Application for approval of reserved matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout & scale for Sectors 3.63 & 4.31 of outline planning permission 1/D/09/001363.
The Committee considered planning application WD/D/19/001272 by ZeroC Holdings Ltd, with approval being sought in respect
of reserved matters for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for
the development of Sectors 3.63 and 4.31 North Quadrant, Poundbury, Dorchester
of outline planning permission 1/D/09/001363.
The approved
reserved matters application was for 83 dwellings across the 2 sectors. The
proposal was now for 85 dwellings, with both additional dwellings being
affordable units. Of the 85 units, 53 were indicated to be private and 32
affordable, which equated to 60% of the total number of units.
In respect of
Sector 3.63 the main changes when compared to the consented
scheme were:
Plot 438 had been moved slightly south and was now
detached from plot
There was to be a single coach house unit above the
garages in the
parking courtyard and it was now proposed to be split into 2 units.
Plots 439 – 444, shown as being affordable
dwellings, had a reduced
internal floor area of 72.4 sq m, as opposed
to the approved 76.5 sq m.
Plots 450 – 454 shown as being affordable dwellings
had a reduced
internal floor area of 83.2 sq m, as opposed
to the approved 93.5 sqm
The width of the terrace (plots 446 – 448) was
reduced and as a result, the
windows were proposed to be reduced by 1 module in width, from 4 panels
to 3.
Plots 439 – 444 were no longer proposed to have a
stepped ridge and the width of the windows had been reduced.
Plots 450 – 454 were no longer proposed to have a
stepped ridge.
In respect of
Sector 4.31, the main changes when compared to the consented scheme were:
Blocks 633 & 634 had been staggered by 450mm.
The internal floor
areas of the flats had also been reduced and a third floor flat omitted
from the scheme. The design of the two blocks was now proposed to be the
Amendments to doors and fenestration on Plots 625 –
Block 631 – individual access to each flat above
the garages, as opposed to the previously approved shared access. Width of
garages had been reduced to accommodate the change.
Steps to Flat 632b amended so that a set would rise
each side of the door to a landing area as opposed to the steps that led
straight to the front door in the approved scheme.
Block 635 – amendments to fenestration and the
omission of ground floor windows from the south west elevation.
Changes to the carport/refuse/cycle store building
on west side of site to incorporate two flats above.
The Committee were
provided with a visual presentation and, taking into
consideration the
provisions of the Update Sheet appended to these minutes, for
context, officers
described the main proposals and planning issues in detail, how the development
would contribute to meeting housing needs; what the key elements of the
reserved matters were; how detail to individual properties had been changed and
the reasons for this as a means to benefit the development and what this
entailed. Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location and
design of the development, showing both its dimensions - form, mass and size –
and those of individual properties and how these would look, be constructed and
the materials to be used.
The presentation
also confirmed what the highways, traffic management, parking and access
arrangements being proposed would be; showed the development’s
relationship with
other residential development and civic amenities in Dorchester and
its setting within
the town. Officers also explained the context of the development
in relation to the
characteristics of the surrounding town development and landscape, the local
highway network, the topography of the area and the relationship between the
development and the adjoining Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
Public Participation
Councillor Robin Potter, Chairman of Dorchester Town
Council’s Planning Committee, confirmed that the Town Council maintained its
objection to the proposal on the grounds that there would be a loss of
residential amenity, particularly to the affordable housing units and there was
a lack of commitment to consideration of environmental and sustainability
measures from the outset of the development. The Town Council was also
disappointed with the design of two of the blocks, which gave the impression of
a somewhat austere and overbearing appearance, lacking in visual interest. On
that basis he asked the Committee to refuse the application.
Greg Hilton addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant,
considering that all of the issues raised had either already been addressed or
could be addressed satisfactorily and the proposals remained in accordance with
the outline permission. On that basis, he considered there to be no material
planning considerations for being unable to grant permission. He confirmed that
the issue of charging points for electric cars would be discussed with the
Duchy, with consideration given to the practicalities of providing this and
what this would entail. In his view
there had been no compromise of amenity by the changes made to the scheme and
that what was now being proposed was wholly acceptable and met all that was
Similarly, the
attention of the Committee was drawn to the representation made by the local
Ward member for Dorchester Poundbury, Richard Biggs, expressing concern at the
absence of the infrastructure for electric car charging points, - particularly in light of the Council being
committed to the enhancement of environmental considerations in their declaring
of a Climate Emergency - ; the restrictive dimensions of the garages; the
reduction in the size of some units; and the scant opportunity to understand
what landscaping there would be. Given this he was of the view that the
application should be refused.
The Committee were
then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the
presentation and officer’s provided clarification in respect of the points
raised. Particular emphasis was placed on the reasoning for the reduction of
size of those properties affected and what consideration was being given to the
provision of electric car charging points.
Officers confirmed
that although it was accepted that some proposed units fell below national
standards for size, they confirmed that there was no policy in the adopted West Dorset and Weymouth and Portland Local
Plan (2015) regarding the minimum
size of dwellings,
although it was understood that properties needed to be of a reasonable size to
provide adequate amenity to residents. As those proposals were in accordance
with all the necessary relevant national and local policies and the National
Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) so, on balance, should be acceptable for what
they were. Given this, officers considered that the reduction in gross internal
floor area would not result in an unacceptable impact on residential amenity
and therefore was wholly acceptable.
The Senior
Solicitor confirmed that the Committee’s focus for their consideration – in
material planning consideration terms – was whether they could accept that the proposed
size of the properties, and rooms therein, were sufficiently large enough to be
acceptable in planning terms.
Regarding the
provision of charging points, it was clarified that paragraph 110 of the NPPF
stated that development should be designed to enable charging of plug-in and
other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.
There was, however, again no policy requirement in the Local Plan for this to
be the case. Moreover, there would be a
need to establish where responsibility lay for the management of such a
facility. However, officers understood that the Duchy were giving active
consideration of this matter for development at Poundbury overall, so as to
establish what any future technology was likely to be and identify what infrastructure might therefore be required.
Given this, the Committee were keen to emphasis to the
applicant the importance of actively pursuing the means to provide for the
ability to achieve the installation of the necessary charging infrastructure as
a fundamental part of this development and any other new builds on the estate,
if at all practicable. Officers confirmed that this could not be conditioned in
itself as there was no requirement for this within the policies of adopted
Local Plans, nor was it a requirement of the outline permission. Nevertheless,
an Informative note could be added to any grant of permission highlighting the
importance to the Committee of this.
Officers also took the opportunity to assure the Committee
that the size of the garages being proposed was quite adequate to accommodate
modern motor vehicles, despite thoughts to the contrary from the Ward member.
Moreover, there should be no concern that garages could be converted into
additional living space as they were mostly isolated from the property itself.
Similarly, they confirmed that there was every reason to
believe that any landscaping would be as sympathetic with its setting as had
previously been the case throughout the completion of other sectors of the
estate and which had received critical acclaim. This aspect would be covered by
considered that given all of this, together with those changes made to the
proposals in response to the representations received to the formal
consultation process, now satisfactorily addressed what concerns there had been
so, on that basis, officers were recommending that permission be granted for
the approval of the application. Having heard what officers had to say about
this, members were largely satisfied with the responses received in their more
meaningful understanding of what the proposals entailed.
Nevertheless, some members remained concerned at the proposed reduction
in size of some of the properties and considered that, whilst seemingly
adequate, this was far from what might be expected, or indeed, required. Their
view was that, ideally, tenants of those particular properties were deserving
of a more spacious living space.
However other Councillors expressed a different view in
that what was being proposed went some considerable way to achieving what could
be considered to be an acceptable development, in enhancing the housing stock
of the estate and in contributing to meeting housing needs.
Generally in terms of scale, layout and appearance, the
scheme was seen to be acceptable as it was not so different to that previously
approved, and that those changes made were designed to benefit and optimise
what the development had to offer.
Having had the
opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having
understood what
was being proposed and having taken into account the officer’s report, what
they had heard at the meeting from the case officer, legal advisor and invited
speakers, notwithstanding the views of the Town Council and the local Ward
Member, on that basis - and on being put to the vote – the Committee considered
that the planning application should be approved and planning permission
granted, subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report, and having
regard to the provisions of the Update Sheet and taking account of an
Informative note about environmentally sustainable means of charging electric
That planning permission be granted for
application WD/D/19/001272, for the development of Sectors 3.63 & 4.31
North Quadrant, Poundbury, Dorchester, subject to the conditions set out in
paragraph 16 of the report; having regard to the necessary provisions in the
Update Sheet and taking account of the following Informative, to be included
with the grant of permission.
Reason for Decision
It was considered
that the proposed development would have an acceptable impact on visual amenity
and the landscape character of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,
residential amenity and highway safety.
The Council expects applications for development that will generate
additional traffic movement to be accompanied by a statement (with reference to
plans) explaining how the development has been designed to enable charging of
pug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient
locations. This could be included in a Transport Statement or Assessment,
or separately, but it should be done as a matter of course. This
application did not include such a statement. Prior to occupation of the
development hereby approved such a statement should be submitted to the Council
as a matter of record.
Supporting documents: