Erection of 10no. dwellings with associated amenity, landscaping and infrastructure including widening of access road.
With the aid of a visual presentation including
plans and aerial photographs, the Case Officer identified the site and
explained the proposal and relevant planning policies to members. Proposed
typic floor plans and photographs of the views from Littlefield, Noake Road and
the entrance to Littlefield were shown. The Location plan showed the site
boundary with the garage plots, site context was given showing the surrounding
building types. There would be an erection of 10 dwellings in the development
boundary of Sherborne and sufficient parking for each property with amenity
areas and the proposal meets parking standards. Additional parking spaces had
been added since the proposal was deferred. The proposal would be 100%
affordable housing. The committee was
shown a list of key planning considerations, conditions and
Public Participation
There was no public participation.
Members questions and comments
Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of
the application and an understanding of all this entailed; having considered
the officer’s report and presentation; the written representatives; and what
they had heard at the meeting, a motion to APPROVE the officer’s
recommendation to GRANT planning permission as recommended, was proposed
by Cllr Jones, and seconded by Cllr Taylor.
Decision: To grant planning permission with conditions
for the reasons set out in the officer’s report.
The development to which this permission relates
must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the
date of this permission. Reason: This condition is required to be imposed by
Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
following approved plans and documents: Location Plan - Drawing Number 2001
(May 2019) Proposed Site Plan - Drawing Number 2004 K (February 2021) Proposed
Roof Plan - Drawing Number 2005 F (February 2021) Proposed Floor Plan Plots 1-5
- Drawing Number 2030 B (November 2020) Proposed Elevations Plots 1-5 - Drawing
Number 2031 C (November 2020) Proposed Floor Plan Plots 6-8 - Drawing Number 2032
B (November 2020) Proposed Elevations Plots 6-8 - Drawing Number 2033 C
(November 2020) Proposed Floor Plan Plots 9-10 - Drawing Number 2034 B
(November 2020) Proposed Elevations Plots 9-10 - Drawing Number 2035 C
(November 2020) Proposed Biodiversity Plan - Drawing Number 2007 B (April 2019)
Proposed Drainage Strategy - Drawing Number A108246-1300 A (April 2019) General
Arrangement of Surface Water Impermeable Areas - Drawing Number 103 P1 (January
2020) Affordable Housing Statement (May 2019) Biodiversity Mitigation &
Enhancement Plan (February 2020) Biodiversity Mitigation & Enhancement Plan
Certificate (February 2020) Design & Access Statement Part 1 (May 2019)
Design & Access Statement Part 2 (May 2019) Ecological Impact Assessment
(September 2018) Ground Condition Appraisal (August 2018) Soakaways 55SqM
(August 2020) Soakaways 84SqM (August 2020) Soakaways 125SqM (August 2020)
Soakaways 156SqM (August 2020) Soakaways 206SqM (August 2020) Soakaways 364SqM
(August 2020) Soakaways 455SqM (August 2020) Statement of Community Involvement
(May 2019) Statement of Compliance with DCLG Technical Housing Standards (May
2019) Transport Statement (May 2019)
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper
Prior to the commencement of the development,
hereby approved, the necessary nutrient mitigation credits to mitigate the
impacts of the development on the Somerset Levels and Moors Ramsar catchment
have been secured from an accredited nutrient provider and a copy of the
Nutrient Credit Certificate demonstrating that purchase, has been submitted to
and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that sufficient mitigation is provided against any
impact which may arise from the development on the Somerset Levels and Moors
The Development hereby approved shall not commence
until a Construction Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This shall include but not
be limited to the following:-
• Measures to ensure that
vehicles leaving the site do not deposit mud or other detritus on the public
• Details of site operative parking areas, material storage areas and
the location of site operatives’ facilities (offices, toilets etc).
• The hours that delivery vehicles will be permitted to arrive and
depart, and arrangements for unloading and manoeuvring.
• Details of any temporary construction accesses and their
• A highway condition survey, timescale for re-inspections, and details
of any reinstatement. The measures set out in the approved Plan shall be
carried out and complied with in full during the construction of the
development hereby approved. Site operatives' parking, material storage and the
positioning of operatives' facilities shall only take place on the site in
locations approved by in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the provision of adequate on-site facilities and in
the interests of highway safety.
Prior to the
commencement of works above ground/foundation level on the development, hereby
approved, details of maintenance & management of both the surface water
sustainable drainage scheme and any receiving system shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be
implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the
approved details. The details shall include a plan for the lifetime of the development,
the arrangements for adoption by any public body or statutory undertaker, or
any other arrangements to secure the operation of the surface water drainage
scheme throughout its lifetime. Reason: To ensure future maintenance of the
surface water drainage system, and to prevent the increased risk of flooding in
accordance with Policy ENV5 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local
Plan 2015.
Prior to the commencement of works above
ground/foundation level on the development, hereby approved, a detailed surface
water management scheme for the site, which accords with the principles
outlined in the following documents: • Drawing: General Arrangement of Proposed
S104 Foul & Surface Water • Drainage – Littlefield Development, Barnaby
Assoc. – Jan 2020 – Ref No: 191110-101-P3 • Report: Soakaway Ground
Investigation Report – Proposed Development at Littlefield, Sherborne –
TerraFirma (South) – Rev 00 (July 2020) – Ref No: 5075/SR, and is based upon
the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development and includes
clarification of how surface water is to be managed during construction, has
been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
surface water scheme shall be fully implemented in accordance with the
submitted details before the development is completed and retained as approved
Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and
protect water quality, and
to improve habitat and amenity in accordance with Policies ENV2 and ENV5 of the
West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan 2015.
Prior to the first occupation of the development,
hereby approved, the turning and parking shown on the submitted plans must have
been constructed. Thereafter, these areas must be permanently maintained, kept
free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified.
Reason: To ensure the proper and appropriate development of the site and
to ensure that highway safety is not adversely impacted upon in accordance with
Policy COM7 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan 2015.
development, hereby approved, shall be carried out in accordance with the
external material details set out within Section 5.1 of the Design and Access
Statement which was submitted with this application and dated May 2019. Reason:
In the interest of visual amenity and ensuring high-quality design in
accordance with Policies ENV10, ENV11 and ENV12 of the West Dorset, Weymouth
and Portland Local Plan 2015.
In the event that contamination is found at any
time when carrying out the approved development, it must be reported in writing
immediately to the Local Planning Authority and an investigation and risk
assessment must be undertaken in accordance with requirements of BS10175 (as
amended). If any contamination is found requiring remediation, a remediation
scheme, including a time scale, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local
Planning Authority in writing. On completion of the approved remediation scheme
a verification report shall be prepared and submitted to the Local Planning
Authority in writing for the approval of the Local Planning Authority within
two weeks of completion.
Reason: To ensure risks from contamination are minimised.
10) The measures of the Biodiversity Mitigation
& Enhancement Plan signed by Mat Gee and dated 20/02/20, and agreed by the
Natural Environment Team on 24/02/2020 shall be implemented in full prior to
first occupation of the dwellings hereby approved.
Reason: In the interests of biodiversity mitigation and enhancement in
accordance with Policy ENV2 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local
Plan 2015.
11) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town
& Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as
amended (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without
modification), the first floor window on the side elevation of plot 6 hereby
approved shall be permanently glazed and maintained thereafter with obscured
glass of a minimum obscurity of Pilkington Level 3 or equivalent and
non-opening up to 1.7 metres above the finished floor level of the room before
the dwelling house is first brought into use.
Reason: To protect amenity and privacy of the nearby neighbouring
dwellings in accordance with Policy ENV12 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and
Portland Local Plan 2015.
12) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town
& Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as
amended (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without
modification), the first-floor window on the rear elevation of plot 9 hereby
approved shall be permanently obscure glazed and maintained thereafter with
obscured glass of a minimum obscurity of Pilkington level 3 or equivalent and a
permanent fixed restrictor installed only allowing the window to be opened by
10cm at the bottom of the window before the dwelling house is first brought
into use.
Reason: To protect amenity and privacy of the nearby neighbouring
dwellings in accordance with Policy ENV12 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and
Portland Local Plan 2015.
13) The development
hereby approved shall not be first occupied until a pedestrian dropped kerb
located on the south side of Littlefield to be positioned as shown on the
Proposed Site Plan, drawing number 2004 K shall first have been installed.
Reason: In the interests of highway safety.
14) Prior to the first use of the site, details
should be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority
to confirm that all residential doors are dual certified for both security,
smoke and fire, the doors should security standard PAS24:2022 or equivalent and
have the appropriate fire rating.
Reason: To ensure that the proposed development provides an appropriate
level of security in order to help design out crime.
15) No
demolition or construction works shall take place outside the hours of:
08:00-17:30 Monday to Friday; 09:00-13:00 Saturday; and No Activity on Sundays
or Bank or Public Holidays.
Reason: In the interests of the amenity of
the area.
16) Full details
of any soil or soil forming materials brought on to the site for use in garden
areas, soft landscaping, filling and level raising shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where the donor site is
unknown or is brownfield, the material must be tested for contamination and
suitability for use on site. Full donor site details, proposals for
contamination testing including testing schedules, sampling frequencies and
allowable contaminant concentrations (as determined by appropriate risk
assessment) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority prior to import on to the site. The approved testing must then be
carried out and validatory evidence (such as laboratory certificates) submitted
to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any soil or
soil forming materials being brought on to site.
Reason: To
ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and
neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters,
property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be
carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other
offsite receptors.
Supporting documents: