To consider Application 3/18/3305/OUT, for the development of
land South of Leigh Road, Wimborne this proposal being a hybrid application
An outline application for the erection of 174 dwellings, with all matters
reserved save for means of access.
A full planning application for the erection of a community sports facility
comprising club house, playing pitches, parking and landscaping together with
the change of use of the land to leisure.
The Committee
considered an application - 3/18/3305/OUT
- to vary the provisions of planning application 3/18/3305/FUL: this having
been granted planning permission for the development of land south of Leigh
Road, Wimborne by East Dorset District Council’s (EDDC) Planning Committee at
its meeting on 20 March 2019.
This permission
provided for:-
an outline application for the erection of 174 dwellings, with all
matters reserved, save for means of access.
a full planning application for the erection of a community sports
facility comprising club house, playing pitches, parking and landscaping
together with the change of use of the land to leisure.
This grant of
permission was subject to the applicants’ firstly entering into a S106 Legal
Agreement, within an agreed timeframe, to secure a range of infrastructure
provisions necessary to enable the development to progress successfully, and a
number of conditions to guide the final form of the development. In the event
that the S106 legal agreement was not secured within the agreed timeframe, the
Committee had resolved to refuse the application. The basis for those planning
obligations was that they met the following tests:
• Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning
• Directly related to
the development; and
• Fairly and
reasonably related in scale and kind to the development.
the aid of a visual presentation and taking into consideration the provisions
of the Update Sheet appended to these minutes, officers put into context what
the main proposals and planning issues of the development were; how these were
to be progressed; how the development would contribute to meeting housing
needs; what was being proposed to complement the development; and particularly,
the reasoning for the variations which were now being proposed as a means of
benefitting the development and what this entailed.
and photographs provided an illustration of the location, dimensions and design
of the development, with the presentation also confirming what the highways,
traffic management, parking and access arrangements being proposed would be;
how the enhancements would look and their setting; showed the development’s
relationship with the characteristics of the surrounding town development and
landscape, the local highway network; other residential development and civic
amenities in Wimborne and Colehill and its setting within the town. It was
confirmed that this development was on land which had been allocated in the
adopted Christchurch and East Dorset Local Plan for development, with this
planning application needing to be considered on its individual merit.
Originally, following a
viability assessment, a contribution of £943,938 was available to fund both
off-site highway works and a proportion towards educational provision. This
comprised £443,938 towards educational needs and £500,000, attributed for
off-site works to be carried out by the developer, to mitigate the perceived
traffic generated by this scheme - at the junction of Wimborne Road West
(B3073) and the Canford Bottom Roundabout. However, the education element had
only been partially funded due to the costs of the highway works, with the full education contribution of
£899,694 which had been sought being based on an agreed methodology which
calculated a proportionate, fair and reasonable contribution towards education
from each new eligible dwelling, had only been partially funded due to
viability constraints.
Subsequently however, from
further transport assessments made by the applicants, it had been established
that those proposed highway improvements were seen to be unnecessary in
mitigating the impact of the development on the local highway network, given
that it since had been determined that the volume of vehicles generated by the
site would only make a
marginal difference to the overall movements at that junction.
On that basis it
was considered that given there was now no requirement for this funding to be
used for that purpose, that contribution – the principle of which had been
agreed – could now more readily benefit the educational needs which would arise
from the scheme, so as to fully satisfy what had originally been assessed as
being necessary.
Consequently, the applicant now
proposed to reapportion the funds to education and therefore to meet in full
the requested contribution of £899,694. This still left some £44,000 from what
had been previously viability tested, that was unallocated and unapportioned
from the total amount, which was still available for necessary infrastructure.
percentage of affordable housing that would be delivered by this site was
determined to be 28%, which was below the policy requirement of 50%. This was justified through a Viability
Assessment and had been supported by EDDC, due to the cost of combined
infrastructure contributions including the direct delivery of the new on-site
sports village. The proposed change in
contributions had now led to a slight increase in the viability of the
site. The National Planning Policy
Guidance (NPPG) made allowances for the review of viability where circumstances
changed, as it did here.
Given the
circumstances and the advanced stage that this site had reached in the planning
process, it was recommended that the £44,000 could be secured as a contribution
towards the shortfall in affordable housing, in being secured as a financial
contribution towards the delivery of affordable housing off-site in the
parishes of Wimborne Minster or Colehill.
considered that this off-site affordable housing contribution, in combination
with the on-site affordable housing previously agreed, was proportionate, fair
and reasonable and met the statutory tests of the NPPG.
Given that the
impact of the development on the highway network would not be significant, and
would be below the level of impact previously considered acceptable by Dorset
Highways, officer’s concluded that the Grampian style planning condition and
the obligation for a £500,000 contribution towards off-site highway works was
not now necessary to make this development acceptable in planning terms and
this formed the basis of their recommendation. It was clarified that members’
focus should solely be on what was being recommended - the s106 aspect of the
application - rather the merits of the development itself or what it had to
offer, as this was not part of their consideration.
The Committee were
informed of what consultation had taken place and what
measures to
actively manage the process had been put in place as a result of the responses
received to this.
Verguson made the point, on behalf of other residents of Leigh Road, that this
application conflicted with the core strategy and that what had been decided
upon by the District Council should not be varied as proposed as this would set
a precedent for other variations down the line. He considered that the
development was too exclusive and extensive and would adversely affect local
resources, services and quality of life and should, if anything, include more
affordable housing. He was reminded by the Chairman that this was not an
opportunity to revisit the grant of permission, but only to be concerned with
what was being recommended.
Miles for the applicant - Gleesons Strategic Land Ltd - wholly supported what was being proposed, for the reasons
given, which was designed to deliver socio economic enhancements that would
complement the development and those who benefitted from it. On that basis, she
asked the Committee to endorse the recommendation.
One of
the Ward members for Colehill and Wimborne Minster East, Councillor Janet
Dover, asked the Committee to reconsider the investment in the highways network
as had been originally proposed as she considered this would be necessary given
her perception of the traffic which would be generated from this scheme. As
Canford Bottom roundabout was busy as it was, greater traffic volumes would
only exacerbate this considerably. If these highway improvements were not to
take place, she questioned what would happen if it were necessary for future
works to address matters and who would be responsible for doing this. On that
basis she considered the variations should not be proceeded with.
other Ward member, Councillor Maria Roe, had been given the opportunity to
speak, but did not feel it necessary to do this.
Committee were then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the
presentation and from invited speakers, with officer’s providing clarification
in respect of the points raised. Officers explained that the revised traffic
impact assessment had been scrutinised by highways officers and Highways
England and concluded that the assessment was robust in concluding that the
level of traffic from the development was insufficient to justify the
previously required highway scheme. It was considered that the full education
contribution and affordable housing contribution were more beneficial to
mitigate the impact of the development than those which might be achieved from
any enhancement to the highway infrastructure. Of importance was the need for
any enhancement to directly complement the development and its effect, so there
was no scope for highways improvements not associated with that, however
desirable this might seem.
As a
means of allaying the concerns of some that the planning obligations might not
necessarily be fulfilled by the developer, the Senior Solicitor confirmed that
the s106 Agreement was a binding obligation between the developer and had to be
in place before planning permission would be granted.
considered that given all of this, together with those changes made to the
proposals in response to the representations received to the formal
consultation process, now satisfactorily addressed what concerns there had been
so, on that basis, officers were recommending that permission be granted for
the approval of the application. Having heard what officers had to say about
this, members were largely satisfied with the responses received in their more
meaningful understanding of what the variations entailed.
some members remained concerned that the highways were not now to receive the
funding that might be necessary for them to function as effectively as they
might. They felt that a development of this size would have some considerable
effect on increasing the traffic movements to the south of Wimborne and
Colehill, despite the engineering predictions. Given this, they felt there
should be some means by which that infrastructure commitment could be
maintained. However, they accepted that the basis of assessments made were on
tried and tested modelling used elsewhere for such purpose, in being
fundamental to the Council’s highways strategy.
other Councillors expressed the view in that what was being proposed went
considerable way to achieving all that was necessary in satisfactorily
complementing the development, in ensuring that the funding available for the
facilities now to be provided brought the greatest benefits that were possible
and practicable. They accepted the technical assessment made by officers and
traffic engineers about what traffic volume and movements would arise from the
new estate - in that there would be no significant additional detriment to
traffic congestion or generation. Moreover, they were confident in their
understanding that Highways England had made a commitment to address any
necessary improvements to optimise the capacity of the roundabout in the near
to medium term. They considered this would adequately manage all that was
needed at that junction and accepted the assessment made.
had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having understood
what was being proposed and the reasoning for this; having taken into account
the officer’s report, what they had heard at
the meeting from the case officer, legal advisor and those
invited speakers, the Committee were satisfied in their
understanding of
what the variations were designed to do and why they were seen to now be
necessary in addressing the educational and affordable housing needs of
the development. On that basis – and on being put to the vote – the
Committee considered that the variation to the planning application should be
and permission granted on that basis, subject to the conditions set out in the
officer’s report, and having regard to the provisions of the Update Sheet.
That planning permission of application 3/18/3305/FUL be varied by 3/18/3305/OUT
for the Development of land South of Leigh Road, Wimborne by reason of/
in that :-
• Condition 15 of application
3/18/3305/FUL being removed, • The requirement for £500,000
contribution to the Canford Bottom Roundabout /Wimborne Road West junction
improvement being no longer required in the Heads of Terms for the S106
Agreement, and • The full education contribution of
£899,694 be required as part of the Heads of Terms of the S016 Agreement. ·
That the
residue of the collective S106 sum be allocated towards an off-site
Affordable Housing contribution of £44,000 be required towards the delivery
of affordable housing in the parishes of Wimborne Minster or Colehill so as
this might increase that proportion from the current 28% ·
That the period
for the preparation of the Agreement be extended to 31 October 2019 subject to the conditions set
out in the officer’s report and having regard to the provisions of the Update
Supporting documents: