To receive a presentation in respect of the Children’s Services Blueprint for Change.
The committee was
provided with a presentation with regard to the Children’s Services Blueprint
for Change which covered:
for Dorset’s Children and Families including the vision for the service
case for change
How we
will work
of services including central and locality based teams
timeline for the process
considered the issues arising from the presentation and during discussion the
following points were raised:
discussion was held in respect of children being home educated and the need to
support families to get children back into school if necessary. Additional resource was required in order to
do more work in this area. It was noted that along with existing links with
schools, as part of the new structure and plans for locality based teams, there
would be more people within the communities with good links to children and
families in order to provide additional strength in this area
on the principles of service delivery was being undertaken with bodies such as
charities where applicable
response to a question, detail was provided of different ways of assessing
mental health in children
the new structure there would be officers focusing on children excluded from
school who would link closely with schools.
There was also a multi-agency meeting where issues were discussed
was made to work undertaken with older children including careers guidance and
work where education was not the right place for a child
Services was positioning within the community, working with partners including
charities and the voluntary sector, and the role of these type of organisations
was recognised. The council had its role
to play and would also provide support to other organisations in their roles in
the area
council would be working with partners including schools to determine the best
location for hubs
response to a question, it was confirmed that although services would be
locality based, there would be a central responsibility to ensure consistency
in the quality of service provided
discussion was held in respect of corporate parenting
was made to work on new banding and protocols being considered by the Housing
Executive Advisory Panel and it was noted that the council had benefitted from
having a Personal Assistant with specialism in housing options. There was recognition that the service could
benefit from having greater capacity and flexibility
was made to the council’s brokerage arrangements and it was noted that
discussion was being held about the most efficient ways of working in this area
role of voluntary and charitable organisations in youth centres/work was
raised. In response, the Portfolio
Holder for Children, Education and Early Help noted that the decision for the
council not to provide youth centres had already been taken and examples were
provided of youth centres continuing to be run by external groups. The council’s focus was now on providing an
outreach service to support youth work and children in need
response to a point raised, it was confirmed that the council worked with and
supported all schools as required.
Locality working would further assist in this area
discussion was held with regard to recruitment of unfilled posts in this area
discussion was held in respect of the safeguarding issues in the area and
specific reference was made to the process for child protection conferencing,
the design of processes and approaches and a focus on quality of data including
the recording of ethnicity
respect of domestic abuse issues, work was taking place on reinvigorating the
social work process. Further work was to
be undertaken in this area including the provision of a toolkit for all staff
data was made available to groups such as the Corporate Parenting Board and the
Schools Forum
thought would be given to information provided on the Blueprint for Change
including the running of workshops where appropriate
A request
was made for the timeline associated with the Blueprint for Change to be
included in the Councillors area on the Intranet
The Chairman
thanked the Portfolio Holder and officers for the presentation and recognised
the amount of work being undertaken, which she hoped would make a big
difference to the outcomes for children and families. However, she recognised that further work was
to be undertaken and asked for the committee to receive an update at an
appropriate time.