Agenda item

P/RES/2023/05868, West Of Shaftesbury Road At Land South Of Gillingham Shaftesbury Road Gillingham Dorset

Erection of 155 dwellings and associated infrastructure -  including informal and formal public open space. (Reserved matters application to determine access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following the grant of Outline planning permission 2/2018/0036/OUT).


The Case Officer provided the members with the following updates to the proposed conditions which were not in the report:


8. The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the detailed biodiversity mitigation, compensation and enhancement/net gain strategy set out within the Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (BMES) & Biodiversity Construction Environmental Management Plan (BCEMP) (RSK Biocensus – 2485927 Rev 02 14/08/2024), subject to all new hedgerows to be species-rich native hedgerow that includes at least 5 woody species. Rev 02 14/08/2024.


Reason: To mitigate, compensate and enhance/provide net gain for impacts on biodiversity.


9. Prior to the commencement of the development above damp course level, a scheme showing precise details of all external lighting (including appearance, supporting columns, siting, technical details, power, intensity, orientation and screening of the lamps) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting strategy shall reflect the need to assist public safety whilst adhering to standards set out in the approved Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (BMES) & Biodiversity Construction Environmental Management Plan (BCEMP) (RSK Biocensus- 2485927 Rev 02 14/08/2024. In particular that light spill within the dark corridor identified in Figure 2 of this document does not exceed 1 lux. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the development is occupied and shall be permanently maintained thereafter. No further external lighting shall be installed on site without the prior approval, in writing, of the Local Planning Authority.


With the aid of a visual presentation including plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. The proposal was for the erection of 155 houses and was a reserved matters application. The Case Officer showed the strategic allocation plan- Gillingham Southern Extension, as well as the land use plan and an illustrative masterplan and photographs of Principal Street- Western Junctions with B3092 New Road. Additional street parking, and traffic calming had been implemented. The Officer went through the summary which informed that the proposal had been through several reiterations to address concerns, the principle of residential development on this site had already been established, the proposal was acceptable in layout, scale, appearance and landscaping and the development would not lead to any material harm to residential amenity and there are no material considerations that would warrant refusal of this application.


 Public Participation


Mr Jackson spoke in support of the application on behalf of the applicant. This was now the fourth major Redrow application on this site and the fifth overall. He thanked the officers and the team for their work in getting to this stage and for the recommendation for approval. He urged that positive discussions continue, and the constructive discussions would ensure that they brought proposals that reflect the original ambitions of the site and the aspirations of the local authority. He added that the layout had been well considered, consistent with the previously approved applications which contribute towards sustainable development and wider town scape. The proposals would deliver 155 new family homes, including affordable housing making an important contribution to meeting the housing needs of Gillingham as well as securing the delivery of open space and connections to the wider locality. As a team they had engaged positively with officers and other key stakeholders.


Members questions and comments

  • Queried objections from Gillingham Town Council regarding the flooding. 
  • Clarified over words used for heat pump installations in all homes and if they would be installed.
  • Comments about flooding and attenuation ponds and the minimal space standards of homes.
  • Queried the potential primary school extension.
  • Queried if the committee was able to mandate for the affordable housing to be disabled friendly.
  • Question asked about the long-term viability and commitment to providing affordable housing.




Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what they had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed by Cllr Rideout, and seconded by Cllr Val Pothecary.


Decision: To grant planning permission with conditions for the reasons set out in the officer’s report.


1. The development to which these reserved matters and accompanying details relates shall be begun not later than two years from the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with the provision of Section 92(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


2. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


• Location Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.02.B Location Plan)

• Planning Layout Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.01.X Location Plan)

• Planning Layout Plan A0 (B&W) (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.10.N Location Plan) • Materials Plan (A0) (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.03.H Materials Plan)

• Storey Heights Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.06.G Storey Heights Plan)

• Affordable Location Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.09.L Affordable Location Plan) • Boundary Treatment Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.05.H Boundary Treatment Plan)

 • Parking Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.08.G Parking Plan) • Cycle Storage Plan – (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.12)

• Street Scenes (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.04.H Street Scenes)

• Wider Planning Layout Plan (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.11.G Planning Layout)

• Landscape Strategy Plan 1 of 3 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_100 D Landscape Strategy Plan 1 of 3)

 • Landscape Strategy Plan 2 of 3 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_101 B Landscape Strategy Plan 2 of 3)

• Landscape Strategy Plan 3 of 3 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_102 B Landscape Strategy Plan 3 of 3) • Landscape + Services Plan 1 of 2 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_110 B Landscape + Services Plan 1 of 2)

 • Landscape + Services Plan 2 of 2 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_111 A Landscape + Services Plan 2 of 2)

• Softwork Proposals Sheet 1 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_510A)

• Softwork Proposals Sheet 2 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_511) • Softwork Proposals Sheet 3 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_512A)

• Softwork Proposals Sheet 4 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_513A)

• Softwork Proposals Sheet 5 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_514)

• Softwork Proposals Sheet 6 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_515)

 • Softwork Proposals Sheet 7 of 7 (RPS Ref: JSL4949_516)

 • Drainage Layout Sheet 1 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-51 G)

• Drainage Layout Sheet 2 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-52 G)

• Drainage Layout Sheet 3 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-53 I)

• General Arrangement Sheet 1 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-01 F)

• General Arrangement Sheet 2 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-02 F)

• General Arrangement Sheet 3 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-03 H)

• Long Sections Sheet 1 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-15 C)

• Long Sections Sheet 2 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-16 D)

• Long Sections Sheet 3 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-17 C)

• Engineering Layout Sheet 1 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-41 F)

• Engineering Layout Sheet 2 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-42 F)

• Engineering Layout Sheet 3 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-43 H)

• Materials Layout Sheet 1 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-71 G)

• Materials Layout Sheet 2 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-72 G)

• Materials Layout Sheet 3 (Abley Letchford Partnership Ref: A409-RM3-73 H)

• Amberley & Stamford Elevations - 2346.AMB&STA.01.C

• Amberley & Stamford Plans - 2346.AMB&STA.02.C

• Amberley & Stamford Elevations - 2346.AMB&STA.03.B

• Amberley & Stamford Plans - 2346.AMB&STA.04.B

• Amberley & Stamford Elevations - 2346.AMB&STA.05.B

• Amberley & Stamford Plans - 2346.AMB&STA.06.B

• Amberley & Stamford Elevations - 2346.AMB&STA.07.B

• Amberley & Stamford Plans - 2346.AMB&STA.08.B

• Amberley & Stamford Elevations - 2346.AMB&STA.09.B

• Amberley & Stamford Plans - 2346.AMB&STA.10.B

• Apartments Elevations - 2346.APA.01.C

• Apartments Plans - 2346.APA.02.D

• Apartments Plans - 2346.APA.03.D

• Apartments Plans - 2346.APA.04.D

• Buxton and Bakewell Elevations - 2346.BAK&BUX.01.B

• Buxton and Bakewell Elevations - 2346.BAK&BUX.02.C

• Buxton and Bakewell Plans - 2346.BAK&BUX.05.C

• Buxton and Bakewell Elevations - 2346.BAK&BUX.06.C

• Buxton and Bakewell Elevations - 2346.BAK&BUX.07.B

• Buxton and Bakewell Plans - 2346.BAK&BUX.08.B

• Buxton 3 Block Handing Elevations – 2346.BUX.01

• Buxton 3 Block Handing Plans – 2346.BUX.02

• Buxton 3 Block Handing Elevations – 2346.BUX.03.A

• Buxton 3 Block Handing Plans – 2346.BUX.04.A

• Cambridge Handing - 2346.CAM.01.B

• Cambridge Handing - 2346.CAM.02.B

• Dart and Spey Elevations - 2346.DAR&SPE.01.B

• Dart and Spey Plans - 2346.DAR&SPE.02.B

• Dart and Spey Elevations - 2346.DAR&SPE.03.A

• Dart and Spey Plans - 2346.DAR&SPE.04.A

• Dart Handing Elevations - 2346.DAR.03.A

• Dart Handing Plans - 2346.DAR.04.A

• Dart Handing Elevations - 2346.DAR.05.A

• Dart Handing Plans - 2346.DAR.06.A

• Ledbury Handing - 2346.LED.01.B


• Ledbury Handing - 2346.LED.02.B

• Letchworth Handing Elevations - 2346.LET.01.B

• Letchworth Handing Elevations - 2346.LET.02.B

• Letchworth Handing Plans - 2346.LET.03.B

• Marlow Handing - 2346.MAR.01.B

• Marlow Handing - 2346.MAR.02

• Overton Handing - 2346.OVE.01.A

• Oxford Lifestyle Handing - 2346.OXF.01.C

• Oxford Lifestyle Handing - 2346.OXF.02.C

• Single Garage Plans and Elevations – 2346.SG.01

• Stamford 4 Block Handing Elevations – 2346.STA.01.A

• Stamford 4 Block Handing Plans – 2346.STA.02.A

• Stratford Handing - 2346.STR.01.C

• Stratford Handing - 2346.STR.02.B

• Tavy and Spey Elevations - 2346.TAV&SPE.01.B

• Tavy and Spey Plans - 2346.TAV&SPE.02.B

• Twin Garage Plans and Elevations – 2346.TG.01.A

• Tweed Handing Elevations - 2346.TWE.01.B

• Tweed Handing Plans - 2346.TWE.02.B

• Warwick Handing - 2346.WAR.01.B

• Warwick Handing - 2346.WAR.02.B

• Windsor Handing - 2346.WIN.01.B

• Windsor Handing - 2346.WIN.02.B


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping

shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following first

occupation of the development; and any trees or plants which, within a period of 10

years from the completion of this phase of the development, die, are removed or

become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting

season with others of similar size and species,


Reason: In the interest of the amenity and appearance of the location.


4. No development shall proceed beyond damp proof course level until full

specification details of all external facing materials (including, walls, roofs and

fenestration detail) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local

Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall proceed in accordance with

the approved materials and shall also comply with the approved materials

distribution plan (Drawing No. 2346.03L).

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory visual appearance of the development.


5. Before installation of any air source heat pumps or similar equipment, a noise

report from a suitably qualified/experienced person shall be submitted to and agreed

in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The written report shall follow the

BS4142:2014 format and contain details of background sound measurements attimes when the plant is likely to be in operation, against the operational plant sound level(s). The report shall predict the likely impact upon sensitive receptors in the area and all calculations, assumptions and standards applied shall be clearly shown.Where appropriate, the report shall set out appropriate measures to provide

mitigation to prevent loss of amenity and prevent creeping background noise levels.

The agreed mitigation measure shall be fully implemented and permanently retained



Reason: In order to protect the living conditions of future occupiers of residential



6. Prior to any occupation of development hereby approved, a final Acoustic Design

Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning

Authority. This statement shall demonstrate how occupiers of the approved dwellings

will be protected from their noise climate, including anticipated traffic noise and

where necessary, noise mitigation measures for the dwellings. Any such noise

mitigation measures must be fully established, implemented, and maintained for the

lifetime of the development, and avoid conflict with ventilation requirements.

Reason: In order to protect the living conditions of future occupiers of residential



7. Prior to use or occupation of development hereby approved, the cycle parking

facilities shown on Cycle Storage Plan – (STEN Architecture, Ref: 2346.12) shall be

constructed and made available. Thereafter, these shall be maintained, kept free

from obstruction and available for the purposes specified.

Reason: To ensure provision of adequate cycle parking to support sustainable

transport; in the interests of highway safety and residential amenity.


8. The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the detailed biodiversity mitigation, compensation and enhancement/net gain strategy set out within the Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (BMES) & Biodiversity Construction Environmental Management Plan (BCEMP) (RSK Biocensus – 2485927 Rev 02 14/08/2024), subject to all new hedgerows to be species-rich native hedgerow that includes at least 5 woody species. Rev 02 14/08/2024.


Reason: To mitigate, compensate and enhance/provide net gain for impacts on biodiversity.


9. Prior to the commencement of the development above damp course level, a scheme showing precise details of all external lighting (including appearance, supporting columns, siting, technical details, power, intensity, orientation and screening of the lamps) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting strategy shall reflect the need to assist public safety whilst adhering to standards set out in the approved Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan (BMES) & Biodiversity Construction Environmental Management Plan (BCEMP) (RSK Biocensus- 2485927 Rev 02 14/08/2024. In particular that light spill within the dark corridor identified in Figure 2 of this document does not exceed 1 lux. The approved scheme shall be implemented before the development is occupied and shall be permanently maintained thereafter. No further external lighting shall be installed on site without the prior approval, in writing, of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the area, public safety, protected species and biodiversity.


10. The development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the

details set out in the submitted Tree Survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment

(JSL4949_770 Rev C May 2024). All trees and hedges shown to be retained in the

Appendix B Tree Removal & Protection Plan (Dwg. No. 710 Rev C 22/05/2024) shall

be fully safeguarded during the course of site works and building operations.


Reason: To ensure that trees and hedges to be retained are adequately protected

from damage to health and stability throughout the construction period and in the

interests of amenity.


11. The construction of the development hereby approved shall be limited to

between the hours of 07:00hrs – 19:00hrs on Mondays to Fridays, 08:00hrs –

13:00hrs on Saturdays, with no activity on Sundays or Public Holidays.


Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the area and living conditions of any

surrounding residential properties.


Supporting documents: