Agenda item

WP/16/00253/OUT and WD/D/16/000739 - Land to the North of Littlemoor, Weymouth

Outline application for a mixed use development comprising: up to 500 dwellings, including affordable housing; up to 8 ha of employment land (to include a new hotel, residential care home, car show rooms and other employment land); land for a new primary school; a new local centre; public open spaces, new accesses and roads, and associated infrastructure.


The outline application for a mixed use development for up to 500 dwellings, up to 8ha employment land, land for a new primary school, a new local centre, public open spaces, new accesses and road and associated infrastructure was presented by the Senior Planning Officer. The two duplicate applications were necessary due to the cross boundary location of the application site on the former Weymouth & Portland Borough Council and West Dorset District Council areas.


The application had been the subject of a site visit on the morning of the meeting.


The Development Manager outlined the revised recommendation and conditions provided in the update sheet circulated to members and included in the presentation.  She explained that these were largely related to clarifications and typographical alterations and that full details would be submitted as reserved matters.


The Chairman read aloud a letter by Dr Guy Dickenson, from the West Dorset Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), who was unable to attend the meeting.  The letter referred to development in the AONB, the National Planning Policy Framework, viability, the need for the various commercial uses, lack of correlation between the number of homes and people on the housing register and environmentally friendly buildings.


Oral representation was received from Cllr Graham Brant, on behalf of Bincombe Parish Council, who highlighted concerns in relation to the sufficiency of landscaping around the site boundaries, the impact of increased numbers of vehicles on the A354 and the use of Bincombe Lane and the hamlet as a rat run. 


Oral representation was received from Cllr Roland Tarr, Dorset Councillor - Winterborne and Broadmayne Ward, who drew attention to the world famous archaeology and tumuli on the site which was an important element of tourism, contravention of the NPPF and infringement of the development on the coastal path.


Mr Richard Boother, the Agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application.


In response to speaker comments, the Senior Planning Officer advised that landscaping along a small element of the application was less than the desired depth, however, there had been no objection by the AONB team and there were no buildings situated in the more elevated part of the site.  Advanced planting had been included in the conditions and reflected the importance of phasing of the development.


The Development Manager highlighted paragraph 172 of the NPPF, which although strong in offering protection and limiting development, did not mean that there could be no development on the AONB.  The impacts on the environment and landscape, local economy and the need for housing had been carefully considered through the Local Plan process, and the AONB carefully considered in bringing this application forward. An outline planning application was part of the normal planning process and it was not expected to have the full detail at this stage, as this would be considered under reserved matters and fully publicised and consulted upon. 


Members asked how the impact of additional traffic from 500 homes would be mitigated, in particular with regard to:-


·      the use of Bincombe Road to circumvent traffic along the A354

·      a reduction in speed limit along Littlemoor Road

·      a 20mph speed limit within the estate.

·      the impact of this proposal on congestion at the existing shopping centre junction


Members were advised that traffic calming measures could be introduced in order to reduce the tendency for people to use Bincombe Road.  Any proposal to reduce the speed limit along Littlemoor Road would require a separate consultation and have the additional proven benefit of increasing capacity. This could be instigated by Dorset Council in conjunction with the developer. The details of the junctions were reserved matters and subject to further investigation.


Members asked about the viability of the different elements of the scheme, and the impact of the development on tourism.


The Development Manager advised that, apart from the car show room which was a specific use (sui generis), the other employment uses were within broad use classes and could be changed without the need for a further application. The hotel had already been subject to a viability study to serve the development and the wider area and it was not considered that the development would result in a significant impact on tourism income elsewhere in the area.


Further comments were made about the need for homes and numbers of people on the housing register.  The Housing Enabling Officer advised that there would be 175 units of affordable housing through shared ownership or rented accommodation.  There were 734 people on the Weymouth & Portland housing register with 154 having a connection with the Littlemoor area.  He accepted comments made on behalf of the CPRE of the need for smaller homes and that this was a sustainable development with an expectation of 1, 2 and 3 bed homes.


Cllr Louie O'Leary, speaking as the Ward Member for Littlemoor and Preston, asked why a greater portion of the Section 106 Agreement contribution had not been allocated to be spent in Littlemoor where residents were directly affected by the development.


The Committee was advised that the planning obligations package had evolved over the past 2-3 years and were deemed to be appropriate projects that related to the development. Contributions directly affecting Littlemoor included the improvement of the existing medical facilities, a new school, library facilities, a children's play area, as well as an allocation for the Lorton Nature Reserve adjoining the area.  Any residual money would be used to improve sports provision next to the Littlemoor community hall, which had been identified through previous discussions with ward members.  Contributions to Weymouth Swimming Pool and Redlands Sport Centre would also benefit Littlemoor residents.


Members asked whether the land had been assessed for flooding due to the topography of the site and were advised that this detail would come forward at reserve matters stage, although it had also been considered as part of the outline application.


Cllr Nick Ireland suggested some additional conditions in relation to a bridleway, priority to cyclists and pedestrians, electric vehicle charging points, a bus service and a 20mph speed limit within the estate.


The Development Manager advised that the suggested conditions were largely details to be negotiated as part of reserved matters and that the detail and wording of any new conditions must be carefully considered.  However, there was no current policy in the Local Plan to support the inclusion of a condition relating to electric charging points for vehicles.


Members were mindful that an updated Local Plan would not be finalised until 2023 and considered paragraph 110 of the NPPF in relation to charging of low emission vehicles.   The Committee adjourned for a short period to consider the wording of the condition.



Proposed by Cllr Simon Christopher, seconded by Cllr David Gray.



A.  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to grant outline planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Head of Planning to secure the following (index linked if financial contributions):


·         Phasing and triggers for contributions;

·         35% Affordable Housing;

·         Highway Matters including footpath links and pedestrian links across Littlemoor Road (A353);

·         Structural landscaping and Landscape Environmental Management Plan (LEMP)

·         Comprehensive drainage strategy for all phases

·         Financial Contributions towards healthcare provision of £40,000

·         Provision of an on-site Local Centre;

·         Provision of 8ha of serviced employment land;

·         Allocation of land within the site for provision of an Hotel, Care Home and Car showrooms to ensure employment provision;

·         Provision of on-site school site and Education Contribution of £6169 per eligible unit;

·         Contributions towards existing and proposed community facilities including community hall of £309,950

·         Contribution to Redland Sports Centre towards re-surfacing Hockey Pitch of £112,069

·         Contribution to Weymouth Swimming Pool of £127,095

·         Contribution to Library facilities of £64,860

·         On site provision of Children’s Play and Open Space Facilities and financial contribution of £478,162

·         Lorton Nature Reserve contribution of £95,760

And subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes, including amended conditions included in the Update Sheet and an additional condition relating to charging points for electric vehicles.






1. Policy HOUS1 of the adopted West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan 2015 requires a minimum on-site provision of 35% of the units as affordable housing. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure these affordable units the scheme would fail to meet the substantial unmet need for affordable housing in the district and the proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy HOUS1 of the Local Plan.


2. Policy COM1 of the of the adopted West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan2015 sets out that where new development will generate the need for new or improved community infrastructure and this need is not being met through the Community Infrastructure Levy, suitable provision should be made on site. Policy LITT1 of the Local Plan sets out the expected infrastructure provision commensurate with this proposal for an urban extension to Littlemoor. This is amplified in the Council’s Adopted Supplementary Planning Document ‘Planning Obligations Guidelines – 2010’. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure the required community benefits the scheme would fail to mitigate the increase in demand for the necessary infrastructure to support the development generated by the proposal; namely:


Highway improvements;

Drainage provision;

Structural Planting and Green Infrastructure;



Community facilities

Sports and recreation provision; and,

Children’s’ play and open space.


In the absence of a planning obligation, the proposals therefore, fails to meet the provisions of policies INT1, ENV3, ENV5, SUS1, ECON1, COM1, COM2, COM4, COM6 and LITT1 in the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan – (Adopted October, 2015); and, the advice contained in the National Planning Policy Framework – July, 2018 (as amended).



Proposed by Cllr Simon Christopher, seconded by Cllr David Gray.



A.      That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning to grant outline planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Head of Planning to secure the following (index linked if financial contributions):


·         Phasing and triggers for contributions;

·         35% Affordable Housing;

·         Highway Matters including footpath links and pedestrian links across Littlemoor Road (A353);

·         Structural landscaping and Landscape Environmental Management Plan (LEMP)

·         Comprehensive drainage strategy for all phases

·         Financial Contributions towards healthcare provision of £40,000

·         Provision of an on-site Local Centre;

·         Provision of 8ha of serviced employment land;

·         Allocation of land within the site for provision of an Hotel, Care Home and Car showrooms to ensure employment provision;

·         Provision of on-site school site and Education Contribution of £6169 per eligible unit;

·         Contributions towards existing and proposed community facilities including community hall of £309,950

·         Contribution to Redland Sports Centre towards re-surfacing Hockey Pitch of £112,069

·         Contribution to Weymouth Swimming Pool of £127,095

·         Contribution to Library facilities of £64,860

·         On site provision of Children’s Play and Open Space Facilities and financial contribution of £478,162

·         Lorton Nature Reserve contribution of £95,760

And subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes, including amended conditions included in the Update Sheet and an additional condition relating to charging points for electric vehicles.





1. Policy HOUS1 of the adopted West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan 2015 requires a minimum on-site provision of 35% of the units as affordable housing. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure these affordable units the scheme would fail to meet the substantial unmet need for affordable housing in the district and the proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy HOUS1 of the Local Plan.


2. Policy COM1 of the of the adopted West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan2015 sets out that where new development will generate the need for new or improved community infrastructure and this need is not being met through the Community Infrastructure Levy, suitable provision should be made on site. Policy LITT1 of the Local Plan sets out the expected infrastructure provision commensurate with this proposal for an urban extension to Littlemoor. This is amplified in the Council’s Adopted Supplementary Planning Document ‘Planning Obligations Guidelines – 2010’. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure the required community benefits the scheme would fail to mitigate the increase in demand for the necessary infrastructure to support the development generated by the proposal; namely:


Highway improvements;

Drainage provision;

Structural Planting and Green Infrastructure;



Community facilities

Sports and recreation provision; and,

Children’s’ play and open space.


In the absence of a planning obligation, the proposals therefore, fails to meet the provisions of policies INT1, ENV3, ENV5, SUS1, ECON1, COM1, COM2, COM4, COM6 and LITT1 in the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan – (Adopted October, 2015); and, the advice contained in the National Planning Policy Framework – July, 2018 (as amended).

Supporting documents: