Outline application to demolish existing building and erect a detached apartment block comprising 9 flats with details of access (all other matters reserved).
The Committee considered an outline planning
application - 6/2019/0401 – for a new development at 4 Poole Road, Upton to be able to
demolish the existing building there and erect a detached apartment block,
comprising 9 flats, with details of access being explained in the application
but with all other matters reserved.
With the
aid of a visual presentation officers explained what the main proposals and
planning issues of the development were; how these were to be progressed; and
what the benefits of the development entailed; in helping to meet housing needs
in that part of Dorset and make best use of an otherwise vacant site. Plans and
photographs provided an illustration of the location, dimensions and design of
the development, with the presentation also confirming what the highways,
traffic management and access arrangements being proposed would be; how the
housing would look and its setting; showed the development’s relationship with
the characteristics of the
town development and landscape; other residential development and civic
amenities in Upton and its setting within the town. Moreover, the building was currently unused and the
site was therefore vacant.
All other aspects
of the planning permission would be assessed in full as part of any following
reserved matters application but, in officer’s assessment, the:-
Scale, design and impact on the character and appearance
of the area
Impact upon neighbouring properties
Drainage issues
Impact on trees and hedgerows
all appeared to be acceptable in planning
terms, subject to appropriate conditions as necessary. The location was
considered to be sustainable as it was within the designated settlement
boundary and in the officer’s assessment, there were no material considerations
which could warrant refusal of this application. On the basis that all
significant planning matters had been appropriately or adequately addressed.
Based on the reasoning for the material
considerations, officers were recommending approval subject to
Of significance was what assessment had been
made to meet the developments parking needs, being based on the Bournemouth,
Poole and Dorset Residential Car Parking Study (published in 2011), in
identifying Upton as in a suburban location of Purbeck and, on the assessments
made in that regard, parking provision was considered to be of limited
justification. Moreover, the application had been submitted with a transport
assessment that detailed the varied public transport options available to
future occupiers, including regular buses and well established walking and
cycling routes, so reinforcing the justification that prescribed parking allocation
was not warranted. Furthermore, the Highways Authority had no objection to the
application on road safety grounds and considered there were no relevant
policies which would warrant refusal of this application.
However, on this
particular issue, Lytchett Minster and Upton Town
Council had objected
regarding the failure to provide any onsite parking, particularly in view of
the extant local parking problems in the immediate area and town centre
generally. This view was reinforced
by the receipt of 11 objections from neighbouring residents. As the comments from the Town
Council were contrary to officer’s recommendation, Dorset Councillors had requested that the
application be referred to this Committee for determination. Upon careful
consideration of all representations
received and the planning merits of the
application, officer’s accorded with that
Public speaking
Robin SeQueira was
speaking on behalf of St Dunstan’s Church and was of the view that allocated
parking was a necessity given that in practice households require their own
transport as a means to go about their daily lives and given the infrequency of
alternative public transport options. This part of Upton was congested as it
was and being on a main road did not allow much on street parking. His primary
concern was that those residents would see the opportunity to use the readily
available church car park in meeting their needs and would cause an
inconvenience to those who wished to legitimately use this. He could see no
reason why the applicant could not identify some space to accommodate the needs
of their occupiers. On that basis he considered the application should be
June Richards reinforced the stance of her
Town Council made much the same points in that there was a need to be realistic
that those occupying the flats would have access to a car and therefore need a
place to park. The absence of this would only lead to further congestion in an
area which already suffered to that extent. Moreover, she could foresee that
road safety could be compromised by any increase in competition for road space.
Scott Masker - for the applicant - promoted
the virtues of the development in meeting an identified housing need in that
the site was vacant and sustainable and that the proposals had been deemed to
be acceptable by planning officers and that there were no material
considerations that could merit the application’s refusal. Given that the
Council had declared a climate emergency, what was being proposed would wholly
accord with that stance. With the conditions to be imposed he saw no reason why
the application should not be permitted.
As one of the local members, Bill Pipe spoke
on behalf of those of his residents who had submitted objections considering
that whilst it was admirable to assume more would be made of public transport
and environmental considerations, in practice there would be a need for some
dedicated parking provision to meet the needs of occupiers. He considered that
area to be somewhat overdeveloped in any event and anything further would only
serve to exacerbate the problems already experienced. Any parking which was
suggested could take place in laybys was unacceptable as any limited parking
would be lost and the church were not obliged to accommodate any overspill
parking not associated with its business. On that basis, he considered the
application should be refused.
Committee were then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of
officer’s presentation and from invited speakers, with officer’s providing
in respect of the points raised. Officers confirmed that whilst the issues of
parking were of relevance, members were being asked to purely consider the
application in front of them. Officers also confirmed that rather than being
unable to provide for parking, the applicant had chosen not to. Clarification
was provided by the highways officer that whilst parking was emotive and the concern
of those objecting were understandable, from a highway’s safety perspective,
there was no material reason why the application should not be approved.
Another of the local members, Councillor Alex Brenton, expressed her
concern at the absence of parking for the occupants of the flats as they
would undoubtedly have access to a vehicle and need somewhere to park. Given
the absence of any alternative public transport provision, they would have limited
means of going about their daily lives. For that reason therefore, she felt
that she was unable to support the application as it stood.
Members recognised what the development was designed to achieve, the concern of
the two local members who had spoken, was reinforced by the Committee at the
absence of the provision of dedicated parking provision as, in practice,
occupiers would generally have access to a vehicle to meet their needs and a
space to park was essential. Moreover, any visitors or goods deliveries would
likewise have little opportunity to park safely and conveniently. As there was limited public transport options
available and congestion was regularly experienced on what was a busy
thoroughfare, having no opportunity for dedicated parking as part of the
development was considered impractical and would not be a realistic prospect.
For that reason, most members came to the view that without that necessary
provision, they could not give their support to this application. Had provision been made by the applicant for
some means of electric charging to offset the absence of parking, then this may
have made the application more acceptable to them.
the Vice-Chairman took a different view in that, whilst being frustrated with
the parking situation and what the NPPF stipulated as reasons for refusal, the
essence of the application was acceptable in planning terms as set out in the
Committee report and, on tht basis, should be approved. Any parking
consideration could be addressed later under Reserved Matters.
Having had the opportunity to discuss the
merits of the application, having
understood what was being proposed and the
reasoning for this; having taken
into account the officer’s report, what they
had heard at the meeting from the
case officer, legal advisor and those
invited speakers, particularly the views of the Town Council, the Committee
were satisfied in their understanding of what all of this entailed. On being
put to the vote the Committee considered that, notwithstanding the assessments
made by officers, they could not agree to what was being recommended on the
basis that the inadequate and insufficient parking provision being proposed
would be detrimental to all that was necessary and was not in accordance with
the Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Residential Car Parking Strategy, in being
contrary to Policy IAT of the Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 and, accordingly, the
planning application should be refused.
That planning application 6/2019/0401 – for a new development at 4 Poole Road,
Upton - be refused on the grounds that the proposed development, by virtue of the lack of adequate parking
provision in line with the Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Residential Car
Parking Strategy, would be contrary to Policy IAT of the Purbeck Local Plan
Part 1.
Reason for Decision
That the
proposed development, by virtue of the lack of adequate parking provision in
line with the Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset Residential Car Parking Strategy,
would be contrary to Policy IAT of the Purbeck Local Plan Part 1.
Supporting documents: