Agenda item

Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Church Lane and Lyons Walk, Shaftesbury

This report considers the objections and support received, and whether the proposals in Shaftesbury should be implemented as advertised.


The Senior Traffic Engineering Officer presented the application which proposed changes to parking restrictions in Church Lane and Lyons Walk, Shaftesbury. This followed a request to advertise the Order from Shaftesbury Town Council and support from Local Member Cllr D Beer.


Concerns had been received from local residents regarding parked cars causing obstructions and the inability of fire and rescue vehicles to manoeuvre around the corner of the two roads.  Additionally, gas meter boxes on the highway were frequently damaged and access to the properties from the highway obstructed by parked cars.


The disabled parking bay would be exempt from the order to ensure parking facilities were available for those who needed them.  If the disabled parking bay was no longer required it would also be replaced with double yellows lines.


Cllr T Cook declared interest and took no further part in the discussion as he had already shown support for the scheme.


Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Ms A Sellers and Ms C Coward.  They felt that a more measured approach should be considered, perhaps resident permit parking only as currently it was mainly those who worked in or visited the town who parked in the area.  If fire engines needed access this could be achieved from Trinity car park.  Residents needed parking for their cars, the car park charges were £600 a year with no free passes for residents.



Ms J Bradford and Cllr D Beer spoke in support of the order.  Some residents favoured no waiting time at all.  The roads were single track with houses on one side and church yard wall on the other with a tight bend and double yellow lines for a short distance.  Gas meter boxes outside homes had been damaged and parked cars made it very difficult to navigate the road.  Some residents were unable to exit their properties due to parked cars and there was the issue of access for emergency vehicles.


In response to Member questions the committee were advised that an emergency vehicle would be able to access the road if there was a car parked in the disabled parking bay.  The bay had been put in for a resident in Lyons Walk but like all disabled parking bays in Dorset it could be used by anyone with a blue badge.


Members debated the circumstances whereby someone with a blue badge could park on the double yellow lines unless the area was designated as strictly no waiting.

There was parking available across the town but this was unaffordable.  Some Members had sympathy with residents who would lose parking and would like to see some residents parking as a solution. The Road Safety Team Leader advised that if members wanted to suggest a new proposal, then the Traffic Regulation Order process would start again, as this would be considered as a new Traffic Regulation Order.


It was proposed by Cllr B Ridout and seconded by Cllr B Pipe


Decision: that Cabinet be recommended to approve the proposed waiting restrictions on Church Lane and Lyons Walk as originally advertised with a note to ask Cabinet to look at any possible improvements to include residents parking.






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