Agenda item

Notice of Motion

To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Cllr S Bartlett:-


That there has been a failure of the Shadow Executive Committee to fulfil a promise to involve members from minority groups on Task & Finish Groups, which were originally set up to formulate policies and procedures for the new Dorset Council.


That the Shadow Council agrees that it has not, as promised, involved or engaged adequately with Town and Parish Councils regarding their future contribution to Dorset Council or any potential impact of establishing the new council on the services they provide.


That the Shadow Council acknowledges the importance of ensuring a clear statement of intent is placed on record such that in future within the Dorset Council there be cross party involvement immediately in the development of policies and procedures, as set out within the approved structure of the Dorset Council Constitution.  And that further, Town and Parish Councils will be robustly engaged, on an ongoing basis, in respect of future service provision by the Dorset Council, which may have an impact on their councils.


The motion has been supported by:-

Cllrs J A Andrews, N J Ireland, S Jefferies, M E Rennie, S Hosford, R Potter, T Harries, E S Jones, M Hall, G Taylor, A Canning, K Wheller, D Budd, T Jones, P R Kimber, R Nowak, L Hamilton, B Ezzard, S Bartlett, R Biggs, D Rickard, T Roos, C Huckle, C Sutton and J Orrell 





The following motion was proposed by Cllr S Bartlett seconded by Cllr K Wheller: 


That there has been a failure of the Shadow Executive Committee to fulfil a promise to involve members from minority groups on Task & Finish Groups, which were originally set up to formulate policies and procedures for the new Dorset Council.


That the Shadow Council agrees that it has not, as promised, involved or engaged adequately with Town and Parish Councils regarding their future contribution to Dorset Council or any potential impact of establishing the new council on the services they provide.


That the Shadow Council acknowledges the importance of ensuring a clear statement of intent is placed on record such that in future within the Dorset Council there be cross party involvement immediately in the development of policies and procedures, as set out within the approved structure of the Dorset Council Constitution.  And that further, Town and Parish Councils will be robustly engaged, on an ongoing basis, in respect of future service provision by the Dorset Council, which may have an impact on their councils.”


Cllr S Bartlett explained that when the original Member Task and Finish Groups had been established there had been a promise that the membership would come from across all of the sovereign councils and they would be cross party. When the Task and Finish Groups became Working Groups the change did not come before the Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Group for approval.  Cllr Bartlett highlighted that cross party engagement should be the normal way of working for Dorset Council for all working groups, informal groups, panels etc. in order to enhance local decision making. In addition town and parish councils needed to be part of the golden thread to ensure that local communities were at the heart of the new council.      


Cllr R Knox tabled the following amendment to the motion seconded by Cllr G Haynes:


“That the Shadow Dorset Council understands and recognises that local community and individual need is key in the delivery of effective services.  The delivery of these services will involve many different bodies, Town and Parish Councils, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other public organisations.  These are vital partners to ensure Dorset Council fosters vibrant communities across the county and this is a fundamental principle of the constitution of the new council.


A fantastic opportunity exists for the elected members of the new Dorset Council and all these partners, who are so important and valued in delivering local services, both now and in the future.  The Shadow Dorset Council would like to thank all those who have positively helped in ensuring a robust and local solution for community engagement is a continuing part of the transformation ethos of the new Dorset Council.” 


Cllr R Knox reported that there had been overwhelming support for local government reform in Dorset and that this change would enable the new council to serve the people of Dorset and to provide the best services possible.  The next stage would be to work closely with town and parish councils and the community sector.  There was no one size fits all so it would be important to have engagement with towns and parishes to find a  solution for each local community.      


Cllr S Bartlett requested a 5 minute adjournment to allow members to consider the amendment.  The Chairman agreed to this request at 19.10 pm.   


The meeting reconvened at 19.15pm.


Cllr D Rickard felt that the amendment should be thrown out as it was not an amendment but rather a counter motion.  Cllr P Kimber, Cllr R Nowak, Cllr J Orrell, Cllr C Sutton, Cllr M Rennie, R Potter and G Taylor all stated that they would not support the amendment.  


Cllr T Roos requested a recorded vote and this was supported by 20 councillors.


It was proposed by Cllr S Christopher seconded by Cllr T Yarker that the amendment be put to the vote.


On being put to the vote the amendment was CARRIED.


For (71): Councillors A Alford, P Batstone*, K Brookes*, C Brooks*, P Brown, R Bryan, N Bundy, A Burch, S Burns, S Butler*, M Byatt, S Christopher, R Cook, T Coombs*, H Cox, G Duke, J Dunseith*, J Farquharson, T Ferrari*, S Flower*, R Freeman, K Garcia*, B Goringe, P Harrison, B Haynes, J Haynes*, F Horsington, O Kanji, A Kerby, R Knox, M Lawrence, M Lovell, W Meaden, L Miller, E Parker, A Parry*, M Penfold*, V Pothecary, B Quinn, B Ridout, M Roberts*, J Russell, J Sewell, P Shorland, D Shortell*, J Somper, D Turner*, D Walsh*, P Wharf*, K Wheller*, M Wiggins and T Yarker


Against (38): Councillors J Andrews, S Bartlett*, R Biggs, D Budd, A Canning*, K D Johnson, N Dragon, D Elliott, B Ezzard*, Mike Gould, M Hall, T Harries, D Harris, R Hope, S Hosford, C Huckle, N Ireland, S Jones, T Jones, P Kimber, D Morgan, R Nowak, J Orrell*, R Potter, M Rennie, C Reynolds, D Rickard, T Roos, Jackie Stayt, John Stayt, C Sutton, G Taylor, A Weaving, J Westbrook.   


*Councillors with two seats on the Shadow Dorset Council by virtue of being members of both Dorset County Council and a borough/district council.


AGREED as a substantive motion:-


“That the Shadow Dorset Council understands and recognises that local community and individual need is key in the delivery of effective services.  The delivery of these services will involve many different bodies, Town and Parish Councils, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other public organisations.  These are vital partners to ensure Dorset Council fosters vibrant communities across the county and this is a fundamental principle of the constitution of the new council.


A fantastic opportunity exists for the elected members of the new Dorset Council and all these partners, who are so important and valued in delivering local services, both now and in the future.  The Shadow Dorset Council would like to thank all those who have positively helped in ensuring a robust and local solution for community engagement is a continuing part of the transformation ethos of the new Dorset Council.” 



Cllr S Bartlett proposed an amendment (in italics) to the substantive motion:-


“That the Shadow Dorset Council understands and recognises that local community and individual need is key in the delivery of effective services.  The delivery of these services will involve many different bodies, Town and Parish Councils, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other public organisations.  These are vital partners to ensure Dorset Council fosters vibrant communities across the county and this is a fundamental principle of the constitution of the new Council.

We ask that Dorset Council will acknowledge the value of all councillors and undertake to robustly include in all committees, task and finish groups, working groups, informal committees, executive advisory panels, members of all political minority groups or independent members.


A fantastic opportunity exists for the elected members of the new Dorset Council and all these partners, who are so important and valued in delivering local services, both now and in the future.   The Shadow Dorset Council would like to thank all those who have positively helped in ensuring a robust and local solution for community engagement is a continuing part of the transformation ethos of the new Dorset Council.”


On being put to the vote the amendment was CARRIED


For (86), Councillors J Andrews, S Bartlett*, P Batstone*, R Biggs, C Brooks*, R Bryan*, D Budd, N Bundy, A Burch, S Burns, M Byatt, A Canning*, S Christopher, H Cox, N Dragon, G Duke, J Dunseith*, D Elliott, B Ezzard*, T Ferrari*, R Freeman, K Garcia*, Mike Gould, M Hall, T Harries, D Harris, P Harrison, B Haynes, J Haynes*, R Hope, F Horsington, S Hosford, C Huckle, N Ireland, S Jones, T Jones, O Kanji, P Kimber, R Knox, M Lawrence, M Lovell, W Meaden, L Miller, D Morgan, R Nowak, J Orrell*, A Parry*, M Penfold*, R Potter, B Quinn, M Rennie, C Reynolds, D Rickard, B Ridout, M Roberts*, T Roos, J Russell, J Sewell, P Shorland, Jackie Stayt, John Stayt, C Sutton, G Taylor, D Turner*, A Weaving, J Westbrook, P Wharf*, K Wheller*, M Wiggins


Against (20), Councillors A Alford, K Brookes*, P Brown, S Butler*, R Cook, T Coombs*, K D Johnson, J Farquharson, B Goringe, A Kerby, E Parker, D Shortell*, J Somper,  D Walsh*, T Yarker 


Abstentions (3), Councillors S Flower*, V Pothecary, 


*Councillors with two seats on the Shadow Dorset Council by virtue of being members of both Dorset County Council and a borough/district council.


The substantive motion was CARRIED:-


“That the Shadow Dorset Council understands and recognises that local community and individual need is key in the delivery of effective services.  The delivery of these services will involve many different bodies, Town and Parish Councils, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other public organisations.  These are vital partners to ensure Dorset Council fosters vibrant communities across the county and this is a fundamental principle of the constitution of the new Council.

We ask that Dorset Council will acknowledge the value of all councillors and undertake to robustly include in all committees, task and finish groups, working groups, informal committees, executive advisory panels, members of all political minority groups or independent members.


A fantastic opportunity exists for the elected members of the new Dorset Council and all these partners, who are so important and valued in delivering local services, both now and in the future.   The Shadow Dorset Council would like to thank all those who have positively helped in ensuring a robust and local solution for community engagement is a continuing part of the transformation ethos of the new Dorset Council.”


For (106), Councillors A Alford, J Andrews, S Bartlett*, P Batstone*, R Biggs, K Brookes*, C Brooks*, P Brown, R Bryan*, D Budd, N Bundy, A Burch, S Burns, S Butler*, M Byatt, A Canning*, S Christopher, R Cook, T Coombs*, H Cox, K D Johnson, N Dragon, G Duke, J Dunseith*, D Elliott, B Ezzard*, J Farquharson, T Ferrari*, S Flower*, R Freeman, K Garcia*, Mike Gould, M Hall, T Harries, D Harris, P Harrison, B Haynes, J Haynes*, R Hope, F Horsington, S Hosford, C Huckle, N Ireland, T Jones, O Kanji, A Kerby, P Kimber, R Knox, M Lawrence, M Lovell, W Meaden, L Miller, D Morgan, R Nowak, J Orrell*, E Parker, A Parry*, M Penfold*, V Pothecary, R Potter, B Quinn, M Rennie, C Reynolds, D Rickard, B Ridout, M Roberts*, T Roos, J Russell, J Sewell, P Shorland, D Shortell*, J Somper, Jackie Stayt, John Stayt, G Taylor, D Turner*, D Walsh*, A Weaving, J Westbrook, P Wharf*, K Wheller*, M Wiggins, T Yarker


Against (1 ), Councillor B Goringe


Abstentions (2) Councillors S Jones, C Sutton