2 No. outbuildings into 1 No. residential dwelling and 1 No. gallery/exhibition
use with residential use.
The Planning Officer
presented the application which sought approval for the conversion of 2 No.
outbuildings into 1 No. residential dwelling and 1 No. gallery/exhibition use
with residential use.
Committee received a verbal update in relation to the approved drawings and
conditions which comprised:-
Parking Plan - PL-1276-103A [Received 03/06/2019]
Barn Plans and Elevations - PL-1276-101C [Received 10/07/2019]
the additional condition regarding opening hours which was missed from the
report - to read :-
premises shall not be open to the public for the D1 (gallery/exhibition) use
hereby permitted at anytime other than between the
hours of 10am - 7pm (including Bank Holidays).
To safeguard neighbour amenity.
The application site was
located within the settlement boundary of Winterborne
Stickland. Plans showing the location of the
farmhouse and it’s
relationship to the adjacent buildings, together with diagrams of the existing
and proposed elevations, plus an artist’s impression of the proposed
development were presented to the committee.
In summarising the Planning
Officer highlighted how the main planning issues had been addressed.
Oral representation was
received in objection to the application from Mr D Godden and Mr K Barker.
Their concerns included proximity of the development to boundaries,
overlooking, loss of privacy, (some of these concerns had been addressed
following previous objections from the Parish Council), increased noise and
number of visitors to the farmhouse, the impact on grade 2 listed buildings and
possible pollution from the chimney.
Cllr Kerby
the Ward Member, read a statement
on behalf of the Parish Council who did not support the application.
Mr S Pitman, the agent for
the applicant addressed the committee in support of the application. He advised that the dwelling accommodation
would be occupied by an elderly relative asked for condition 3 to be amended to
ancillary use to reflect this.
Area Manager (Eastern) responded to
the objectors’ comments and advised that the new flue would be sited 14 metres
away from the neighbouring properties, this would serve the log burner and was
not considered to be detrimental to amenity.
There would be obscured glazing conditioned for overlooking windows.
Conditions would also cover
boundary treatments, hard surfacing and ensure there was no detrimental impact
on the division of the curtilage.
The Area Manager (Eastern)
clarified that as the applicant’s agent had indicated that the accommodation
would be used as ancillary use, this was acceptable but condition 3 would need
to be amended to reflect this.
In response to a member
question she advised that the whole of the accommodation could be tied in the
same way so that either barn could be used either way, or the conditions could
be split one for East Barn and one for West Barn, so the ground floor could be
conditioned as the gallery and the first floor accommodation as holiday and
ancillary use.
The committee members were
supportive of the scheme and considered it to be a good re-use of farm
buildings. The development would preserve the barn rather than leaving it to
fall into disrepair. It would be a
positive contribution to the area.
Cllr Fry proposed and Cllr
Pipe seconded that the application be granted subject to the revised conditions
which the Area Manager (Eastern) confirmed prior to the vote being taken.
Decision: That the application be granted subject to
the revised conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.
Supporting documents: