Agenda item

3/19/1463/FUL - Development at West Parley First School, Glenmoor Road, West Parley/Ferndown

Proposed construction of new detached single storey classroom with covered decking area.


Consideration was given to application 3/19/1463/FUL for the development at West Parley First School, Glenmoor Road, West Parley near Ferndown of the proposed provision of a new, detached single storey classroom with covered decking area. The Committee were informed of the need for the facility: designed to have sufficient capacity to meet what was required from a first school and to provide the capability of delivering a full educational curriculum which satisfied modern standards and expectations. The classroom was to be constructed of timber and comprise an entrance lobby, a classroom, two offices, a kitchen area and two toilets, of which one was for disabled users, with all being fully accessible. The raised, covered deck would provide an outside learning space.


With the aid of a visual presentation officers explained what the main proposals and planning issues of the development entailed; how these were to be achieved;

and particularly, the reasoning for the new facility, which was being proposed as a means of benefitting what the school had to offer.


Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the location, dimensions

design and appearance of the classroom; how the enhancements would look and their setting; showed the development’s relationship with the characteristics of the other school buildings; and where the school was situated within the town.


The Committee were informed of what consultation had taken place and what

responses had been received. No formal objections had been received to this with, in particular, West Parley Parish Council raising no objection to the proposal and the local Ward member for West Parley, Councillor Andrew Parry, supporting it.


Officers considered that the proposal would be of public benefit by creating an additional classroom to meet needs given that:-

• there was not considered to be any significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity.

• there were no adverse landscape impacts.

• there would be no additional traffic movements generated by the development.

• there were no material considerations which could warrant refusal of this



As the formal consultation process had not generated any adverse responses or objections, the Committee were now being asked to approve this in accordance with the officer’s recommendation and on the grounds that as it was a Council application a committee decision was required for openness and transparency purposes.


The Committee were then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of

The officer’s presentation, with officer’s providing clarification in respect of the points raised.


Whilst being somewhat rudimentary and functional, the Committee could see the benefits this additional space would bring and the reason it was being proposed. Members considered this type of classroom to be robust and a practical solution in meeting need. However they asked that, if at practicable, any aesthetic enhancement could be made and that, in particular, it should be of an environmentally satisfactory standard, with solar panels being incorporated in the design and build so as to harness what readily available renewable energy was there to use all means necessary in meeting the challenges of climate change and in upholding the Council’s stance on this. Officers agreed that an Informative Note could be added to the grant of any permission on the basis of “It is recommended that the applicant considers the opportunities for the installation of solar panels”. Members also considered this could be fed into the Council’s Executive Advisory Panel on Climate Change.


Some members asked why the classroom was freestanding rather than being attached to the rest of the school. Officers reminded members that this was the scheme they were being asked to approve together with its associated characteristics that on that basis the applicant was proposing the layout to be as prescribed.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having

understood what was being proposed and the reasoning for this; having taken

into account the officer’s report and what they had heard at the meeting,

the Committee were satisfied in their understanding of what the proposal was designed to address and, on that basis – and on being put to the vote – the Committee considered that the application should be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report



That planning application 3/19/1463/FUL for the development at West Parley First School, Glenmoor Road, West Parley near Ferndown be agreed, subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 12 of the officer’s report and to include the following Informative Note:-

It is recommended that the applicant considers the opportunities for the installation of solar panels”.


Reasons for Decision

As set out in paragraph 8.16 of the officer’s report and to meet the needs of the Children’s Services Directorate.


Supporting documents: