Agenda item

WD/D/19/000872, Barton Farm Development Site, Yeovil Road, Sherborne

Erection of 66 dwellings and associated works.



Cllr Penfold left the meeting for this item.

The Senior Planning Officer introduced the outline application for the erection of 66 dwellings and associated works. Members were shown a site location plan and advised that the principle of residential development had been agreed at an outline stage and that the proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the nearby Grade II listed barn.  This harm would be outweighed by the public benefits of the proposal, in terms of the provision of dwellings, including affordable homes.


The design of the dwellings had been improved through negotiation and the principle buildings fronting towards the listed building would employ natural stone to their exterior elevations.


The Planning team had received an objection from Sherborne Town Council which had now been addressed.


The applicant’s Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan had not yet been agreed by the Dorset Natural Environment Team but this was expected shortly.  As such, the Area Lead proposed an amendment to the recommendation to account for this and allow changes to Condition 12


The Planning team had received one objection from Sherborne Town Council which had now been addressed.


The Senior Planning Officer proposed an amendment to the recommendation to be subject to comments being received from the Dorset Natural Development teams on the bio diversity mitigation plan and to condition12 being updated, all of the following conditions remained.


Mr Christopher Perfect, resident of Barton Farm spoke objecting to the application. Mr Perfect advised members he was a homeowner at Barton Farm, in Phase 1 of the development which was built 3 years ago. He strongly objected to application in that the proposed 2 storey property at unit 33 was immediately opposite his property.  It would be 12.5 metres from his property in respect of full height windows and balconies and views and light would be compromised, in effect his property would be completely overlooked and therefore urged the Committee to refuse permission.


As Cllr Matthew Hall was unable to attend the meeting, Cllr Jon Andrews read out a statement from him objecting to the application.  His comments included that whilst he welcomed the number of affordable homes he felt the spread across the phase was inadequate.  He had issues with the proposed tree planting, the current infrastructure not being sufficient, obstruction of views and loss of light for existing properties, the narrow road network and the sustainability of the site. He would like to see a condition in place that required the developer to use one are of open space for a toddler’s play area.


Suzanne Knowles speaking on behalf of the applicant, highlighted that 23 units would be affordable.   She advised that they had worked with the Local Authority in respect of this proposed development and had also worked closely with the design officer and with the Sherborne Conservation Team. Additional information regarding flooding and drainage was highlighted. Highways officers had not raised any objections. Whilst there had been several concerns regarding existing green spaces there had not been any objections from Natural England. 


Comments from Members are detailed below:-

·       There was a concern about the loss of open space and the Senior Planning Officer highlighted the public open space proposed for this phase and noted that in the near future additional open space would be provided.  He also drew members’ attention to the ecological survey.  A further concern was raised about the potential lack of open spaces and how it would have been helpful to have a steer from the Natural Environment Team in this regard. The Senior Planning Officer advised that officers were waiting for their comments as a consultee but confirmed these had now been received.

·       Provision of car parking was highlighted and the Senior Planning Officer was satisfied that parking could be accommodated to a reasonable extent.

·       Reference was made to the loss of hedgerows and the Senior Panning Officer confirmed that the ancient hedge was being preserved as shown in the presentation and that enforcement officers were content that the hedge was being retained.  He acknowledged that through previous applications the hedge had not been protected in its entirety.

·       Concern was expressed about rendered buildings as in a few years the render becomes discoloured and crackles and can become unsightly.  Members asked that an additional condition be added that stipulates that there is no render on exterior walls.

·       There was a discussion on affordable housing, 23 units were proposed in this phase and members were concerned as to how the retention of rented properties would be sustained.

·       One member following a visit to the site felt the play area was of poor quality and asked if one could be included, specifically for younger children.

·       In respect of previous phases officers confirmed that the applicant had fulfilled previous conditions and worked reasonably well with officers.

·       Concern was expressed that the main road through the estate was quite narrow and questioned if there was enough room for emergency vehicles to pass through.  The Senior Planning Officer advised that highways engineers were content and had no objections to the proposals. 

·       Following a question about whether the drainage was satisfactory, the Senior Planning Officer advised it would be for Wessex Water to address any issues that might arise.

·       One member asked that with regards to the barn particular attention be given to bats as there were a significant number of bats there.

·       In respect of building materials, one member reflected that the site had a history of changing roofing materials in particular and would be content if there were no red tiles used at all.   The Senior planning Officer felt that this might be a bit onerous as the rest of the development had been allowed to receive a mix of tiles. However, they could push for a different colour reference in condition 5 and add wording to the condition to avoid red/pink tiles.


Cllr Jon Andrews felt that the reasons for recommendations were a subjective point of view. Affordable houses needed to be social rented houses otherwise they ended up freehold and subsequently sold.  He applauded the fact that there was 35% affordable housing proposed and wanted to see it remain.  The schools were full in Sherborne and he was concerned where children would go.  Doctors surgeries were also under pressure and he felt that the infrastructure was not in place and therefore could not support the application.


Cllr Robin Legg proposed an amendment to recommendation B, as outlined in the report, that the Section 106 came back to Committee for approval within 6 months and to include an objection to affordable housing and the provision of open space. The Senior Planning Officer advised that the Housing Enabling Officer would give planning officers a steer on shared equity and were well placed to negotiate this.  The amendment not supported.


Cllr Jon Andrews proposed a refusal on over development of site and lack of amenities. The proposal was lost.


Cllr Belinda Ridout felt that the issues raised had now been addressed and therefore saw no justification for refusal with the added conditions and amended recommendation in place.


Proposed: Cllr Belinda Ridout

Seconded: Cllr Carole Jones


When put to the vote; 4 members voted for the application and 4 voted against.  The Chairman’s casting vote supported the officers’ amended recommendation therefore the application was approved.


Decision: that the application be delegated to the Head of Planning to grant planning permission subject to Dorset Natural Environment Team’s comments on the applicant’s Biodiversity Mitigation and Enhancement Plan and subsequent correction to condition 12, all of the following conditions, and the completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in a form to be agreed.


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