To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets.
In the absence of
the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Assets, the Chairman (Leader
of the Council) presented the Budget Strategy for 2020-2021.
The Chairman
advised that the budget carried forward many aspects of the submitted paper to
the scrutiny committee(s), but had been improved following their
engagement. The Chairman thanked
Scrutiny for their contribution and their constructive challenge to the budget process.
Cabinet was advised
that there was two key focuses that underpinned the budget. The transfer of resources to front line
services, in particular Adult Social Care and Children’s Services. £11.7m had
been added to the expenditure on the most vulnerable adults in the Dorset area
and £10.3m was to be spent on children with care or educational needs.
The budget
increased the council tax burden to residents by just under 4% and this
proposed increase was considered carefully before being presented to members,
but was necessary to meet the needs of Dorset’s most vulnerable residents. The council tax increase provided £9.6m which
was less than half of the extra money allocated to the care services. Members noted that the formation of the
unitary council meant that there would be not cut in services through the
budget presented to members for 2020-2021
The second element
of the budget related to the move of money from back office tasks to front line
services. The creation of the unitary
council had allowed a reduction to central costs, including a slim-lined
leadership team, reduction in councillors and the removal of duplication across
other levels of the organisation. This
rationalising would continue in future years.
In proposing the
recommendation to Full Council, the Chairman advised that this was a balanced
budget that members could have confidence in.
In response to
questions from non-executive councillors, the Executive Director of Corporate
Development explained that there had been minor changes from the figures
presented to the Scrutiny Committee(s) as more details of funding had recently
being announced by Government, in particular details of the New Homes Bonus.
Members noted that there may be some further very minor adjustments to the
final figures to be presented to Full Council on 18 February 2020, to take
account of rounding’s in the calculation of the precept bandings.
Both the Portfolio
Holders for Children, Education and Early Help and Adult Social Care and Health
welcomed the budget; they acknowledged that the Blue Print for Change and other
transforming projects must continue at pace,
in order that the council was able to respond to increasing demand.
However it was also essential that councillors continued to lobby central
government regarding future funding for Dorset.
Members also
welcomed the proposed approach to policy change that was intended to encourage
owners of long-term empty properties to return these to homes of use.
In response to
questions, the Executive Director of Corporate Development confirmed that
senior officer of the council had been part of the budget process to ensure
their departmental budgets were realistic stating that it was important that
officers understood budget expectations.
Recommendation to Full Council
the revenue budget summarised in Appendix 1 be approved;
the increase in general council tax of 1.995% and to levy 2% as the social care
precept, providing a band D council tax figure for Dorset Council of £1,694.7,
be approved:
the capital strategy set out in Appendix 3 and the capital programme set out in
Appendix 4, be approved;
treasury management strategy set out in Appendix 5, be approved;
the assumptions used to develop the budget strategy and MTFP as set out
throughout the report be Cabinet and summarised in Appendix 6, be approved;
the recommended balances on earmarked reserves and on general funds, including
the minimum level of the general fund, be approved;
the application of council tax premiums as set out in the report to Cabinet,
for long-term empty properties, to encourage those homes back into use, be
the responses to the recommendations and comments made as part of the budget
scrutiny process, as set out in Appendix 8 of the report be agreed.
The cost reductions flowing from reorganisation as summarised in
Appendix 7 of the report to cabinet were received and noted.
Reason for Recommendation:
The Council is required to set a balanced revenue budget, and to approve
a level of council tax as an integral part of this.
The Council is also required to approve a capital strategy, a capital
programme and budget, and a treasury management strategy.
The draft budget
proposals have been considered and endorsed by the four Dorset Council scrutiny
committees (People, Place, Resources and Health).
Supporting documents: