To receive any announcements and reports from the Leader of Council and Portfolio Holders.
The Leader reminded
members that-
the LGA
Corporate Peer Review had taken place on 1-4 October 2019. Initial feedback had been received and the
formal report would be available at the end of October/early November;
he had
written to the Chancellor regarding the lack of Central Government funding for
Dorset. The provisional announcement was
likely to include additional funding for Education, SEND and Adult Social
Care. No figures were yet available but
the Chancellor's budget on 5 November 2019 might give more details.
a brief overview of progress on the 9 cross-Party
EAPs was given: Climate Change
Emergency, Local Plan for Dorset, Economic Growth and Skills, IT and Digital,
Diversity, Inclusion, Relationships with Town and Parish Councils, Leisure
Centre Review and Rural Access to Services . Members of all groups had
made a positive contribution to the work of the EAPs which illustrated
cross-party collaboration. Details of the EAPs' work were now
available on the intranet, were regularly updated and played an essential part
in creating change at pace. Completion
dates would also be added to their forward plans. The LGA Peer Review commented
on the cross-party involvement as being positive. The work of the EAPs would be referred to the
Cabinet and relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee before being considered by
Dorset Council for approval. He thanked members for their involvement
and contributions during a challenging and difficult time.
he was in the process of meeting neighbouring
Council Leaders: he had already met with the Leaders of Wiltshire and Hampshire
Councils to discuss matters of common interest and these had been well
received. Meetings with Somerset, Devon,
Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole, New Forest and South Somerset Councils were
he drew attention to awards won by the Council and
where it had been praised for its efforts.
Details were available on the Dorset Council Website. Although this performance was good, it could
be improved and he drew particular attention to the Council's work on climate
change where it was rated as one of the top 20 councils in the country. Wiltshire Council were top and he had gained
information from its Leader which might help improve Dorset's current
performance; and
a Leader's bulletin would be published the
following date.
Cllr N Ireland was glad that the Leader had
written to the Chancellor about additional funding and asked whether there had
been correspondence with local MPs. The
Leader confirmed that his letter had been copied to them and that he had met
them to ask for their support in getting a better deal for Dorset.
Cllr R Legg stated
that in previous years there had been regular meetings between the Leadership,
opposition groups and local MPs. The
current cross-party unity could be used to show Dorset as a united authority
and should be better funded.
Cllr P Kimber asked
for the Leader's letter to be circulated again so that members could lobby the
main opposition parties and their leaders.
The Leader agreed to provide this again and welcomed any further
lobbying efforts.