Agenda item

Public Participation (30 Minutes)

Members of the public may submit a written question to the Leader, Portfolio Holder, or Chairman of the Shadow Council or committee.  Questions must have been submitted to the Interim Monitoring Officer  by 10.00 am on 11th March. Written statements must be submitted to the Interim Monitoring Officer by midday on 13th March.  


The following questions and statements were received:


“Wimborne Minster Town Council supports the premise embodied within the Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr Bartlett that the new Dorset Council should robustly engage with Town and Parish Councils at the earliest opportunity so that the impact on those councils of the future services provided by Dorset Council can be properly assessed and planned for”.  Read out by the Clerk to the meeting on behalf of Wimborne Minster Town Council.


Question from Iain Houston on behalf of Bradford Abbas Parish Council:

“Can you assure each Parish Council that it will be informed in a timely manner of each planning application in its parish and that, if required by that Parish, contentious applications will come before the Planning Committee.”

In response to the question Cllr T Ferrari reported that there were no plans for parish councils to have increased responsibilities. The working relationship between parish councils and Dorset Council would remain unchanged and as there would be no change to operational arrangements there would be no change to financial arrangements.   

Question from Iain Houston on behalf of Bradford Abbas Parish Council:

“Dilation of County Councillors’ local knowledge:
The three Councillors that attend our Ordinary Parish Council Meetings will be replaced by a single County Councillor. Up until now, our two District Councillors and one County Councillor together have a wealth of knowledge of our local geography and history. 
What steps will the new council take to ensure that a County Councillor covering a larger area will be able to work with each Parish Council to acquire as deep local knowledge as she requires.”

Question from Iain Houston on behalf of Bradford Abbas Parish Council:

How will the County Council involve each Parish Council in sharing out Business Rates to support Parish Councils’ increasing responsibilities?

“At the Blandford Forum Town Council meeting held on Monday 11th March 2019, councillors agreed unanimously to support the motion put forward by Cllr Shane Bartlett.” Read out by the Clerk to the meeting on behalf of Blandford Forum Town Council.

Cllr D Rickard read out the following statement on behalf of Bridport Town Council:

Bridport Town Council appreciates the complexity of LGR and the focus on ‘safe and legal’, but this has left town and parish councils marginalised from the process.  This perception is exacerbated by the Shadow Executive decision which prevented the devolution of services.  We have the powers and the will to help the new Council face the twin pressures of funding and LGR.  In the interests of our community, we call on the Shadow Council to establish a two-way mechanism for our direct engagement in the development of Dorset Council’s services and committee structure, in particular the proposed Area Boards.”

Worth Matravers Parish Council (WMPC) does not consider that as promised the Shadow Council and its Executive have involved or engaged adequately with Town and Parish Councils regarding their future contribution to Dorset Council or any potential impact of establishing the new council on the services they provide

It considers that the Executive have failed to ensure full T&PC’s involvement and consultation. It is essential that the new local authority supply all relevant material information to T&PC’s on all planning and licensing issues in their local areas .In the light of the removal of one tier of local government in this area of Purbeck the views of T&PC’s as the remaining elected tier below the new Dorset County Unitary should undertake to give both prominence and appropriate weight to the views of T&PC's in all future officer reports and decisions by this  new local  authority for the county area .As a matter of policy the new authority should ensure that where  possible and practical delegation to T&PC’s should be promoted.”  Read out by the Clerk to the meeting on behalf of Wimborne Minster Town Council.


Cllr S Jackson read out the following statement on behalf of West Lulworth Parish Council:

“Your constitution limits our voice tonight, and at every meeting, with a word limit of 100 words which is unreasonable, and given that the allotted time is 3 minutes, it serves to be a further restriction within an existing restriction.  This council has already excluded the Parishes but you appear to be going out of your way to exclude meaningful communication with the public.

One accepts the need for a time limit but to impose a word count can only be construed as deliberately undermining the principle of the public participation period thus making the purpose of this meeting laughable”.

The following statement was read out by Mr N Hill:

“The Dorset Council can either be the servants or the masters of the people of Dorset.  A partnership would be a non-sequitur.  The lack of information from the Shadow Cabinet indicates it will be the Masters.  Dorset Council’s members will have been elected to represent the people of Dorset. I strongly recommend, therefore, that Dorset Council choses the path of service to Dorset and actively consults with and informs the people of Dorset, and its councils, unlike its Shadow.”

The following statement was read out by Cllr J Parish on behalf of Corfe Castel Parish Council:

“Corfe Castle Parish Council seek that the Dorset Council commit to work closely with Town and Parish Councils.

When topic groups are established Parish Council’s should be automatically represented and consulted. 


We have been lucky in Purbeck to have regular liaison meetings between Clerks and Chairs of Parish and Town Councils and the District Council. Can this format please continue with the Dorset Council.”


In response to all of the governance related questions and statements Cllr S Flower referred to Part 2 of Article 10 of the Dorset Council Constitution which stated:


“The Council is committed to ensuring effective and efficient engagement with its

community and citizens.  The Council will develop systems and structures which generate community involvement, including in particular through engagement with Town and Parish Councils in its area, helping to identify and introduce solutions to empower communities to do things for themselves and to engage with the Council.

The Council recognises that differing aspects of local government may require

more than one mechanism for consultation and delivery. The Council will

therefore create appropriate systems which will include provision for Area

Forums and other arrangements.  To the extent that community engagement mechanisms developed for the purposes of this Article involve the creation of any Committee and/or the referral/delegation of any powers then arrangements will be put in place to maintain a list of such mechanisms and that list shall be deemed to form part of the Constitution.”


Cllr S Flower emphasised that there was a very clear commitment from Dorset Council to engage with town and parish councils.  In respect of the question regarding the planning process members had had a lengthy debate regarding this matter at the Dorset Shadow Council meeting in February and had agreed to retain the process which ensured that parish councils would continue to be involved with the planning process.


















