Erect 25 No. dwellings with garages, form vehicular access
Planning Officer presented the report showing members all of the relevant plans
and drawings. Members of the committee
were advised that as the Milborne St Andrew
Neighbourhood Plan has passed through the examination stage and that a
referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan would take place on 8 August 2019, it was
now considered that moderate weight should be given to the Neighbourhood Plan,
which was a material change to when the application has been considered the by
North Dorset District Council Planning Committee in January 2019. Changes to the National Planning Policy
Framework as set out in the officer’s report also marked a material change to
be considered. The Head of Legal
Services advised the committee of the legal position relating to revisiting the
application in the context of the Neighbourhood Plan; members noted that the
committee would need to have good planning reasons to reverse the view of the
North Dorset Planning Committee which had delegated authority to grant the
application in January. The Planning
Officer also advised the committee of minor typographical errors relating to
the conditions set out in the report,
which would be corrected in the appendix to minutes of the meeting.
Planning officer highlighted that a previous proposal for the site had been for
30 dwellings and the current application for 25 dwellings was considered to be acceptable
in terms of design and general visual impact with no significant harm to
neighbouring residential amenity. In
addition the committee was advised that the Council could only demonstrate 3.3
years of housing land supply and that the impact on ecology had been addressed
through a Healthland Infrastructure Project. In view of the sustainability merits of the
proposal and the shortfall in the Council’s housing land supply the development
was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a legal agreement to
secure the necessary off-site financial contributions.
representations objecting to the planning application were received from,
Elizabeth Humphrey, Phillip Bowell, Steve Bulley and Brian Keene. Those objecting
to the development stated that the site was surplus to requirement given that
the shortage of homes was within the towns and not in the villages, the land
could still be used as arable land and the site was outside of the settlement
boundary. It was also considered that in
view of national planning guidance weight should be given to the Neighbourhood
Plan and to approve the application would therefore go against national
guidance and local democracy. Concerns
were also raised regarding the height of the dwellings in view of the site
levels which would impinge on the skyline and the risk around the trees
touching the nearby electric cables.
Objections were also raised in respect of those with mobility needs due
to the slope of the site and the fact that the affordable homes had been
located to the least attractive part of the site rather than being pepper
potted throughout the development which w as inconsistent with national policy.
Objectors also highlighted that the site was not the only site available and that there were other planning
applications being considered for some 200 new homes. It was felt that the
applicant was seeking a decision on the
application prior to the referendum to avoid being bound by the Neighbourhood
representations were received from Richard Macnair (Milborne St Andrew Parish Council). The Parish Council
representative highlighted that the planning application was in contradiction
to the Neighbourhood Plan and should be rejected as the referendum was to be
held in two weeks’ time. In addition in a similar situation in Hazelbury Bryan, the Planning Manager had given a
significant weight to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. It was also felt that
the proposal did not meet the community benefit test.
representations were received from Robert Lofthouse
(Agent for the applicant).
committee was advised that the Planning Committee of North Dorset District
Council has agreed to delegate approval of the application in January 2019 and
the applicant had been working on the project for many years and the
development would deliver 10 affordable homes.
The councils did not have a current 5 year land supply which meant that
housing opportunities such as the development under consideration should be supported. Sites that were deliverable should be
embraced and supported, and approval of the application would mean that the
homes would be ready for occupation early in 2020 together with public open
space provided adjacent to the site.
application would make an important contribution to meeting local housing needs
in the area through the incorporation of
affordable homes.
response to some of the issues raised the Planning Officer reported that the
referendum for the Neighbourhood Plan had not been held which was why the
weight given to it was only moderate. In
terms of the affordable homes it was considered that the layout was
respect of the condition 12 the Head of Legal Services advised the committee of
an amendment to the condition which was amended to read:
applicants Biodiversity Mitigation & Enhancement Plan dated 31/08/2018
(from Clare Bird and Adrien Meurer of Hankinson Duckett Associates) shall be implemented in full prior to
occupation of the 25th dwelling hereby approved or within timescales
agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to that date”.
response to a question the Planning Officer confirmed to the committee that if
the referendum result was for approval the weight given to the Neighbourhood
Plan would change. Members also sought
clarification on the interpretation of policies being out of date or no longer
valid, it was confirmed that the policies were still relevant but the amount of
weight given to them was less given that the Councils housing land supply was
less than 5 years.
expressed their concerns about taking a decision a few days before the
Neighbourhood Plan referendum. Members
also raised concerns regarding the layout of the site in respect of the
location of the affordable homes, the impact of the sloping site on
neighbouring properties and mobility issues .
It was felt that 25 dwellings was
still too dense for the site and not sympathetic to the area.
Head of Legal Services reminded members that if the committee was minded to
refuse the application reasons for why the application was now unacceptable
would have to be provided. Members felt
that the previous decision had been taken by the North Dorset District Council,
a separate legal body, the committee was therefore entitled to take a different
view and look at the application afresh.
was proposed by Cllr V Pothecary,
seconded by Cllr B Ridout that the application be:-
REFUSED as set out in the appendix to these minutes.
that point (15.10pm) the Chairman announced that there would be a short
adjournment in order to enable the officers to confirm the wording for the
committee reconvened at 15.48pm and the Planning Officer read out the grounds
for refusal:-
1.The proposed development by reason of its layout
and relationship to neighbouring properties would have an unacceptable impact
on adjacent residential properties contrary to Policy 25 of the adopted North
Dorset Local Plan Part 1 (January 2016), and Policy 14 of the emerging Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 (Final
version, May 2019).
2.The proposed development by reason of its design
and layout would result in an unacceptable enclave of affordable housing
contrary to Policies 8 and 24 of the adopted North Dorset Local Plan Part 1
(January 2016), and Policy 14 of the emerging Milborne
St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan 2018 to 2033 (Final version, May 2019).
3.The proposal which is outside the development
boundary and on the slope of a hill would have an unacceptable impact on the
local landscape character and countryside contrary to Policies 4 and 20 of the
adopted North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 (January 2016), and Policy 9 of the
emerging Milborne St Andrew Neighbourhood Plan 2018
to 2033 (Final version, May 2019).
was proposed by Cllr J Andrews, seconded by Cllr V Pothecary:-
the grounds for refusal be agreed.
Supporting documents: