Agenda item

Land at Park Farm Kingsmead Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset - 2018/0077/OUT

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


Link to the February 2019 planning report:-



The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to develop land by the erection of up to 634 dwellings (use class C3), a primary school (use class D1), sports pitches with floodlighting, public open space, play facilities, access and internal estate roads, internal footpaths and cycleways, sustainable drainage system with ponds, landscaping, utility connections and associated/infrastructure. This was an outline application to determine access only.


The Area Lead Planning Officer made reference to the planning balance and highlighted the heritage assessment that had been undertaken.  Historic England were supportive of the application and asked that a planning balance exercise be undertaken in respect of designated heritage assets. Historic England had no objection in principle.  It was felt that the Public benefits outweighed any less than substantial harm.


The Transport Development Liaison Manager highlighted the 3 access points along with proposed cycleways.


There were no speakers/written representations for this item.


Members comments and questions:

Cllr Belinda Ridout, was aware of the amended conditions and felt they gave more clarity.  She felt there was a lot of local support and had no hesitation in putting the recommendation forward for approval.  She made reference to the access points off Cerne Avenue and Trent Square and highlighted some issues with people parking in front of bollards.  The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that if the application was approved officers would look comprehensively at the linkages and could ensure Keep Clear markings and the like would be put in place.


Cllr Val Pothecary, advised members that the community of Gillingham were totally supportive of the plans and was happy to second the recommendation.


Cllr Bill Pipe, in the Section106 there was reference to a two-form entry school, what type of school would it be and would that be sufficient? The Planning Officer advised it would be a Primary School and felt there would be probably be an over provision of classroom availability. He understood from Education colleagues this would be a stand-alone new school


Cllr Les Fry, expressed concern that developers could get an upper hand as it is a much needed development by the residents.  He was concerned regarding energy efficiencies and affordable housing as he had previously mentioned.


Cllr David Taylor, made reference to just the one access and asked if there could there be another one? The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that there were 2 pedestrian accesses and one vehicular one.  Local residents were not keen to have a second one and a 6 metre access into the site was adequate.


Cllr Jon Andrews asked that when building regulations changed any houses that were not constructed by then would those measures be able to be put in place then? The Area Lead Planning Officer confirmed they would have the opportunity to review this on numerous occasions over the coming years.


Proposed: Cllr Belinda Ridout


Seconded: Cllr Val Pothecary



Recommendation A

Delegate authority to the Head of Planning to grant conditional planning permission subject to, no adverse comments being received from Environmental Health and the addition of any conditions they consider reasonably necessary, and the completion of a Section 106 legal agreement, as specified in The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), in a form to be agreed by the legal services manager to secure the following:


·         50/50% tenure split for all affordable housing

·         Minimum of 10% affordable housing in the first phase of development

·         A viability review ‘mechanism’/clause to review development viability in subsequent phases, seeking to secure policy compliant 25% affordable housing across the development as a whole

·         Provision of transport infrastructure compliant with Local Plan Policy 21 requirements

·         Provision of green infrastructure compliant with Local Plan Policy 21 requirements

·         Provision of Social infrastructure (including education, health, community hall, household recycling, sports field and leisure and library) compliant with Local Plan Policy 21 requirements


And the conditions (and their reasons) listed at the end of the report.


Recommendation B

If the S106 legal agreement is not completed by 14 November 2020, or such extended time as agreed by the Head of Planning, refuse permission for failing to secure the planning obligations (as set out above) which are considered to be necessary to mitigate the adverse impacts, and secure an adequate provision of affordable housing, of the proposed development.

Supporting documents: