Eastern Area
Planning Committee 4 December 2019 – Update Sheet
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6/2019/0553 |
West Lulworth Primary School |
Item 5 |
13 |
Update(s): comments received from West Lulworth Parish
Council; West Lulworth Parish Council objects to the planning
application 6/2019/0553 (proposal to remove condition 13 of planning
permission 6/2018/0653) to allow unrestricted occupation of the dwellings. The emerging Purbeck Local Plan (PLP) Policy H14 was
welcomed as it aims to address the high provision of holiday homes within
Purbeck. West Lulworth is one of the parishes greatly affected by second
homes which have a negative impact on the area with a reduction in community
engagement. Comments were made in the PLP consultation that Policy
H14 did not go far enough as it did not include holiday lets and it is
lamentable that the inspector considered these comments to indicate that the
Policy should not be enforced at all. The applicant, along with other
developers, was an objector to the Policy being included in the PLP and it is
disappointing to see that persons with a financial interest in removing the
Policy have been heard whereas the communities that are affected by the large
number of second homes and holiday lets have been disregarded. Dorset Council has a financial interest in the land and
should be leading the way in ensuring provision of housing suitable for local
need is provided than yet another profit-making scheme for a developer who
has no attachment to the parish. Dorset Council could restrict the sale of
the land until the developer agrees to provide homes that are suitable for
local need, profits would still be garnered and the
parish would be benefitted. If Dorset Council are inclined to approve the
application due to the Planning Inspector decision on the appeal at Swanage
then I would ask that consideration is given to Part 107 of the PLP
Pre-Submission Draft which states that “the PLP sets out policy to deliver
sufficient homes across the District that will meet the needs of local
people. New development will help deliver the Plan’s objectives to: Support sustainable community growth to provide for the
needs of local residents. Dorset Council is currently consulting on a Strategic
Plan and one of the five priorities is to “Develop appropriate, affordable
and sustainable housing, maximising the use of council-owed assets”. This is
a rare opportunity to utilise the council-owned land to provide appropriate
housing for the local community and I urge you to consider refusal of the
planning application. |
Application Ref. |
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Agenda ref. |
Page no. |
6/2019/0337 |
Misty Cottage Worth Matravers |
Item 6 |
29 |
Additional Statement of Worth Matravers
Parish Council This site is within the Worth Matravers
Conservation Area. The Parish Council, now the third tier of elected
government in England, raises the following additional issues. Its concerns
remain that the Officers report and the incorporated views of the new DC
planning consultant do not reflect the accepted statutory requirement to
improve and enhance the existing Conservation areas of Worth Matravers village. It has never been acceptable in professional planning
circles to state that a new, additional rather than replacement, proposal can
be approved if it does not create any more harm than the existing extension.
Two wrongs never make a right. Despite the accepted extensive and longer
distance views of the rear gardens of this group of properties the proposed
rear extension is now closer to the boundary of the next
door property. It includes an additional blank flank wall 13 foot high on ground significantly higher than the
ground level of the adjacent listed building. It must have a substantial and
adverse impact on the listed building and an adverse visual impact as seen
from the historic village green in the centre of the conservation area. It
would be the first flat roof proposal for the centre of this historic
conservation area currently comprised totally of cascading different height
ridge roof features. Members of the Planning Committee should be aware that
its new consultant is from North Norfolk. His advice however is totally
contrary to the current North Norfolk District Council Design Guide and
Supplementary Planning Guidance which states. What matters most when considering the scale of new
development is not so much the absolute size of buildings, but their size
relative to their surroundings.
Particularly with infill sites in sensitive areas, extreme care needs
to be taken to ensure that ridge heights and overall proportions are
compatible with adjoining buildings. 3.6.1 Extensions should be sited and designed to avoid
any loss of light or privacy to adjoining properties. They should also not
result in any overshadowing, tunneling or
overbearing effects. 3.6.2 Flat roof forms are not normally acceptable. The Parish Council does not accept your officers report .This proposed rear extension is of poor design and
has a substantial impact on the adjacent listed building. As for the
meaningless statement that the extension uses a sensitive use of the palette
of materials to achieve a sympathetic blend this is just the sort of
meaningless gobbledygook padding officers should have been instructed to
avoid in their ‘professional’ reports to elected members. The Officers inappropriate additional statement that
indeed contrasting modern design is often the preferred choice for heritage
locations is very worrying and must in principle be quickly rejected by the
new Dorset Council. The committee should be mindful that this approach, the
impact of which can occasionally and regrettably be seen elsewhere in
England, would totally desecrate many of the established village settings so
much a part of the Dorset village streetscenes and the AONB countryside generally. Finally the extensive proposed
roof lighting system makes mockery of the Dorset Council first recommendation
to declare a Climate Emergency. This proposal will have significant adverse
climate and environmental impact as Worth village is a dark nightime zone with no unnatural light sources. Those who
know the village well will be aware that torches are a requirement to safely
walk the streets of the centre after dark. The Parish Council requests this application is refused
and the applicant encouraged to submit a more sympathetic and acceptable
proposal. |