Agenda item

WD/D/19/000613 - Land to north and west of Cockroad Lane, Beaminster

Erect up to 58 dwellings, amenity space, landscaping, informal public open space, and children’s play area. Demolition of agricultural structures (outline).


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the outline application to erect up to 58 dwellings, amenity space, landscaping, informal public open space, childrens play area and the demolition of agricultural structures. 


It was reported that the ward member indicated in the report was incorrect and should be Cllr Rebecca Knox.  In addition, the number of units of affordable housing in paragraph 15.12 was 20.3 and not 16.24 units as outlined in the report.  Members were reminded that the application was for up to 58 dwellings and therefore affordable housing provision would be based on the actual number of homes that were built.


Members were shown a location plan and aerial photo showing the relationship with the adjacent Clipper Teas building that was also to be redeveloped for housing in the future.  The northern edge of the site went beyond the allocated site, mainly proposing strategic landscaping beyond the allocated site and providing for more housing within the allocated site. The removal of the equestrian outdoor riding area and other agricultural buildings would mean that this land became available for ecological enhancement and additional landscaping.


An illustrative layout demonstrated how the site might be developed and a strategic framework plan showed the interlinkages and vehicular access between the areas.  Section 106 agreements for both sites would aim to secure 2 pedestrian cycle links and vehicular link in a single integrated community approach.


Photos were shown of the area including the junction with the B3163, vehicular access to the site, stable/tack buildings/arena, the Dutch Barn, the northeast corner of the site, the site of the application looking west towards rising ground, a woodland corridor to be retained, the view to the south from the northern edge of the site and towards Broadwindsor Road, and the vehicular access for the other application.


The Key Planning Matters were outlined including that this was a residential development on an allocated site within the Defined Development Boundary and that provision of employment uses would be made at other more appropriate allocations.  Affordable housing, visual impact on the AONB, ecology and highway safety were also mentioned.


Peter Dutton, the applicant’s agent, addressed the Committee in support of the application for up to 58 homes that had been allocated in the Local Plan in a sustainable location.  The scheme respected the location and the AONB and would assist the Council in addressing the land supply shortfall and the high levels of affordable housing need.  There was no requirement for employment use on this site. A future reserved matters application would finalise the landscaping details and have regard to comments made by consultees.  The 2 application sites would be brought together in cohesive applications and linkages, however it would be important to be able to access the site independently via Cockroad Lane.


The Highways Officer gave his view on the vehicular access for the proposed development as indicated in the report.  Although not totally content with the separation of the allocation into 2 applications, there was no objection to the access off Cockroad Lane as the road was adequate, but this would be subject to condition.  Although there was a need to provide for electric vehicle facilities, he advised the Committee to not be too prescriptive as the technology in respect of electric vehicles was changing rapidly. 


In response to questions it was confirmed that there would be a similar level of employment provision in a more appropriate area that was informed by employment needs data. 


Members questioned the density of the development given the comments of the Urban Design Officer contained in the report.  They were advised that the layouts provided were illustrative at this stage and it was the principle of development under consideration for up to 58 dwellings.


Proposed by Cllr Nick Ireland, seconded by Cllr Louie O'Leary.


Decision:That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning to

A)  Grant permission, subject to completion of a Legal Agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act (as amended) in a form to be agreed by the Legal Services Manager to secure the following:


·      35% affordable housing on-site (plus payment of a financial contribution for any “part dwelling” shortfall on the 35% figure - index linked)

·      provision of vehicular access road link to the other BEAM1 Policy land (application WD/D/18/000115)

·      provision of 2 other pedestrian/cycle links to the other BEAM1 Policy land

·      details of the provision, management and maintenance of the public open space/landscaping


All S106 contributions shall be index linked using RPI from the date of committee resolution


and subject to planning conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.


B)  Refuse permission for the reasons outlined in the appendix to these minutes if the agreement is not completed within 6 months of the committee resolution or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning.

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