To consider a report by the Corporate Director, Legal and Democratic.
The Leader of the Council presented a report and
recommendation to amend the Constitution of Dorset Council which was adopted by
the Shadow Council in April 2019.
The review of the Constitution had been brought forward
after consultation with Group Leaders, the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.
This would enable any changes to the structure of committees and the roles of
members to be approved by the Council, to be implemented at the Annual Council
Meeting in May so that they take full year effect.
It was proposed by Cllr S Flower seconded by Cllr C
That the Council:-
(a) Supports the changes to
the Constitution set out in the following sections of the report to Council of 18
February 2020:
(i) 10.4 To enable the Leader to designate up to six
members from the controlling group as Lead Members to work alongside portfolio
(ii) 11.10 To replace the existing four overview and
scrutiny committees with two overview committees and two scrutiny committees.
(iii) 11.11 That the Chairmen of the two scrutiny
committees shall be members of the largest opposition group and the vice
chairmen shall not be members of the controlling group.
(iv) 11.12 That People and Health Overview Committee
should include the statutory education co-optees (for
education business only) and that the People and Health Scrutiny Committee
should exercise the Council’s statutory health scrutiny and crime and disorder
(v) 12.3 to 12.6 To simplify and clarify the role and
composition of the Staffing Committee when making senior officer appointments.
(vi) 13.1 To add the arrangements for the appointment
and terms of office of co-opted members of the Harbours Committee.
(vii) 14.3 To implement the recommendation of a
multi-agency task and finish group that the pan-Dorset Community Safety &
Criminal Justice Board be disbanded.
(viii) 15.1
To delete the interim arrangements which
operated between 1 April 2019 and the first elections to Dorset Council.
(iv) 15.2 To make other consequential changes
including to Council Procedure Rule 9 (Public Participation) to reflect the
importance of the voice of Parish and Town Councils and the experience of the
Chairman of Council and Democratic Services in operating the rules.
(x) 16.1 To give the Leader authority after
consulting the Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee to make necessary
drafting changes prior to publication of the Constitution.
(b) And that the Council
(i) Ask the Audit and Governance Committee to determine any
changes needed to those parts of the Constitution which contribute to the
internal control environment.
(ii) Ask the Independent
Remuneration Panel to include the outcomes of the review the Constitution in
their review of the Scheme of Members’ Allowances.
(iii) Agree that the next
major review of the Council’s governance arrangements should not take place
before February 2022.
Reason for Recommendation:
To provide the Council with the good governance
arrangements needed to enable the Council to be effective and efficient and
achieve its ambitions for Dorset’s communities - Member led
and governance lite.
Supporting documents: