconded by Cllr David Taylor, subject to conditions set out in
the officer report.
Decision: To grant for the reasons set out in Section
20 of the officer’s report.
Supporting documents: