To consider a report by the Head of Planning
The Committee considered planning
application 6/2019/0553, for the removal of a condition to allow unrestricted
occupation of the dwellings at former West Lulworth Primary School, School
Lane, West Lulworth. Planning permission
had been granted for the erection of six two storey dwellinghouses, and the
conversion of the existing school buildings into another three dwellinghouses
by the Eastern Planning Committee of Dorset Council in July 2019. Moreover,
following officer’s recommendation, a condition requiring the homes to be
occupied as a principal residence were included: condition 13 of planning
permission 6/2018/0653.
With the aid of a visual presentation, and
having regard to the provisions of the Update Sheet, officers explained what
the reasoning for the recommendation was, what the planning issues of the
development were; how these were to be progressed; and what the provisions of
the development entailed. Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the
location, dimensions and design of the development and how the housing would
look, purely to provide for some context in member’s understanding and so they
had some incisive perspective of what this entailed. The basis of the
recommendation was not for the Committee to consider the merits of the
development, nor for this to have any bearing on their deliberations, but
solely to decide whether Condition 13 should be maintained or not in this
particular circumstance.
application sought to remove Condition 13 of planning permission 6/2018/0653,
which would then allow the properties to be occupied either as a principal
residence or a second home. That condition stated that the properties should only be occupied by a person as their principal
home. This was designed to ensure that the socio-economic viability of the
village could be maintained, which might otherwise prove to be more
challenging. Officers explained that under delegated authority, the principle
of that condition had been applied, by way of condition, to similar development
throughout the Purbeck part of the Dorset AONB as contained within, and
derived from, Policy H14 of the emerging Purbeck Local Plan. This stated that “proposals for all new housing in the Dorset
AONB would only be supported where there was a restriction in perpetuity to ensure that such homes were occupied only
as a principal residence..….” with that restriction being imposed through a
planning condition attached to the planning permission or by a planning obligation. This policy had been agreed by
the former Purbeck District Council in light of evidence showing that
there was a significant number of unoccupied homes in the Plan area.
What the
Plan was designed to achieve; how this would be done; and the reasoning for
this was all explained in detail by officers so that members had a clear
understanding of how it applied to this application and why the officer’s
recommendation was being made as it was.
decision taken by the former Purbeck District Council’s Planning Committee to
pursue the imposition of this condition was taken in light of legal advice that
the emerging Local Plan was at an advanced stage of preparation - currently
awaiting the outcome of the public examination - and what weight could be given
to this in determining further applications. In particular, a number of
responses received to the consultation had objected on the basis that the
policy did not embrace Purbeck as a whole and was only being restricted to its
Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
On the
basis of advice that weight could be applied to the emerging Plan policy and
its provisions, this had been duly enacted and, subsequently, extended to
delegated planning applications. A consequence of this was that this
development in West Lulworth was conditional upon Condition 13 - based on
Policy H14 - being applied. Moreover, this condition was being applied on the
same grounds to other delegated decisions affecting development in the Dorset
however, the imposition of this condition on permissions for three separate,
individual properties in Swanage, had all given rise to challenges, by appeal.
Whilst the Planning Authority had submitted documentary evidence to support
their stance, and although the Planning Inspector acknowledged what weight
could be given to relevant policies in the emerging Plan, given there remained
a number of unresolved objections,
the weight
that could be applied to Policy H14 in determining planning applications was
compromised significantly and therefore could not be given significant weight.
This resulted in the three appeals being allowed. As there had been no material
change in circumstances in respect of pending decisions on applications across
the Dorset AONB since those recent rulings, that condition had been
subsequently removed in all cases.
given that there was no material difference between this application and the
appeal decisions, there could be no justification for maintaining Condition 13
in this case.
What weight
should be given to the provisions of the Plan was explained by officers. Whilst
it was at an advanced stage – in currently still being assessed and examined by
the Planning Inspectorate – the decisions made by the Planning Inspectors on
the imposition of this particular provision still remained valid and should be
justification for their recommendation was that given the successful appeals
contrary to the Council’s policy, a precedent had been set, so any further
limitation could well result in similar successful appeals. As a result of
the series of appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate against the
condition to prevent second homes, officers were now recommending that
Condition 13 be lifted to relax that particular prescription.
Speakers then had
the opportunity to address the Committee. Members first heard from Adam
Bennett, the applicant’s agent, who considered that given those recent
successful appeals, there was no justification for this limitation to still be
imposed on this application. There was no material difference between them. He
considered the condition to be unreasonable and inappropriate given that there
were still unresolved objections which significantly compromised the weight
which could be given to the provisions of the Plan. To impose such a condition,
six tests would need wholly to be met, and he considered that it would fail one
of those tests: in being reasonable or necessary. For that reason, he asked
that the recommendation be supported.
Parish Councillor
Sarah Jackson was of the view that the condition should be retained so as to
provide for a sustainable means of development in maintaining the village’s
viability. There was a critical need to address the issue of second homes,
which already was a challenging proposition for the village. If this
restriction was lifted, the ability for housing to be delivered to ensure local
need was met would be severely compromised. She raised the issue of whether
council tax was levied on holiday lets, as she believed this to not be case.
Officers confirmed that whilst council tax relief was available on holiday lets
as a business, council tax was levied in full on second homes, where this
applied. She considered that Dorset Council had a moral duty to provide
sufficient homes for local need where practical and to uphold the principles of
the Plan and therefore considered that the recommendation should not be
One of the local
ward members, Councillor Laura Miller -speaking in her own right and on behalf
of the other Ward member, Councillor Peter Wharf - supported what the Parish
Council had to say, in that there was good reason that the Local Plan addressed
the issue of the prevalence of second homes and that these should be regulated.
The opportunity to develop land in West Lulworth was at a premium and if this
condition was to be relaxed, there would be fewer opportunities to be able to
deliver affordable homes to meet local need. She understood what risks there
may be with any challenge to this, but considered that the Planning Authority
had a duty to maintain the viability of villages such as West Lulworth as best
they could and maintaining this condition would go some considerable way to
doing that. She therefore asked the Committee to refuse the application.
As part of the debate, the Committee were
then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of the officer’s
presentation and what they had heard from invited speakers, with officer’s
providing clarification in respect of the points raised. In response to one
member’s question, officer’s confirmed that the Plan’s progress in the adoption
process was as advanced as it could be at this stage. The Planning Inspectorate
would make its decision on it early in 2020, but when exactly this would be
could not be determined with any certainty. Accordingly, there was no
opportunity, as suggested by one member, for the application to be withdrawn
and submitted again, once this decision was known, as a case could be made for
non determination. There was a need to address the application as it stood, as
the Authority had an obligation to determine applications as soon as
Whilst members understood the reasoning for
the officer’s recommendation and what they considered to be the justification
for this, the policies within the local Plan now being examined had been made with
all good intent by elected members and, as such, still held true. The majority
of members felt that Dorset Council had a duty to ensure villages such as West
Lulworth maintained their viability and there was now an opportunity to act
progressively to uphold the principles for which it stood, particularly as the
Parish Council - acting on behalf of its community - were of that opinion too.
Moreover, members were mindful that, of the
unresolved objections made to the Plan, none were against the policy in its own
right; rather that it was not as inclusive as they would like.
However other
members, whilst understanding the noble reasoning being made, felt they should
support the officer’s recommendation on the basis of the outcomes of the
successful appeals and the consequence of this.
Notwithstanding the assessment made by officer’s
in coming to their recommendation, nor the implications for not according with
that view or that taken by other members, the majority of members were of the
view that the principle behind Condition 13, what it stood for and what it was
designed to achieve, still remained valid, relevant and applicable and so they
considered there was a need for this to be maintained, in protecting the
interests of local communities and the viability and vitality of this small,
rural village. The examples which were cited by officers where this could more
readily be seen to not apply or have the same impact, related only to individual
properties in a much larger town. Given this, there was seen to be greater scope
for the implications of this to be more readily absorbed by that community, whereas
such an infliction in West Lulworth would be considerably detrimental and have
a fundamental impact and adverse effect on the community and in its ability to gain
access to the housing market. The Committee considered that this upheld the principles
of the Plan and could be seen to be justified.
Having had the opportunity to discuss the
merits of the application, having
understood what was being proposed and the
reasoning for this; having taken
into account the officer’s report, what they
had heard at the meeting from the
case officer, legal advisor and those
invited speakers - particularly the views of the Parish Council and local ward
Member - the Committee were satisfied in their understanding of what all of
this entailed. On being put to the vote the Committee considered that, notwithstanding
the assessments made by officers or the risks associated with any successful
appeal, they could not agree to what was being recommended on the basis that
the adverse impact this would have on West Lulworth would be considerable; that
the principles of the Plan – which had been made, democratically with all good
intentions - should be upheld and that as the Plan was at such an advanced stage
in its progression, there still was weight that could be given to this
provision, albeit not necessarily significant
weight. Accordingly, it was agreed
That planning application 6/2019/0553 be
Reason for Decision
The proposal, by means of the potential for vacant properties would
result in harm to the character and vitality of West Lulworth, contrary to
Policy H14 of the emerging Purbeck Local Plan. The Council considered that as
the Plan was at an advanced stage of preparation, that this Policy could be
given weight, in accordance with Paragraph 48 of the NPPF, and that the
condition was reasonable and necessary in order to maintain the character and
vitality of West Lulworth, in accordance with Paragraph 55 of the NPPF. The
proposal was therefore contrary to Policy H14 of the emerging Local Plan, and
paragraphs 48 and 55 of the NPPF.
Supporting documents: